At Mil Cunis, she filed her former Ukrainian girlfriend


Against Mila Kunis was served with a charge of stealing. Some Christina Karo claims that in his childhood Mila stole her chicken.

According to Karo, who now lives in Los Angeles and dreams of becoming a singer, Little Cunis always jealously. In the first grade, they were the best girlfriends, and Mila often came to play Christine on the bird courtyard, where her parents bred chickens. And most of the future movie star liked chicken named Doggi. And when once Doggy disappeared, Cunis admitted that it was her bird. "She told me:" Christina, you can make any other chicken with your favorite, you have their whole bunch, "says Karo.

Christina Karo. Photo:

Christina Karo. Photo:

A beginner singer complains that Doggie's theft injured her children's psyche, and parents even drove her to the doctor. Now, when Christina moved to Los Angeles and lives in the immediate vicinity of Mila, she was remembered by all the past insults, and she is again forced to seek help from a psychotherapist. In compensation for moral damage, Karo intends to sue Cunis five thousand dollars.

Kristina Karo is known as the performer of the song "Give Me Green Card", who scored more than 70 thousand views on YouTube. And it is curious that in their biography posted on the network, she indicated that the Berezhnitsa grew in the village. And this is more than a hundred kilometers from the city of Chernivtsi, in which Kunis was born.

Mila Kunis has not yet commented on charges nominated against her.

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