How to choose home assistant


A selection of personnel is a difficult matter that requires a certain experience in assessing the personality of the Cleanner and his skills. If you first encountered the need to hire an amateur assistant, listen to our advice based on your own experience:

Contact agency

If a ten years ago, Cleanner was looking for among acquaintances, and this could be a person of any age and the level of education - just to cope well with the duties, now it is customary to order cleaning services through the agency. We advise you to choose this method - so you pay a little more, but reduce the risks. Agencies - Small business, whose managers carefully control the selection of frames. Consider the experience of the service personnel, reviews of previous employers and personally assess a person for psychological stability. It is important that the staff checks the security service for the lack of condoms and relatives with the criminal past. You do not have to personally contact the cliner, it is enough to choose on the site or in the application a list of necessary services - from rapid cleaning of the apartment to a complete package, including the disinfection of the refrigerator, cleaning the hob, polishing the furniture, and so on. Taking advantage of the services of the agency, you reduce the headache - save time on the selection of personnel and you will be confident in its good faith. Now there are many services where you can order instant cleaning - Cleener will come to you for an hour, which will fulfill all the work for you. At this time, you can go on your affairs and do not think that a stranger can steal something or spoil furniture.

The agency will help with the selection of personnel.

The agency will help with the selection of personnel.


Do not agree to the terms of the Clean

Some unscrupulous cleinners can offer you a discount services - you will receive a discount for the fact that the service personnel will work with you not through the agency, but directly. The discount looks tempting, but note that in the event of an unforeseen situation, contact compensation for damaging property, theft or non-market to order will not be. The cliner may disappear at any time, taking your valuable things - you will not be able to prove anything, since they did not conclude a contract with him. The price set by the service for cleaning services is your security guarantee. Remember the saying that the miser pays twice. The only thing that can be agreed is additional services that the Cleener can offer you is the same cleaning of the refrigerator, which he will gladly fulfill for an additional couple of rubles past the agency's cash register.

Work with staff on their own terms, and do not go on

Work with staff on their own terms, and do not go on


Remove all valuable things

It is better to prevent the situation seductive for human conscience, when money, dear decorations and even cosmetics will lie before his eyes in the dresser. It is unlikely that you will notice the loss of a small amount or the fact that someone used by your cosmetics. Also, you should not leave the technique in prominent places - laptops, smartphones, cameras. It is possible that your attendant personnel will not think to touch them, so as not to risk the dismissal, but it will be unpleasant to detect a faulty technique after harvesting and not to be able to prove involvement in this Cleanner.

Take a trial cleaning

Many people like to use the services of the same people - from the master of manicure to the attending physician. With home cleaning the situation is the same. To be confident as a service, first order trial cleaning. If the result arranges, then add staff to the White List - most services offer such an option. Then you can work with a proven person as much as you need cleaning services. If the result does not suit you, then boldly leave a negative feedback. You will be offered to carry out a free cleaning or make a discount for the next order.

Rate the quality of services

Rate the quality of services


Do not work with friends

The psychological moment in choosing a cleanner is also important as the quality of his work. We understand that you may be sorry for the elderly neighbor, who barely grabs money for life. You can call it, but should understand that they will come across problems - low cleaning speed, poor-quality consumables, the probability of spoiling furniture and not get compensation for it. The activities of hired personnel are insured by the employer, the quality of his work is constantly monitored. Cleanlys pass trainings that allow you to accelerate the performance of work and find an approach to any client.

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