Color heart: All about dry pigments


The pigment looks like a colored powder and is the main ingredient of all our "color" jars in the cosmetic. The existence of Make-Up palette in all its diversity is obliged to precisely this dry product, full-deprived moisture. In our usual lipsticks, shadows, eye pencils and tonal agents, pigment is in one degree or another is diluted with the binder element. It is usually a mixture of waxes, oils and stabilizing components, which, on the one hand, create a convenient format of the product (pressed blush, cream texture of lipstick, etc.), and on the other hand, "eat" color. Remember how often you have come across a situation: Bright shadows like you, bright shadows on the eyelids look inexpressively, the gloss of the color "acid candy" on the lips is a pale copy of the shade with packaging.

About the pigment as a separate Beauty tool spoke for the first time, make -writers spoke. These specialists are constantly in search of pure, dense color. The main condition is to apply the product to one layer immediately gave the desired degree of saturation. As usual, from the professional spheres, the crumbly powders of all colors of the rainbow gradually moved to the toilet tables of Buliigolikov.

Their popularity is deserved: they are easily mixed and make it possible to constantly invent their shades, they are persistent, really bright and very universal. One jar with a gold powder can play the role of a highland, shadows for the eyelids, lip gloss and even mascaras for eyelashes. How? We give valuable instructions.

Perhaps the only negative in the use of pigments is the inability to make makeup on the go. Crumbly dry forms require a whole arsenal of auxiliary means. So, you will need brushes (separately - for mixing, if you plan to create your own shades), the containers in which mixing will occur (often in this capacity use a cover from under the product itself), and the binding components (different, depending on which What kind of product we are creating). You can start a makeup career from the simplest - with the shadows! Some cosmetic stamps come out special liquids for mixing and diluting pigments (for example, at Mac or Make Up for Ever), but if you have not acquired the necessary tool, use neutral colorless eye drops. By selecting the desired shade, squeeze a little powder into the cover, dry the flat brush into the liquid and dial the necessary number of pigment. Remember: the brush should be slightly wet, too wet pile will absorb the color, the finish will be flexible, with a watercolor translucent effect. The result when using pigment as shadows will surprise you: on the eyelids with one layer you will see the same color as in the jar with powder. Apply a means of driven by clapping movements, avoiding squeezed, wide gestures.

Having understood with one color, try experimenting with two, or even three shades. Specite all mixes based on powders with pearl particles. For a start, at your disposal may be tested by the years palette (minimum set - nude neutral intonations and one or two accent colors depending on the tone of the skin and hair), then the number of jars can be increased to the plus infinity.

Perhaps the most interesting thing is to create an ideal lipstick in a unique palette. As in the case of shadows, you will need a base: it can be colorless balm or shine, an ordinary moisturizing cream or even Vaseline. Pre-mixing powders, apply a mixture with a brushing or even finger treated in the base. Alternative option - to mediate future lipstick in a separate capacity, bay pigment of a transparent gloss drop or kneading it on vacuer. Remember the golden rule of the use of pigments: the greater the stabilizing component, the less rich color. By the way, the lazy edition advises to look at the so-called tintam - liquid pigments, ready to apply on the lips.

The new beauty format showed itself as a liner for the eyelids. Here, however, without professional help can not do - you will have to purchase a special viscous gel base. Apply it on the back of the palm or the mixing palette, add the desired shade, and then with the brush, draw the arrows of any color and shape!

Extreme Bothigolikov MosquitoMists recommend mixing their own ... hair gel! Trendy now colored strands can be easily done with the help of the pigment you like. The required base is any styling product - wax, clay, transparent gel. Particularly inventive worth trying to dip the tassel of his carcass in a bright pigment - the color version is ready.

With the help of powders of bronze and gold shades, you can enrich your favorite body cream. A small amount of crumbly substance on a standard "portion" of lotion - and you are ready for solemn evening output. Miracle powders can be used and as a dye of nail polishes. The desired amount of pigment is added to the bottle - in front of you a unique hue.

Pigments - a basis for creativity, allowing experimenting and create exclusive shades that are suitable for you. Everyone can feel the artist, the main thing is not to be afraid to try and have a jar under hand, in which the heart is concluded.

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