How to increase your self-esteem


It is no secret that for a successful life it is necessary to be a person confident. It is necessary not so much to achieve the goals as for internal equilibrium, because the person's unsure of itself feels constant tension, can not enjoy life. How to help yourself if you discovered such a problem?

What if you doubt all the time?

What if you doubt all the time?


It is important to respect myself

Each person has its advantages and disadvantages. A confident person knows how to take his imperfections and emphasize positive qualities. Such a person is easier to establish contacts, build a career and creatively develop.

If you are constantly in doubt and underestimate yourself, it is difficult for you to reveal your potential, you can not guess about hidden qualities and talents, because you do not give them a chance to manifest. The reverse side is an overestimated self-esteem, when a person is unable to adequately appreciate itself, getting into unpleasant situations.

In the first case, you need to love and, most importantly, to accept yourself as you are, with all your "cockroaches".

How to identify low self-esteem

If you find out at least several points, it makes sense to pay attention to the problem.

Excessive criticism (perfectionism).

Constant anxiety.

Envy to the success of others.


Pessimistic mood.

Sensitivity to criticism.

It is important to understand that there are no ideal people, everyone makes mistakes, but people with understated self-esteem perceive defeats too sharply, it seems to them that the world begins to collapse.

Problems usually go from childhood

Problems usually go from childhood


What is the reason?

Childhood fears

Perhaps the parents of the child in childhood were overly guarded and too categorically treated his judgments. Another option - the child often scolded, put in the example of neighboring children, from where and went to the modern meme "Son of Mamina Girlfriend." In such a situation, the child completely squints faith in herself, begins to doubt himself.

Circle of friends

You probably noticed that all successful people surround the same successful and purposeful people. This scheme works in the opposite direction: if parents and relatives are passive and inventive personality, which is surprised that the child grows the same.

External factor

Yes, not everyone is lucky with appearance: it is not chosen at birth. Often low self-esteem "born" from the specific characteristics of a person. The child becomes difficult to communicate with peers, it closes in himself. Parents should be attentive to treat their children if they know about school problems.

What to do

First, you need to reconsider your surroundings, those people who affect you most. In any company there are toxic people, you should understand how much many such people in your close circle.

Do what always wanted

Do what always wanted


Stop constantly comparing yourself with the rest. There is always someone better-faster. Be yourself, believe me, no one will surely repeat you.

Get on with something new for yourself: perhaps you always wanted to jump with a parachute or to do diving. In this situation, an emotional shakement is important, which will allow feelings to outward and, perhaps, will bring you to the necessary thoughts.

Just do sports. Specialists argue that sport favorably affects not only appearance, but also on the general psychological state of the body. During physical exercise, Dopamine hormone is produced, more known as a hormone of joy.

Get rid of it imposed thoughts and standards

Understand for yourself what is important for you that you can best. Surely, you remember the moments when you praised more than usual. These are the qualities and skills that you need to develop. After all, as we said, it is important to remain ourselves and be faithful to your ideals and aspirations, then you will succeed!

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