What to do if the teacher did not believe the child


School for a child is not only friends, new knowledge and healthy physical education lessons. This is, first of all, stress - unfamiliar situation, first conflicts with adults and life lessons. Not all children can quickly join the team, and the teachers differ from each other - some support the child, others oppose him. Tell me what to do if your child can not find a common language with the teacher:

Talk to the child

The first, where to start a solution to the problem is a frank conversation with the child. Arrange it in a comfortable setting: Go with a baby to the trampoline park or cinema, buy it your favorite sweets and gradually approach the main topic of the conversation. If you can not arrange a child to a conversation, he may refuse to talk to you or will not tell everything that actually happens. Learn about what they have a relationship with the teacher, as he speaks about the teacher, whether his classmates love. You need to understand the situation - what position does your child occupy in the team and because of what a conflict could arise. Consider the characteristics of the character that you previously noticed in the child: flareness, nonsense, rudeness and disrespect for elders. It happens that the children themselves provoke a conflict with others, then the child needs to be examined by a neurologist and psychotherapist to understand what drives him aggression. If the child's relationship with the team and most teachers are good, but one specific teacher did not believe him, then it is worth moving towards the next stage.

Consider the character of the child

Consider the character of the child

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Contact your teacher

If a child has a conflict with a class manager, and, for example, with a teacher of English, then first warn the class teacher that you want to talk to the teacher. Explain to him the situation and agree that he warned the teacher about your visit. Take the threesome - so the class teacher will be your arbiter, as it also knows the child. In addition, the teacher will not be able to blame you in rudeness or insults, if the third person will be present with you. It is better if you add to the conversation of a school psychologist - this is competent in resolving conflicts a person who can suggest the optimal way out of the situation. Talk calmly and friendly, make an emphasis on what you want to deal with the conflict and eliminate it. Do not try to burn out the child, but also do not tolerate insults. Refuse the pressure by credibility, whatever position in society you do is, is only aggravating the conflict and will annoy the teacher. Do not think to take a child with you - this is a conversation of adults, who will only spoil his nerves and make the teacher fear.

Find out whether a child is friends with a team and a class teacher

Find out whether a child is friends with a team and a class teacher

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Translate the child to another group

We do not advise fully change the team, if you are satisfied with the class teacher and classmates of the child, and he himself feels comfortable in their society. However, a conflict unhappy with the teacher is a significant reason to change the training group. For example, you can go to another group of English as part of the class. In the extreme case, you can agree with the classroom, which will take individual lessons on the subject of the subject of the school provided for by the school - the psychological health of the child is more expensive than money spent on the tutor. In modern schools, this practice is considered normal, no one will condemn you as a parent.

Decide the conflict without a child

Decide the conflict without a child

Photo: Pixabay.com.

The main thing in any conflict is to preserve the peace of mind, sober mind and adequate solutions. We are confident that the situation will be decided by a peaceful way and everything will work out.

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