Where will go after quarantine: London Guide


The transport system is very well developed in London. It is necessary to use precisely public transport, because in London you can move on two-storey buses and the subway. No critical value in where you will live. You can stay in the Paddington area where Trains come from Heathrow Airport. This is a fast and economical option to get to the city center. It is much more interesting to live in a not particularly tourist area.

Upon arrival in London, be sure to go to the tea party 5 o clock. Many hotels make thematic tea drinking, somehow once in met, as the pictures of Van Gogh made on small pastries. Even almost everywhere, where this tradition has survived, very beautiful feed and interior: crystal, porcelain - solid pleasure.

Acquaintance with the city is worth starting from the city district. Now this is a business district, but one of the oldest. But it was in the city of City "the city originated many years ago. The best solution will take a guide who will tell you about how the history of the city began, from the Middle Ages.


Photo: Personal archive

From there, through Millennium Bridge, you can go to the other side, in the gallery of modern art TATE MODERN. There are huge queues and even in advance to buy a ticket online is very difficult, as they are quickly upgraded. So bother about tickets in advance.

In the warm season, take the boat at the Thames. Tickets are sold on the pirs, and there are stops along the river. You can swim towards Greenwich and in the direction of the city center. Greenwitch (Greenwitch - Park and Royal Observatory) can be sent for half a day, this is the Park where the Royal Observatory was founded. You can see the place where the time zone was originated by which we live. The main center of the city is the districts of Covent Garden and Ridge-Street. There are department stores, mandatory visits.


Photo: Personal archive

Go to Islington District. He is not very tourist, but interesting. There are small canals from the River Thames, where barges parked, boats. People live on some of them, someone sells postcards, paintings, souvenirs made by their own hands. Summer day there are a lot of people, everyone is sitting in a cafe on open verandas, where you can have a delicious snack or breakfast.

For children and adults, there is an interesting Natural History Museum Museum, this is a natural science museum. There you can see the huge statues of dinosaurs and listen to how our planet appeared on the light. The building is in a brick mansion, you can take a picture in the medieval entourage.

Stroll around the Notting Hill area, where the famous film with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant starred. This is a quiet and peaceful sleeping area where fashionable photos are obtained against the background of multicolored houses.


Photo: Personal archive

Beautiful photo session will succeed in Ridge-Street. There is a secret pass, it is called Burlington Arcade. Vintage jewelry shops are concentrated in it, in which you can find Roller's clock for your year. Starting from last century, there are antique decorations and jewelry of legendary fashion houses.

Ride on London Eye. This is a ferris wheel on the Tommi River. Typically there are big queues, so the ticket must be bought in advance. London Dungeon is located near him - an attraction for amateur sensations. You will be taken to the dungeon and talk about medieval torture. If time remains, go to Richmond Park for London. Out of cells and the heads are the deer, which can be fed with hands.


Photo: Personal archive

In the theatrical area of ​​the city of West-end, the best theatrical productions with the actors we are used to seeing on the big screen. Recently, there was a statement on the series "Dryan". Beautiful theater - Hampstead Theater, "Uncle Vanya" was held in it. The British love Chekhov, it is interesting to watch plays in foreign interpretation.

In any city, wherever you go, it is necessary to lose one day. Forget everything you read in Travel Guides, feel like a resident of the city, pay attention to the details and turn on unknown streets. Unplanned walks lead to where the heart suggests. Often, it is so there are places that are not read in guidebooks.

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