Sex at first sight


Girlfriend called me angry and sorrified the phrase: "You know, I understood why the female of the mantis kills the male immediately after mating. In order not to guess: will this bastard call the next day or not?! ". It turned out that the situation was the most banal. The girlfriend met on social networks with a man, they corresponded for a while, and then decided to meet a cup of coffee. The stranger turned out to be damn charming, and his friend had no close relationship for a long time ... As a result, the evening ended in bed, and, according to a friend, sex was simply magnificent. Her new acquaintance threw "phoning" and disappeared. Girlfriend felt offended, deceived and used. "Probably he thought that I was easily accessible," she crushed. "Or maybe he did not like something or was he initially configured only for sex? What to guess now? Forget, "I advised.

And thought that, contrary to the ease of modern morals, such situations of men and women perceive completely differently. A man will brag a quick victory in the circle of his friends as trophy. The girl, without waiting for the continuation, would prefer to forget about it. And, discussing the question whether there is sex on the first date, the ladies are primarily worried about the reaction of men: what will he think about me? Having come across the forums, I came to the conclusion that this topic is very relevant. Moreover, representatives of strong gender express diametrically opposite opinions.

Darth Vader: "If the girl" gave "immediately, it means nothing with her will not work. I treat so with disgust. Two hours talked - and she is ready to spread the legs. Of course, I do not refuse, but when she then begins to rub about love, that such a passion possessed her, I try to get rid of it from her. "

Dmitriy: "Always climb, if I quickly inferior. It is unsportsmenized, it's as if you came out ... I don't know ... On the stage, to thank something like that, you and the elephant is alive purchased, and a million roses, and a hundred thousand people of the statists, but you are told: "And came? Excellent, you don't need a medal on you, and we don't believe you. "

Glory: "If you drop aside the desire to sleep stupidly (in this case, the first date will most likely become the last) and suggest that it intends to build some serious relationship, then I believe that sex on the first date is completely unnatural. Racing must occur gradually. To the first sex, no matter how cool, both partners should somehow open each other, they must have something in common, some constructed relationships. Then the sex will have motivation, in addition to purely physiological. "

Dunkindonats: "Bentally, but the fact: we quickly lose interest in what is given to us by gift. No need to diminish anticipation of anticipation. "

Bureaucrat: "My opinion is normal. What is wonderful time to lose if both want! What do you meet? To enjoy and sex. So why stand him? And the attitude to the girl after sex on the first date does not change. If it suits, does not strain, does not suggest a permanent relationship immediately, behaves independently, then I like it, and I continue to meet. If something does not suit, then ... "

HUSTLER123: "There were four cases of long-term relationships with a girl (by year and more collaboration). In three cases, the relationship began with sex on the first date.

And I had an incredible number of relationships that developed "according to the rules". Among these rules, sex on the first date is unacceptable. Sometimes I had enough patience to wait. But long and good relationships did not lead it.

Miga: "I had a friend so I met my wife. In the strip club got drunk, with the same drunken girl met, right near the club they were sexy, in the bushes. The soul in the soul live twelve year. Two kids started. "

Taburetka: "Personally, my life has experienced a long relationship (3.5 years), which began with sex on the first date. Excellent relations were, broke up quite peacefully. Brains did not eat each other. "

Outcome: how many men, so many opinions. So how to understand the first evening dating - who sits in front of you? Akorn Moralist or He who regains fast sex as proof of mutual interest? And you should not guess. Better start with the question: what do you want yourself? If you just love sex and you are interested in a partner, then the phrase "you are attractive, I'm damn attractive, why is it wonderful time to lose" relevant. Just do not forget about Rubber Products No. 2 - no matter how passionate and fascinated by a new acquaintance, you do not know him. And it is better to think about security in advance than to bite my elbows. Well, do not require the "continuation of the banquet", do not suit the hysterical, if you no longer see the one who has become close to you in one night, and let his silent telephone get to you with revelation. If sex for you is too intimate and important area of ​​human relationship, it's better not to try to persuade yourself "look at life easier" - you will not redo nature.

Ritual dancing

Other my girlfriend met with a handsome brunette at the automotive exhibition. Exchanged phones, met, went to the cafe. The man turned out to be quite short, and the girlfriend was fond of them even more. On the second date, dressed up especially carefully. That her new acquaintance, of course, appreciated and, without postponing things in a long box, offered to go to him. In general, spoiled the whole romantic mood. The girlfriend complained: "No, he, of course, I liked. And I was internally ready. Just what's so right in the forehead? You are walking for me, show me that you appreciate, show yourself. I am a biologist and I know that even animals have marriage rituals, during which the males fascinate the female. And people simplified to disgrace. "

However, no need to forget that a person is a reasonable animal. And a genetic program that takes into account the features of floors, dictates a man as a carrier of an inexhaustible amount of spermatozoa to bestow their attention to the maximum number of women. And a woman - as an individual, which contributes to the proceedings, much more contribution and risks with its offspring in case of error, is pickyly choose a partner who can become a potential father.

There is a parable: once a woman came to the sage and asked: "Why a man who had many women, is a good man, and a woman who had a lot of men, is bad?" This sage replied: "Because the key you can open any lock is a good key, and a lock that any key can open is a bad castle."

The pedantical British counted that only long courtship allow a woman with one hundred percent accuracy to cut off "unreliable males." Alas, in real life, ten princesses have no nine princes, but much less. Russian girls live in an era of cruel competition. And among visitors (and visitors) of forums often expresses the cramless idea that if sex on the first date does not happen, then the second date may not be at all. In my opinion, fear that a man will run away to a more agreed competitor, not the best argument in favor of dragging him into bed on the first evening dating. And in general: if you have so low self-esteem and you are not sure that you can interest someone, you need to seriously work on the inner "I". Otherwise, disappointments will be even more. Practice shows that if a man is tuned only for sex, no matter when it happens - on the first date or on the fourth. True, it will become the last. Perhaps not having received the desired immediately, he will achieve you from Hunting Azart. But it is difficult for a man such a warehouse: a hunter is absolutely not planning to make a love relationship with a caught game.

If you are still not tuned for one night, but to look at the relationship, more useful to each other. Sex with a man to whom we are already experiencing certain emotions - this is something completely different than sex with a "mysterious stranger." In addition, it is not known whether your addiction coincides. To explain in bed to someone else's uncle that the "golden rain" is not exactly what you expected from today's evening, quite difficult. But if you make sex not because you want a different level of intimacy, but simply on the fact that the fan will appreciate your inaccessibility - risk and draw. Men now went smart, and not all of them approve the game in Dynamo. Your chosen one may have a reasonable question: whether you are moving sincere feelings or you just "play" and try to break it, pursuing some of your interests.

One but fiery passion

But how to be if the mind climbed and it pulled you into each other? Then ... then, probably, the advice here is meaningless. This is the same spark, an outbreak, flame, passion that is blind to the arguments of reason. In no case can not croe yourself. In the end, the life of the short and in it is not so much pleasure. It happened - what ... Be in yourself confident. You expressed sympathy for a person in a certain way, it was yours and his choice. What is the tragedy? Belated Children's Badge: "Oh, I never allowed this one before! I do not know what I found it ... "- It is unlikely to save your image. Which man nice to feel the mistake?

Well, in addition, it is not at all the fact that your relationship will immediately end. The story knows such examples (though, they are not so much).

Anton Makarsky met Victoria Morozova on listening to the Music "Metro" and fell in love with her at first sight: "Zlattroy, charming creation, she became marked for me. That only I did to conquer her! And sang sangs with romance, and read poems ... "But when Anton was still able to invite the object of lust to a date in a cafe, he did not lose time in vain. "The next day, Anton admitted to me in love and made an offer," said Vika. Soon this couple will celebrate the decade of living together.

His acquaintance with Yulia Vysotsky Andrei Konchalovsky described in the book "Low Truths". And how I noticed the beauty in the elevator of the Sochi Hotel during the Kinotavr film festival, and how did it, in which room she lives, and then invited to a restaurant. A romantic date ended in the room of the famous director. "Women I speak compliments only when I want it. Especially when the moment of proximity is already in the past. I told her that there was no skin feeling in life. She perceived it as duty words. Ran away. A day later I had to leave, "Konchalovsky recalled. Having found July, he extended her ticket: "This is for tomorrow. You can fly, you can not fly. As will want. Decide yourself. Think. " The next day, they flew together to Turkey. As a result - a happy marriage and two wonderful children - Masha and Peter.

Ivan Okhlobystin met his future wife Oksana Arbuzov in a popular nightclub, where there is a private and television party. Then Ivan was not yet a father, but was an actor and biker. And, going to the beauty, with the move offered her a romantic walk through night Moscow. "Yes," Oksana agreed, "if you promise to take me home." - "I swore an honor and really took her home, but only in the morning and to myself," recalls Okhlobystin about that a significant evening. - All night we went to different restaurants, stayed on some lit streets. Finally, it was on the Frunzenskaya embankment, descended to the river, I scored a bottle of champagne and said: "I offer you a hand and heart. Take immediately, until I change my mind. " They are already sixteen years old and gave birth to six children.

Apparently, the point is still compatible. And if you are created for each other, you will be together, no matter when they have become close.

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