Flat belly rules


Specialist on dietary nutrition and nutritics Ryan Stevenson has developed guidance recommendations that will help significantly reduce the abdomen due to the normalization of digestion.

In particular, the doctor recommends daily consumption of a burglar salad (approximately 100 grams). Fresh cabbage is rich in fiber, which contributes to the cleansing of the intestine and eliminate the bloating.

Cabbage will be empowing the intestinal cleansing and eliminating the bloating

Cabbage will be empowing the intestinal cleansing and eliminating the bloating

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Well, if a mixture of vegetable oil and apple vinegar will be used to refill salad, which also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. After consulting the doctor, the apple vinegar can be drunk, collecting one tablespoon in a glass of water.

Oil can also contribute to harmony. For this, the product with the content of mid-chain triglycerides (you can buy in healthy food stores) you need to take on an empty stomach on a tablespoon. From such an oil, it is impossible to recover, on the contrary, it accelerates the metabolism. The same effect has turmeric, which can be added to all unsweetened dishes.

But it is not necessary to abuse coffee

But it is not necessary to abuse coffee

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Those wishing to reduce the volume of the abdomen should be careful with coffee. This drink, drunk on the run, increases the production of cortisol stress hormone, which, in turn, interferes with burning fat deposits.

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