Marry a foreigner ... and stay in Russia


Mute English

One of the biggest problems with which you have to face foreigners in Russia is an informational and public vacuum. After all, in our country there are few people fluent in international English, not to mention other languages.

Olga (married Swiss for 7 years, the last 5 of which live in Switzerland):

"When Joseph and I were going to move to Russia, I warned him to be started to learn Russian," she says. - He just laughed in response: "I know 4 languages: National German, Italian, French, plus more English. Can I not find how to talk with people in Russia?! " Literally immediately at the arrival in Moscow, Joseph was waiting for a bitter disappointment - no one understood him. This is especially angry with her husband when we were going with my friends. From the entire company 2-3 people could say a little more than banal: "How Are you?" He did not understand what we laugh at what we were talking about. Joseph even became jealous: it seemed to him that I was flirting with others right in his eyes. Nightmare! He was very hard for him. And honestly confess, for this year he remembered only Material words well. In short, the year, while I was done, we had somehow lived, and immediately at the end of the university left back to Bern.

Olga's husband was lucky, he settled in Russia to work in a representative office of the Swiss company, where he could communicate with his fellow citizens and to have friends in Moscow, and so it would be not far to divorce. Now, everyone who is going to marry Europeans, not leaving from Russia, Olga advises not to do this: "Europeans are others, after measured and safe life in their homeland, they will never get used to our reality. They grew up as greenhouse plants, and we have terrorist attacks, bad medicine, police chaos ... will not go and half a year, as any foreigner will begin to choke like a fish thrown ashore. We, Russians, probably survive in any conditions. "

Bureaucrats - Enemies of Love

Foreigners face our bureaucratic system first. Everything starts with the Russian embassy, ​​which is famous for the whole world with their obstacles and high costs. In Russia itself, no better! However, it gets most of all to women. Especially when a child is born from a citizen of another country in Russia. That's what told Oksana, Mom Alex:

- Causes, why did we decide to live in Moscow? My husband felt "at home" in his first arrival here, and I did not want to leave the country I love. I gave birth to a child when Frederick and I have already lived in the Russian capital. He is from Paris. Often I would have time for France and delicious guilt. In my country he is a famous restaurant critic. Here I could not find such a job, but on the other it was not so interesting. When a child appeared, we also encountered a number of bureaucratic problems. For example, for us to come to us, to treat, make vaccinations and write recipes for dairy cuisine, it was necessary to register the Son and get a birth certificate. Since our Pope is French, to begin with, it took his passport to Russian. These are engaged in the translation agency under notarial offices. Then my civil husband had to fill in a special questionnaire. All this again must be assured by the notary. But it turned out that the French simply does not exist such a concept as a registration, but there is no difference between nationality and citizenship. We tried to express these concepts for Frederick very long time, and then prove the French orders notary ...

When I first came to the registry office with a statement statement, it turned out that it was filled wrong. But my husband has already had to fly away to France the next day, and we did not have time to make a new statement. Neither my tears nor the cry of a little alex displeasure anyone. Thank God that the next day early in the morning, we still persuaded the notary to make us the necessary paper once again and in the shortest possible time. From him already disappeared into different directions - Frederick to the airport, and I am back to the registry office. I must say that I lived then in Medvedkov, and I was registered with my parents - quite in another area of ​​Moscow. Arriving for the second time in the registry office at the place of actual residence already with a failed statement, I again got a turn from the gate. Like, you need to register the child at the place of registration. I called my registry office, and I was assured that such actions were illegal. Save only daily scandals during the week. I generally noticed that many officials think so: "A! A rich foreigner! So shared with us ... "But we did not give up! After a month of the storm, Alex finally received a birth certificate.

But ... Further the Son had to register and get a medical policy. With the policy, oddly enough, there were no problems. But when we received a birth certificate, we took the apostille (translation) of Frederick's passport. And in the HSEK, as well as in the registry office, they demand not only a copy, but the original of this document. And I went to the registry office again. But there they were answered that the paper was already laid to a personal matter and it can be removed only by the court decision. Minding about your previous experience with this organization, I still decided not to give up. The next week of assaults, scandals and tears ended in that, as it turned out, no one was launched in my business yet. Apparently, the employees were just too lazy to check where the document is located. I gave me paper, and Alex was prescribed. But since then, the apostille I keep as Zenitsa Oka and I do not give it to anyone. True, all these problems could be easily avoided from the birth of Alex. It was enough just at the very beginning to indicate that the baby has no father. But I didn't even have the language did not turn to offer such a Frederick, especially since we were going to get married.

The story of love Oksana and Frederick ended in that young people broke up. Frederick was simply not able to find himself in Russia. True, still supports warm relations with her son and with a unfeutely Muscovite wife. Now Oksana advises everyone: "If you decide to live in Russia with a foreigner, then it is necessary to take care of the fact that he is going to do in Russia. What to do? How does he imagine his daily schedule? Does he see the prospects for the study of Russian language? Is it capable of being dependent on a woman at first, if not materially, then emotionally and information? There, at home, it is consistent and self-sufficient, it works and has a circle of communication. There will be a desert !!! Believe me, it is very difficult for a man, and he must be ready psychologically to this. "

The story with the design of various documents continues. Now Oksana, along with Alex, wants to go abroad. To do this, they have to be issued citizenship. They were lucky, Frederick is ready to help his son and send all the necessary documents. But there are cases when parents stop communicating at all. If contacts with a foreigner's father are lost - mom will have long and, apparently, a painful search process for him through the embassy. And also running with the next boiled paper and translations.

Work forest invisi

At one time, among Muscovites, it was very fashionable to marry the Hindus. The benefit of them in Moscow is a lot of. Plus, the tour of India is an interesting business and not worth it. Again, celebrities are given an example, Maria Arbatova wrote a whole book about it. And since India, the country is still poor and opportunities for good earnings there are not so much, of course, the Russians with all the truths and untrue remain with their husbands and the Hindu here, in Moscow. What is the Indian husbands on the "Russian soil"?

45-year-old Jamal Faradays from Kerala says:

- I live in Russia for 15 years, and I like it here. I was very lucky that people of my profession are very in demand here. I am a doctor Ayurveda. He arrived in Russia in 1994 to improve the qualifications in the medical institute. Prior to that, Ayurveda also worked in Kerala. Thanks to relations in Moscow and in India, he opened his clinic not so long ago. People fly here, and some through me are leaving to correct health in India. So at home I also often go.

Jamal believes that Russians and Hindus are brothers and are very similar to mentality. He even found a lot of words in Russian and Indian languages. They live with his wife and two children in Russia, because it is economically more profitable, especially now, when all Indian has become so popular among the Russians. But in old age, he still plans to take his wife to Kerala: "There is warm, sea, fruit." Here, in Moscow, Jamal is terribly not like food in stores - tasteless and synthetic. By the way, he has long been not a vegetarian: "Meat in Russia is useful to eat, because the climate is very stern. But not every day and not such portions, as you like. Especially since very low quality meat stores. In the summer, in the heat, I do not eat it in general and I do not give children. "

However, other situations happen. Indian husband Marina For several years now, what is called, it sits on her neck and the situation does not intend to change:

- I, of course, earn well, but feed and wear it already tired. And if I want a child? The worst thing is that it is not something that can not find a job, but no matter how wanting. Although I know that the Industan is simply accepted that the family provides a man, not a woman (such a case when the wife pulls her husband, rather a rare exception). Women traditionally housewives, and if there is no money at home, then the reproach is first of all put a husband, not his wife. I think that my man is inclined to live a fucking, so I stayed here in Russia, with me. What kind of him in India will go? And most importantly - no one will apart, because Indian relatives do not see this.

The feminist Maria Arbatova drank from the Hindu.

The feminist Maria Arbatova drank from the Hindu.

Husbands are competitors?

An important nuance - Russian husbands are not competitors to Russian wives! Women married Russian and remaining live in Russia, generally units, but what! For example, the supermodel Naomi Campbell is known for the whole world. From sources close to Star Para, I managed to find out that Naomi really like Moscow. She even acquired gorgeous apartments for her mother in the heart of the city. She likes to dress up into fur, ride a cottage for future mother-in-law on kebabs, tasty and weld Russian food. But again, all this she does episodically, since most of the year a couple still holds abroad.

Naomi Campbell loves his Russian friend Vladislav Doronin and Russian kitchen.

Naomi Campbell loves his Russian friend Vladislav Doronin and Russian kitchen.

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