All power to instincts: Women called the sexiest male hobbies


Psychologists agree that a passionate man creates around him aura, which attracts other people and especially the opposite sex. It is difficult to argue with this: imagine that you were on the first date with a potential partner, but neither him nor you do not have the theme for which you can speak infinitely. All your conversation will come down to banal discussions that will not cause special interest from your visa. Another thing, if the person "burns" his passion: Your interlocutor will receive the "charge" from you. In addition, psychologists compiled a list of hobbies, which rarely remain indifferent representatives of the opposite sex. Today we will talk about men's hobbies that you will bring you some extra points when meeting a woman.

Attractive "Book Worm"

Here is a decade of the sexual body, the brain is considered the sexiest body, in the case of men, this item always works. In addition to the fact that the readiness will allow you to expand the circle of friends, you will always be able to support a conversation with the woman you like. Famous truth - women love ears, but note that weak gender is not ready to hear vulgarity and base humor, and therefore "pump out" your main muscle with good works - build sexual potential.


The second point in the list of women's preferences are men who are able to cope with any household problem. No wonder the films for adults are so often resorted to the well-known, but working scenarios - the main character - specials on cranes, wires and any household appliances. However, this item includes various types of needlework. Yes, yes, the creation of accessories, and even the ability to make tattoos will present you in the eyes of a woman who is capable of experiments in bed.

Cook for her dinner

Cook for her dinner


Seductive cook

No wonder the best chefs are men. Hunger, like sexual attraction - one of the most ancient instincts. A woman at the subconscious level will show interest in the man who can hit it in a gastronomic plan. Today, a man at the slab no longer looks so unnatural, as it was some forty years ago. If you have an impression on your choices in your plans, prepare a romantic dinner for her, even a simple dessert that you personally, you personally, will undoubtedly be deposited in her memory. In addition, as we know, many products are an excellent tool to enhance libido, and therefore do not lose time and rather learn the new original recipe with seafood.

Worry musician

You did not think about why the famous musicians do not have a penalty from women, let some of the artists do not boast of attractive appearance? How trite it did not sound, but the sight of a man with a guitar, and even if he could contact her correctly, simply "blows the roof" a decent amount of women. Of course, we do not encourage trying to persist to conquer the tool, especially if you do not have prerequisites for music, but in case you at one time you are with music on "you", why not arrange an intimate concert for your woman. Try!

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