Who is the last: 5 rules when visiting the cabin after quarantine


Many women beat a record this year - more than two months without professional laying, haircuts, care and other aesthetic manipulations, we can say that the opening of the salons is a beautiful half waiting for a little more than anything else. However, it is worth remembering that in the near future during trips to your favorite masters you will have to follow certain safety rules in order to prevent the probability of the virus infection probability. No, it is not necessary to look at every employee of the cabin or other visitors with suspicion, soberly evaluate the situation, and we will tell you what to pay attention to at the closest visit.

Communication will wait

Yes, you haven't seen familiar faces for a long time who give you beauty, besides, the salon is a kind of relax center, where you can discuss any problem with the master during the procedure. And yet refrain from a large number of contacts. Specify how many people work per day - if more than 2, it is better to search the salon, albeit unfamiliar, but not allowing to form a large number of masters and administrative staff.

Do not be afraid to make comments if you see a violation

Do not be afraid to make comments if you see a violation

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Follow the queue

Once indoors, a person involuntarily relaxes and often ignores the safety rules. So, being in line, you may notice that those surrounding slowly tighten the masks and remove gloves. Of course, sometimes queues are inevitable - no one has canceled lining. It is best to sign up on the phone and not late to not create a queue. The most unpleasant thing is that in the case of forced accumulation of people, the cabin administration may ask customers to wait outside, while observing the distance. Not too nice, especially in bad weather, you will agree.

Be organized

Remember that you go to the salon for a specific procedure: it is better not to assign several for one visit. Even if you really want to chat with your master or administrator, refrain, because after you the visitor is also expected, and you only pull the time to the conversation, thereby forming a queue from dissatisfied customers. Plus, do not agree to a cup of coffee, let the salon and comply with security measures - do not risk and pull the time.

Stay in Mask.

The master may ask you to remove the mask, as it allegedly interferes with staining or haircut in the ears area. A controversial question, because according to people reviews, at different times practicing salons in masks, many masters do not arise with the client of such problems. Even if you had to listen to the master, try to keep the mask on the face, only slightly weakening the loop.

Do not be afraid to express your opinion

Let the salon begin their work, the conditions of the visit and the process of providing services in any case changed. Each employee is obliged to follow precautions, changing gloves and tools after each client. In addition, disinfection is required in the cabin. If suddenly you watch the violation of these rules, do not hesitate and make a remark. However, it is best to inform the administrator about this. When it comes to your health, the constraint is inappropriate.

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