Vacuum for harmony of the waist - benefit and harm


Vacuum is a common breathing technique in yoga. The regular execution of exercises really has a useful effect on the body, the truth is not for everyone. Before starting to perform it, you need to make sure that you do not have contraindications.

Who can not do vacuum

  • Operations on the abdominal cavity. If you recently made an operation on the abdominal or muscles or muscles, it is worth abandoning the vacuum at least six months. Before starting the exercise, consult your doctor.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. The main contraindication to the vacuum is the need to delay the breath on a sufficiently long period of time, which is why the pressure will change.
  • Lung disease. Since this is a breathing exercise, the main load goes to the lungs. It is necessary to inhale and exhale large volumes of air, which is contraindicated in the lung disease.
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs. During the vacuum, the muscles of the press actively work, due to their voltage you empty the lungs from the air. Under diastasis after pregnancy, ulcer of the stomach or any chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the exacerbation stage, exercise is prohibited.
  • Critical days. During the monthly, the woman's body experiences considerable loads, the vacuum will only strengthen them. However, those who do exercise regularly and does not feel ailment in critical days, specialists are not recommended to take a break.
  • Pregnancy. Performing a vacuum during pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage - take care of the health of the future child and postpone the implementation of the postpartum period.

Vacuum helps reduce centimeters in the waist

Vacuum helps reduce centimeters in the waist


What is the useful vacuum

  1. The main benefit from vacuum with regular execution is a decrease in the volume of the abdominal cavity, that is, the stomach will become flat. The exercise involves the muscle of the press, especially the transverse abdominal muscle - it is under the cherished cubes. The transverse muscles support the internal organs, respectively, controls how much they protruding the belly. If the muscle is strong, then it looks like "armor" - the belly tightened, flat.
  2. Vacuum positively affects the health of the digestive system - the exercise helps speed up the digestion of food and, therefore, to overcome constipation.
  3. An important effect is to maintain skin tone. When you get used to perform standard respiratory techniques, you can start making circular movements with belly as the dancers of the eastern dance. During this, there will be gently massaged both internal organs and a layer of skin. The metabolism in the lymphatic layer will accelerate, which means fat will slowly accumulate on the stomach.

This exercise involves the press muscle

This exercise involves the press muscle


How to make vacuum

If before that you never did a vacuum, then the easiest way to start performing an exercise with a basic position. Put your feet on the width of the shoulders, bend the torso, putting both palms with the support on the hips. Seamlessly breathe air and exhale it as much as you can. Tighten the stomach - it should almost stick to the ribs. Wait for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Repeat the same thing 10-15 times. Every day, increase the time for which your breath is delayed, and the number of approaches. Gradually, when you study the basic technique, you can perform circular movements with stomach and push the straight muscles of the abdomen back and forth are complicated exercise options.

Over time, you will learn the execution technique.

Over time, you will learn the execution technique.


Rules for performing Vacuum

  • You can only do the exercise with an empty bladder and on an empty stomach - do not eat and do not drink at least 4 hours before execution. It is better to engage in vacuum in the morning, before breakfast, or in the evening, before bedtime.
  • Wear clothes that does not shove your movements and allows you to breathe freely.
  • First time, while you learn the technique, perform an exercise next to the mirror, getting sideways to it. So it will be convenient for you to control yourself.
  • Vacuum should not take more than 10 minutes a day, otherwise on the lungs and the press will be too long load. In addition, the head of oxygen can get sick.

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