Records Festival, Cinderella and Shaolin Monks


What: Records Festival

Every day we all do, sometimes not noticing this, records are big and small. And during the upcoming festival, all young guests can share their personal achievements.


For someone, this is the development of a new profession, for the other - just the very fact of trying to master it. And, of course, every day in Kidzania can be seen all the same.


The biggest flash mob, the most large-scale show, the most popular photo, the most colorful parade of professions, the largest interactive performance, the largest letter K in Kidzania, the largest fashion show, the most men's photo and the biggest Jenga (for those who do not know, Jenga - This is such a popular board game, in Russia it is known called "Falling Tower).

In short, forward to meet records. It will not be boring!

Where: Kidzania.

When: from 16 to 24 February

What: Two fabulous performances' Cinderella and "Snow Queen"


These lipped multiple generations and have already become hosted stories will sound new paints on the small scene. Cinderella, stepmother, harmful sisters Anna and Marianna, fearless Gerd, gusting Kai, ominous snow queen - all heroes will appear in front of young spectators in amazing bright costumes. And the perfectly accurate game of actors of the Small Theater will immerse not only children, but also adults in the conversational world of fairy tales. The director of both performances was the Honored Artist of Russia, Vitaly Ivanov, was the director of both performances.

Where: State Academic Small Theater, Scene on Big Ordinke

When: "Cinderella" -16, "Snow Queen" - February 17 and 24

What: Monks Shaolin Show "Masters Kung Fu"


Chinese masters who possess the techniques of one of the most ancient martial arts, which originated in 495 in the famous Buddhist Monastery Shaolin, will come to Moscow. A colorful representation is uniquely impressed not only adults, but also children. Amazing tricks, incredible flexibility, immunity to acute subjects, numbers with swords and breaking wooden sticks with bare hands - all this is only a small part of the "Master Kung Fu" show.

Where: Vegas City Hall

When: February 16 and 17

What: Exhibition "On the other side of reality"


In the center of the photos of the Lumiere brothers on the day of all lovers, the exhibition of the young Swedish photographer Eric Johansson starts. The Russian audience will first be able to get acquainted with the reality of the works of Europeans. This exposition is ideal for family visits, because it was invented by the 11-year-old daughter of the main curator of the center of the brothers Lumière Natalia Grigorieva-Litvinskaya Elise. As it turned out, it was she who drew the attention of the mother to the bizarre works of Eric and reasoned explained why the Shchcha exhibition would certainly be held in Moscow. Johansson Thanks to images on image processing creates a fantastic world that combines several photos in one frame. His works are so realistic that you involuntarily begin to believe that the island in the lake really keeps on the back of a huge fish, or a huge guitar sticks out on the horizon of a landscape next to the mountains.

Where: Center Photos Brothers Lumiere

When: From February 14 to May 12, 2019

What: the performance "Jewish happiness"


Director Nina Chusova is a new performance, in which the old topic rises - family relationships. The plot is brief. Our days in Israel. The married couple issues the only and hot beloved daughter to marry. As they say in Odessa, attach "good." Everything went on the planned plan. But one is not enough - there is no very important piece of paper - their own certificate of marriage registration. Did they have a wedding quarter a century ago? Here is a big question. While the head of the family is trying to figure out, his timid wife decides that it is free from this "dubious marriage, which has long become routine for her. Using the situation, it is solved on various adventures using all sorts of funds. What will happen from this, will see the viewer. It is worth going to this production if your child is already obviously older than ten, further - to infinity ... Cast - beautiful Tatyana Vasilyeva, as well as Alexander Samoilenko, Tatyana Orlova, Andrey Chadov, Igor Written, Philip Vasilyev.

Where: Cdkzh

When: February 16

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