For a slim figure you need to fight


Sometimes you can hear such an opinion: the figure of a woman in adulthood depends on genetic predisposition. And those whom "is not lucky" with the ancestors, they simply have to come down with a lush figure and love themselves with fat. They say, still fighting with superfluous kilograms meaningless.

In fact, each of us can achieve ideal (for yourself) forms. Only for this you need to learn: miracles does not happen. Well, they did not come up with such a pill, after the reception of which you suddenly would be thin. For a slim figure must be struggling. And combine complex - combining physical exertion, a properly selected nutrition system and hardware procedures. Let's start with the latter.

Hardware procedures

It often happens that even the many hours of workouts in the gym is not able to cope with some particular problem. Well, for example, get rid of Galifa. Some women are even inclined to thoughts about the radical method itself - plastic surgery.

It is in such cases that a hardware cosmetology comes to the rescue, which allows, without surgery, solve a number of problems. One of the best centers of hardware cosmetology and aesthetics in Moscow is the Belle Allure Beauty Institute.

Here there are several unique effective techniques for correction of the figure. The main ones are the procedures on the devices of Body Tite, Cellu M6 Integral I and body wrapping

on sothys cosmetics.

"The Body Tite apparatus using TITE FX nozzles allows the procedure of non-functional radio frequency liposuction," says the beautician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Natalya Zaitseva. "So we can deal with the manifestations of excess weight, cellulite, so-called fat traps, and at the same time pull the skin. This method uses radio frequency energy and high-voltage short RF pulses. Radio frequency gives uniform heating of the tissue to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, which leads to a good lifting effect, and high-voltage RF pulses give an irreversible electroporation of adipocytes in subcutaneous fat tissue and secondary minor stimulation of muscles. The irreversible electroporation is the process of making pores in the membranes of fat cells under the influence of the electric field, which leads to their death.

During the procedure, the patient feels comfortable warmth and easy tingling. In general, the procedure is incredibly comfortable. To achieve noticeable results, it is necessary to pass 4-8 sessions with an interval of 5-7 days.

Also on the third day after this procedure, we recommend the lipomassage procedure on the Cellu M6 Integral 7-Generation of LPG Systems (in our country, this procedure is often called simply LPG). I want to draw your attention to the fact that only the original LPG massage can be considered the one that is carried out on the equipment of LPG Systems. Vacuum massages, which are conducted on other equipment, have nothing to do with this technique and do not give results. To my regret, many very skeptically refer to the LPG lipomassage technique due to the fact that in certain low-quality salons, "incorrect" equipment is used.

The LPG massage procedure itself is carried out in a special original LPG suit, the impact takes place on the whole body with an emphasis on problem areas. The new manipula for the body "Ergodraiv" ®, which is used in the new generation apparatus, more deeply handles fabrics for greater efficiency, creates four types of folds to solve specific problems (reduction of volumes, restoration of atonic skin, modeling body contours, cellulite treatment).

The mechanism of exposure is multidimensional mechanical stimulation by tissues by rollers, which move in different directions. Vacuum plays auxiliary role - it "supports" a leather fold. Thanks to this technique, the procedure is very comfortable and similar to the massage. This method allows you to get rid of unwanted volume, cellulite, pulls and rejuvenates the skin.

The rate usually consists of 10-15 sessions of about 2-3 times a week, but sometimes it is required and more - it all depends on the initial data of each patient.

It often happens that even the many hours of workouts in the gym is not able to cope with some particular problem. Well, for example, get rid of Galifa. It is in such cases that the hardware cosmetology comes to the rescue. .

It often happens that even the many hours of workouts in the gym is not able to cope with some particular problem. Well, for example, get rid of Galifa. It is in such cases that the hardware cosmetology comes to the rescue. .

The body wrapping method allows you to evenly care for the skin of the body, getting useful ingredients, adjust the figure. In our clinic we use the wrapping of the cosmetic line Sothys France.

The wrapping includes sea salt (it allows to strengthen drainage properties and obtain detoxification), lactic acid (makes skin soft and silky), an orange extract (rich in bioflavanodes and also possesses lipolytic and vetonic properties), zeolite (component that gives a comfortable warming Effect).

This is a double action wrapping. At the same time, peeling and mask. Initially, the scrub of the whole body is performed, and then for 30 minutes the patient is closed with thermal fashion. In addition to aesthetic effect, we get a good relaxing effect. After that, serum is applied to the body - for adipotic, fibrous cellulite or lifting (depending on which task we decide). A lipolytic fluid is applied in the final to the whole body of the patient and a short relax massage is performed.

Body wrapping, like all procedures for the correction of the figure, are exchanged. The course depends on the individual problems of the patient, the minimum need to do 8-10 procedures 2-3 times a week. Wraps are very well combined with the above methods and can be performed in one day.

To my patients, I usually recommend all three methods of exposure to achieving a faster and long-term result. In this direction of medicine, I have been working for fifteen years old and with my patients received excellent results of the correction of the figure. This requires an important addition: the patient requires the fulfillment of mandatory recommendations - exercise should be performed and properly fought. "

As a clock

How to eat to lose weight? General recommendations for the choice of food mode have been developed for a long time. And those who are interested in their health and appearance, of course, know about all these rules. However, it will be worth it to recall these postulates once again, without complying with which it is difficult to achieve any noticeable results.

"First of all, we refuse to fried, greasy, flour and sweet," says a nutritionist of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Svetlana Borodin. - True, I never

I do not say to my patients "you can not": if you really want to eat candy, you must eat it. But only one or two and not for the night.

The second important point: You must eat five, and better six times a day. Break - 2.5-3 hours. Main food meals are three: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between them - snacks.

That's how you should look like your day. Waking up, you need to drink a glass of pure water. After half an hour - breakfast. Required protein dish and carbohydrate. Porridge in the morning or a sandwich, as many have accustomed, is wrong. That is, if it is a porridge, then it should be with a chicken cutlet. Or, as an addition, cottage cheese (unsweetened and reduced fat content, somewhere 1-2 percent). Breakfast is imposed in no case. It has long been proven that it is breakfast that starts the basic metabolism of the body. 2.5 hours after breakfast - snack. You can eat yogurt, even sweet, but low with low fat. Or fruit. Dried fruits are also possible, they are quite useful, but you should not be abused, because they have a fairly large calorie. Over the next 2.5 hours - lunch. You can eat soup and second. Soups are better than vegetarian. If the soup is meat, then it is better to take a chicken and use water on the second broth: first merge, you can cook on the second. The second dish is necessarily protein and carbohydrate: for example, white meat (chicken breast) and fresh vegetables, which can be resolved with lemon juice, wine vinegar and vegetable oil. Very simply in preparation, quite tasty and nutritional.

2.5 hours after lunch - afternoon. You can eat either fruit or an egg product.

Dinner should be easy. I advise my patients to eat fish, because it is digested differently. But it should be white varieties, not fatty (trout for dinner is definitely not

Children - it is greasy and red). Garnish - also vegetables. In general, vegetables need to eat a lot. They are not particularly high calories, useful and at the same time create a deceit for the brain - when we put a lot of a lot of vegetables in a plate, it seems to us that we will quickly press.

The sixth eating - at will. You can drink a glass of kefir - unsweetened without sugar. You can kissel - but there are contraindications on health. The main thing is to remember that this meal must be two hours before sleep. After eight o'clock in the evening, the cells close and begin to delay the liquid in the body, which is preparing to sleep.

In addition to fractional nutrition, you must adhere to drinking mode. In addition, summer comes, heat, so you need to drink a lot and often. On average, at least two liters per day. Unfortunately, many patients when they tell them about the need to drink plenty of water, and coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks are beginning to be considered. It is not right. You need to drink clean water. Then the body begins to work faster, process food and output everything we do not need. You need to drink half an hour before meals and after half an hour and hour after. Food Do not drink! From tea and coffee can not be refused. But you need to keep in mind: both of the other drinks are diuretic. Therefore, one cup of tea and coffee should be drinking two glasses of clean water.

Struggling with extra kilograms with the help of proper nutrition and physical exertion, do not forget about hardware procedures! .

Struggling with extra kilograms with the help of proper nutrition and physical exertion, do not forget about hardware procedures! .

A little personal

Why does it happen that when complying with these simple rules in nutrition, many cannot lose weight? "What I told is the capital truths," says Svetlana Borodin. - When a person comes to me with his problems, we look at a lot. I need analyzes. The reason may be in hormonal, and in psycho-emotional state, and in the absence of physical activity. In general, dietherapy advises not to lose weight at home on its own, because you have to see the doctor, understand how much the body is ready to change. I can say that everyone who sat on diet and is actively humming, then still come to a nutritionist, but already, alas, with complications. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. Only then can you understand the true cause of excess weight and choose the mode that is suitable only to you. In addition, at our institute, we carry out genetic studies that give a practically one hundred percent guarantee of excellent results. "

Power on genetic analysis is a real breakthrough in nutrition. After all, we all faced with such cases: a diet that helped one person, not always can be effective for another. Until recently, the choice of diet was rather an estimated nature, relied on numerous samples and errors, the final result was not obvious, and the selection process is painful. Numerous studies related to the choice of diet unambiguously come to the conclusion - to select a correct diet, it is necessary to take into account the individual genetic features of a person.

Five years ago, in 2010, researchers of the famous Stanford University (USA) conducted a large-scale study in which women with different genetic features lost weight or in a low-live diet, or on a low-consumption diet with low carbohydrates, or on a balanced diet, but with enlarged exercise.

Immediately clearly revealed three groups of effectively thinning - one needed to reduce fats in food, other - carbohydrates, the third shows increased exercise. And so in order to understand which group you treat exactly you, find out the features of your genotype, and it is necessary to go through the DNA test. Moreover, the nutrigenetic analysis must be done only once in life!

Employees of the Laboratory of Genodiagnostics of the Gendiv company were developed and successfully implemented into practice a variant of a genetic test associated with the choice of an optimal variant of body mass correction. Four most significant genes responsible for metabolism and susceptibility to physical exercises are selected for research on the selection of diet. In 2012, the effectiveness of this approach was confirmed by research conducted in Europe by the Danish company Nordisy Dnadiet for more than seven and a half thousand people.

The leading endocrinologists of the city took over the translation of a difficult language of genetics to the normal human language - including specialists of the beauty institute Belle Allure. In order for a person to follow the diet suitable for him, together with the results of the study and the recommendations of the specialist, a sample of the menu is compiled. What is noteworthy, on the same test also includes an individual plan for the duration and intensity of physical exertion. Having his personal genetic passport on his hands, it will be possible to fight extra kilograms directed - feeding what is suitable for you, and visiting the fitness club on certain days and hours. Without forgetting about hardware procedures!

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