7 products that are never eating themselves nutritionists


Agree, it is difficult to stay when you are a seductive look of the cake. It is difficult for everyone: and simple mortal, and nutritionists. However, the second, as people professionally disassembled in the intricacies of the compositions, are able to keep themselves in their hands.

Based on their experience, let's try to figure out where to refuse to avoid trouble on the part of all organism systems.

Replace purchased ketchup to home

Replace purchased ketchup to home

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


But not simple, but recycled, for example, sausage, sausages and so on. You will probably know that they add various preservatives to enhance taste and maintain a commodity type. Not always additional components are useful for our body, the most harmless is to increase blood cholesterol.

However, despite all the harm, parents continue to feed children with sausages, in most families semi-finished products - the most chassis. If there are also sausages in your child's diet, choose those that are made specifically for children.

Before you buy, carefully examine the composition, the product should not contain a large number of artificial chemical elements and soy. Do not give children and do not eat meat semi-finished products more often than several times a week. In general, nutritionists have long been blacklisted them, despite the popularity of such food among our citizens.

Finished sauces

Roasted meat with ketchup - the perfect festive dish on the tables of the whole country. But think about what is experiencing your stomach after a similar gastronomic execution. If you can not live without tomato seasoning, make it yourself. Or bake the meat in the oven with a twist of cherry tomato.

Not any yogurt is equally useful.

Not any yogurt is equally useful.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

"Long-playing" yogurts

Not all yogurts are useful, as most nutritionists say. If we prepare this fermented milk product just from the baked milk with the addition of bacteria, it will be tasted, to put it mildly, not very. Therefore, manufacturers are sophisticated as they can, squeaking the product with various taste amplifiers, preservatives and taste additives.

Bacteria themselves can live no more than 4 days, but you will not find yogurt on the shelves with such a small shelf life. From this we can conclude about the alleged naturalness of such a product.


Everyone knows about the harm of margarine since childhood, even without him in the kitchen, you can rarely do. The thing is that it contains fats that are unnatural for our body, and therefore it is bad or not absorbed at all.

When using products with the content of such components, cholesterol in the blood begins to be used, which leads to failures in metabolic processes. The first hearts and the genital system are suffering from men.


Cute caramel in fact turns out to be a dangerous product. It contains dyes and nutritional supplements that destroy dental enamel. In addition, the child after the use of such sweets will always want to eat all the time, since the calories in the lollipops are absolutely empty.

In carbonated drinks contains a huge amount of sugar

In carbonated drinks contains a huge amount of sugar

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Drinks with gas

Nutritionists on the cannon shot will not suit the carbonated drinks. But the whole thing is in a huge amount of sugar, caffeine and many chemical elements that are not compatible with the normal activity of the body.


Oddly enough, harm such a product can bring much more than ordinary sugar. The energy you receive from the substitute should be immediately burned, otherwise you will get an unpleasant bonus in the form of folds on the stomach.

Replace this dubious product to a more natural, for example, on honey or maple syrup.

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