Forecast of successful dates for making desires for June


The main priority for business is competent goals. And the entire Internet is a shot by the techniques of mapping of desires and their execution.

Business coaches consider the word "desire" useless, because the most important thing is the competent statement of the goal. The criteria for its implementation: deadlines, realistic and specific achievement indicators.

I as a person with extensive experience in business, I think that both of these approaches are incorrect.

15 years I was a leader - and all these 15 years tried to understand why, with other things being equal, the goals come true only in some, but not everyone. Although these people passed the same training. How so it turns out?

Evgenia Shustina

Evgenia Shustina

Being a business coach and an astrologer, I can definitely say that how you call it - goal or desire, is absolutely irrelevant!

Do you know what has? The way you formulate them!

And that is why I decided to create a method of 7 steps to fulfill desires.

Based on the equipment lies Effect on man 7 planets . We spend our desire through each of them:

one. Moon - Emotions and feelings.

2. The sun - Formation of intent and energy for implementation.

Often, our dreams are lunar, that is, emotional, without reinforcement by solar energy, in other words, the intention to achieve their own. Emotions are fleeting, so this desire is not executed.

3. The next stage is the wishes through Mercury . At this moment we tasks the question: "And I just want this?" At this moment we specify the details of our desire, which will allow you to manage the result. Those who say that their desires are performed by an awry, simply miss this stage.

4. Then goes Venus . At this point, we understand whether the result will make us happy. This moment, those who complain that the result of the desire fulfillment turned out to be missed that the result of the desire was not one or it turned out when it was no longer relevant.

5. Next - Mars . This planet is responsible for actions. And the problems at this point arise from those who do not take action, but hopes for a happy case.

6. Now we combine all the stages traveled and fix the time when the desired should be fulfilled, and also make up an action plan to achieve.

If all of the above items are performed correctly, the Planet of Big Happiness is entering the game - Jupiter . It is now that the Universe begins to help us performed by our desire.

Those who use this technique usually say that it seems to them, the whole world began to help their dreams to be executed. These feelings are expensive!

We spend your desire through 7 planets

We spend your desire through 7 planets


But there is one nuance - a dream should be about you. Because we cannot make a desire for other people, even if it is your child or husband.

"I dream that my son studies well" is wrong, this desire will not come true.

"I dream to get an increase in salary" is a desire about you and the correct wording.

The second nuance is date . During the year of dates, the desires are not so much for riddling, and for each topic you need your own.

After all, the planets should form specific aspects to fulfill the desire to be on this topic.

When the planets are concrete, the desires for a certain topic receive the maximum charge of energy for execution.

And here is the most suitable dates for formulating desires and goals in June.

4.06 from 20:17 to 5.06 00: 5 8 - for ambitious desires for the future.

21.06 from 10:41 to 17:03 - If a desire concerns family or real estate.

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