5 rules of behavior in social networks


Today we are more often communicating with colleagues and friends in social networks than live. In our rapid eyelid, there are no time for simple gatherings for tea in the kitchen and talking about souls. Almost we live in the network, which means that it is necessary to follow certain rules for decency, so as not to be asleep or troll.

An open correspondence can read anyone

An open correspondence can read anyone


Rule number 1

Do not discuss personal questions that concern only two of you, on the wall of your friend. For example, you should not write Masha a question when you finally go to the beautician together. Perhaps the issue of the epilation of the bikini zone is worried about the other friends of Masha, but will force her dad or boss, which can be signed for her news. For similar themes there are private messages. If you want to discuss this problem with multiple girls, create a closed group.

Caps Lock - under the castle

Caps Lock - under the castle


Rule number 2.

Forget the Caps Lock key. Writing text with capital, they are capital, letters - indecent. In the network, this is equivalent to a scream at the interlocutor. Such an appeal you demonstrate your disrespect.

Do not strain colleagues

Do not strain colleagues


Rule number 3.

Of course, summer - vacation time, and we all want to boast of photos of those places in which we visited. But you should not write that you have a temperature on the beach +37, while you are frozen in the office. " It can upset your colleagues. It is better to share with your impressions with your impressions. You can write a few words about the history of this place or bring unusual facts.

Do you think your friends are in restaurants?

Do you think your friends are in restaurants?


Rule number 4.

All of the above in the third paragraph concerns photographs of food - do not tease familiar. In addition, such pictures have long been a move on the network. Exception, if the dish is cooked by you personally. Boasting a successful birthday cake or rare recipe that you just tried, quite acceptable.

Do not clutch your post hashtags

Do not clutch your post hashtags


Rule number 5.

I admit that you really want to share with your friends an important event or thoughts. But remember that brevity is a sister of talent, and "many letters" usually, if you are not a famous writer or a famous blogger, read users lazy. Respect your subscribers. The same applies to photos. What is the point of pouring 25 blurred pictures on friends from the celebration of someone else's birthday? Put three or five photos, really successful. And do not celebrate acquaintances on them if they turned out badly - offended. A large number of hashtegov is also not welcome, but two or three are desirable.

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