Vitamin C will cure all: 4 popular myths about strengthening immunity


In our body there is cardiovascular, respiratory and many other important complexes of organs and connections between them. Their number includes an immune system that protects the body from external and internal infections: it creates, stores and distributes leukocytes that are struggling with bacteria and viruses falling into your body, especially during colds and influenza. There are many myths that are launched by pharmaceutical companies and uneducated people around it. I decided to sort out the question, contacting foreign scientific sources.

You can sleep as much as

The optimal duration of sleep for an adult is 7-9 hours a day. Sleep deprivation affects neuroendocrine and immune functions due to an increase in the number of inflammatory molecules known as cytokines, as well as stress hormones, such as cortisol and norepinephrine. In addition to the main sleep, doctors advise practicing a short daytime sleep: in 2015, 11 healthy young people who had to sleep only two hours a day were attended by Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Blood and urine tests showed greater content of cytokines and high levels of norepinephrine in both groups. The next day, one group was given two half-hour daily sleep, while the control group was not suggested to take a nap. Samples of blood and urine of those who borrowed, showed that their level of cytokines and norepinephrine returned to normal, as if they had never lost sleep.

do not neglect sleep while you have the opportunity to take a day

do not neglect sleep while you have the opportunity to take a day


Taking multivitamins strengthens immunity

In May 2018, Journal Of The American College of Cardiology has published a review review of 2012-2017, which confirmed that the reception of complex vitamins is useless. Many of the popular multivitamins, as well as vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium additives, did not show improvements in human health and did not reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, stroke, or early death. "Our review showed that if you want to use multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium or vitamin C, you will not harm health, but also will not see obvious advantages," said Dr. David Jenkins, lead author of the study, in an interview with Business Insider . However, the study showed that folic acid and group vitamins B with folic acid can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Remember that before taking any additives, you must consult a doctor, and not blindly trust the advice from the network.

With the strengthening of immunity it is impossible to overdo

The Harvard Medical School edition writes that hyperactive immunity MZHET respond to allergic reactions to ordinary non-toxic substances. It also provokes the active phase of certain diseases, including diabetes, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Pay attention to this item is worth the parents who, on an ongoing basis, give children supplements to food, harde them with ice water and conduct other interventions. Remember that everything is good in moderation, and the measure is determined by the recommendations of the doctor and the relevant standards of urine and blood analyzes.

Fit correctly and varied - it's useful than vitamin supplements

Fit correctly and varied - it's useful than vitamin supplements


Vaccination Weakens Immunity

WHO published material about the epidemiological concept of "collective immunity", convincing people to make vaccinations prescribed by doctors. In a society where the majority is instilled, any infection spreads slower, which over time can eradicate it, as happened to the plague, smallpox and other diseases. Harvard Medical School leads indicative statistics: 1 out of 6.7 thousand people die in the automotive accident, whereas from the reaction to the diphtheria vaccine, tetanus, a cough - 1 of 1 million people. The more people are vaccinated, the safer the life of those who cannot put vaccinations on objective reasons will be: allergies on vaccine components, such as chicken protein, and other reasons.

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