Valentine's Day: 6 Star Love Stories


Valentine's Day became a truly national holiday in Russia. People make gifts to loved ones and, of course, remember who, where and how to meet her half. Remembers the most touching stories of the love of our stars.

Sergey Bezrukov and Anna Mathison

Dating Sergei and Anna occurred long before their official campaign to the registry office. They met in 2011 on the filming of the film "Tree-2": Sergey was filmed there as a police captain, Anna performed as a scriptwriter. But this acquaintance occurred in four years. Anna then started shooting a New Year's picture "Milky Way" and was looking for the main character. For himself, she decided that the best of all this party was suitable for Habensky or Dieughz, but somehow it did not work with them. But Sergey Bezrukov, after reading the script, immediately agreed to the role. And soon the group went to the expedition to Baikal.

There, they say, and slipped the first spark between future spouses, which did not slip away from the attention of the film crew. Already in Moscow kinopaville, where the workflow was moving after Baikal, the couple came only together, and Sergey with Anna looked at each other with undisguised warmth. And in the fall of 2015, the first official exit of a couple of light and communication with journalists took place at the presentation of the "Milky Way" picture. And at the beginning of next year, they have already posed together for glossy magazines as a couple.

The wedding passed without unnecessary hype, almost secret. Even relatives, and those learned about the marriage after time. And in the same 2016, the spouses were born daughter Masha. "I first really feel like my father," Sergey told Last year in a documentary film, who was removed to his 45th anniversary. "Yes, I have older children, but truly feeling that you grow a child, growing literally from birth when you take birth ... Yes, I took a childbirth." For the first time in life. I specifically studied, as the next to be, supported, I even got my head when I was breathing around, I thought, drop ... We gave birth together. I was nearby. Umbilrics bandaged, everything believed. "

In November last year, the spouses were born a second child - the Son, which was called Stepan, in honor of the great-grandfather. And today, assures Bezrukov, in his life - complete harmony: Favorite work, wife, children.

Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev

Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev

Lisa Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev

Gennady Avramenko

Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev played a wedding in 2010, today the spouses will grow up with two children - a six-year-old Andrei and a little Grisha, who is only three months old. But their way to happiness was not easy. As Boyarskaya says, when she first saw Maxim, he was so confused that he could not say anything. Says, fell in love, as in the abyss some fell. But although both impressed each other, after the first meeting, future spouses were separated and no more than three or four years have seen.

And then both were busy in the filming of the film "I will not say," where they played the main roles. Then their relationship began. However, they thoroughly hidden their feelings from the public. Therefore, the wedding was quiet and very informal. On the registration of the bride and groom came in casual clothes, Lisa and at all in jeans. And when the news became known to the general public, they immediately boiled passion. They said that Boyarskaya almost forcibly married a young promising actor for himself, destroying his first marriage - with the actress of Yana Sexte (many people remember her in the bright role of Lucy's film operator in the TV series Valeria Todorovsky "Thaw"). Well, Matveyeva was accused of a rustle - they Mol, preferred his wife, D'Artagnan, All Russia's daughter. Therefore, everyone was confident that this marriage would not last long. However, two years after the wedding, in April 2012, the son of Andrei was born in Matveyev and Boyarskaya. And at the end of last year - the second son. By the way, Jan Sexte, which in society many regretted and considered the unfortunate abandoned woman, in fact, too, had arranged his personal life. At first they talked about her novel with the director Vasily Shenin, with whom she once was familiar to work in Riga, and in 2013 Yana married a composer Dmitry Marina, a daughter Anna's daughter was born a year later. So the role of the "unfortunate armor" is clearly not suitable for her. And, despite all the peres in society, Sexte and Matveyev continued to communicate cute and after a divorce. Moreover, they together work on the scene of the legendary MHT - and often it was Jana's first to congratulate her ex-husband with a successful role.

Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will

Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will

Layisan Urtyasheva and Pavel Will


At first, this marriage was perceived with a bewilderment. Too different seemed to be merry and tagged Pavel Will and Serious, purposeful Laysan Urty. But it is not by chance that television has magical power. And in the case of this pair TV fully showed his magic.

Future spouses met precisely thanks to TV, where both worked. True, today neither Lyisan, nor Paul can remember what time they looked at each other as a colleague, but "with a long sight." At first they just greet, meeting somewhere in the corridors of the television studios, could cross the pair of phrases. But gradually conversations became longer. Somehow they spoke eight hours, walking together in one of the metropolitan parks. And it was at night. Imagine a picture: night, park and a couple of two famous people who ... just enthusiastically talk to each other. They say the guard, looking at them, just passed by, did not drive them home.

And then in the life of Layisan, misfortune happened - in 2012 she left her mother, the closest and native man. Those days of Layisan himself badly remember, everything was like in the fog. She could neither eat nor sleep, heavily lost weight, sometimes did not even recognize people. And it was then that Pavel Will was nearby. Already later, Layisan remembers that it was just her mom at one of the concerts Comedy Club advised to pay attention to Paul. According to the memories of Utyasheva, Mom then whispered her ear that a good boy. Like, if a man knows how to joke so beautifully, not rolling in vulgarity, he is very clever, talented and surely very decent and faithful. Zulfia Utyasheva was right, and Paul became a wonderful husband for her daughter.

When Layisan and Paul decided to be together, they immediately left for Barcelona. It was advised by Layisan more her mother, repeating that her daughter would definitely come to this city with her beloved. It is in Spain that future spouses swore to spend their entire lives together. The wedding passed without luxurious dresses and loud redemptions. Today, two kids grow up in the family: the son of Rob and his daughter Sofia. "The paternity showed his best qualities in Paul," says Lyisan about his husband. Surprisingly, even after years, the spouses manage to not quarrel. "We agree, if suddenly there are sharp corners. Although, you know, we have no sharp corners. Pasha is very kind, and how to swear with a kind person? If suddenly what, then we immediately hug - and everything is fine. "

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya


Future spouses met by chance at the 2008 Summer Olympiad in Beijing, when Nasta was only fourteen. She, together with the Pope, which is part of the Olympic Committee, came to the game. Hockey celebrity Ovechkin then in Beijing was a guest.

Typically, Ovechkin, or OVI, is customary to describe as a man of a rioty, such a brutal macho with a stick. However, Nastya then told that Sasha seemed very calm and benevolent. At least nothing gave a star of an international scale with millions of fees.

In Beijing in one of Sasha and Nastya evenings, the slow dance, which they later remember at the wedding. But then they could not think that they would become her husband and his wife. We drove down home - and forgot about each other.

Six years later, Alexander saw a beautiful girl in Instagram. Pulling her photo, he remembered that he was already acquainted with her. And immediately wrote a message asking for a phone number. The message came to the girl at 00.01 - on her birthday, and Anastasia considered it a good sign. The daily correspondence and conversion began, but the meeting was postponed. Nastya was dragged in Vgik, Alexander held Hockey in America.

They met when Nastya flew to study in the United States, and Sashina team was in Los Angeles on the game. For the beginning, a couple went to the restaurant. Both, as it turned out, was afraid that there was nothing to talk about - for three months of correspondence, it would seem, all the themes exhausted themselves. But no, they had something to discuss.

Then there were excavatory moments of dating with their parents. A few months later, Sasha got on his knee at the threshold of the house, where his beloved met, stretched her bouquet and opened the cherished box with a ring. Nastya accepted the offer.

Today, the legitimate spouse of one of the highest paid hockey players is recognized that they are both homemade. For the sake of her beloved Nastya, who once shone in the Moscow light, threw all the evening Rauta, learned how to cook borschy and cutlets. And now the spouse prefers to dinner only at home. In August last year, the family appeared in the family, which was called Sergey - in honor of the tragically deceased brother Alexander Ovechkin.

Alexandra Savelyev and Kirill Safronov

Alexandra Savelyev and Kirill Safronov

Alexandra Savelyev and Kirill Safronov

Gennady Avramenko

The fact that Sasha got married, even her companions on the factory learned only postfactum. Moreover, the chief of Savelieva was not at all Timur Batrutdinov, with which secular reporters tried to "marry". No, Actor Kirill Safonov became his spouse of a charming blonde.

This pair reduced fate, not otherwise. I got acquainted the guys on February 23, 2009 in the karaoke bar, wherever he, nor she never went. Alexandra went to the Ladies room, Kirill came out of male. Just met views. Then, the word for the word, it turned out that they have a lot in common. March 8, Kirill made a soloist of the "factory" proposal of hands and hearts. To do this, he invited her to his favorite restaurant, where he presented a bouquet of flowers and a ring with two hearts from white and yellow gold. Now these days for them are a real holiday.

The wedding took place a year after the acquaintance. Action, where only relatives were invited, passed in the estate "Tsaritsyno" in the Ekaterini Palace. Many then counted that such a secretion was explained by the newlywed pregnancy. But the years went, and the appearance of the heir was constantly postponed. Alexander herself explained that she was a perfectionism and used to do one hundred percent. "I want to approach the birth and raising a child with all the responsibility," she admitted. Although has developed a strategy for several years ago how heir will bring up. "I think, will bring up with moderate severity, because certain traits of character and abilities are laid from the earliest age, the main thing is not to miss this moment. Therefore, discipline is necessary. Me, for example, the parents were not particularly injured. Well, except in infancy. And at the same time, in my opinion, in no case, in no case, it is impossible to scold a child and shout at him, if he suddenly walked himself, so as not to develop any comprehension some complexes. After all, you can simply explain and teach. In short, everything should be in moderation. "

It seems that Sasha will soon need to reread these lines and take them into service. After all, quite soon the spouses are coming replenishment in the family. Although both of them carefully hide this fact (as the wedding is once), but in the actors and musical circles everything is already aware. And hold the fists so that the births passed perfectly.

Vladimir Yaglych and Antonina Popper

Vladimir Yaglych and Antonina Popper

Vladimir Yaglych and Antonina Popper

Gennady Avramenko

Vladimir and Antonina met in 2015 at one of the secular parties. Today they admit that it was love at first sight. And it is not surprising. Vladimir - a guy prominent. Yes, and the paper is the finalist of the contest "Miss Universe. Ukraine". True, Jaglych himself assures that Antonina conquered him not so much spectacular appearance as a quiet temper.

For the first time, Jaglyc and the paper appeared together at the premiere of the film "Ghost" in 2015. Lovers did not hide their happiness. Although no joint interviews tried not to give. Why there: they even appeared in 2017 by their common daughter Eva managed to regularly admit. Even in Instagram, Antonina did not have not only a single "pregnant" photo (which can still be understood), but also joint pictures with the baby - although it would seem, for any woman, such an event overshadows all the other. Mom Antonina was declassified by the Ukrainian actress Olga Sumskaya. She told the world that she became a grandmother. And opened the details of the appearance of the baby. "I met a daughter from the maternity hospital, I wanted to support her at an important moment in life. Oh, that week is solid tears of happiness. When you take your continuation, the firstborn of your daughter in the hands - frost on the skin. This crumb is a whole universe. These eyes are incredible. And smell? This is the smell of God who smells a baby! "

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