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Many wonderful discoveries come to cosmetology from medicine, and ferulic acid, which will be discussed, no exception. It is called 3-methoxy 4-hydroxy phenylpropenic acid - this natural substance of plant origin, detected in rice bran, apples, wheat, oats, cedar nuts, oranges, pineapples, coffee.

Even before gaining popularity in cosmetologists, ferulic acid was actively used by doctors as an ingredient that protects against radiation. It was found that it improves the clinical indicators in people with radiation disease, has an antimutagenic effect, reduces the degree of intoxication of the body and protects internal organs from radioactive effects (intestines, spleen). It also proves its ability to eliminate the errors of the cell genome (with cancerous diseases) and restore nerve cells.

In nature, being a natural component of the walls of vegetable cells, ferulic acid protects plants from various adversity and dangers - frost, droughts, winds, aggressive sun. Similarly, it affects human cells: increases their protective properties, restores cell membranes, stimulates regeneration processes.

It is not surprising that cosmetics producers are interested in the unique properties of ferulic acid and decided to use it in the recipe of various means. After all, ferulic acid:

Enhances the immunity and protective properties of the skin;

improves microcirculation, strengthens the walls of the vessels and reduces their permeability;

stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, restores the connecting fibers and thereby reduces wrinkles;

moisturizes the skin and contributes to the restoration of the lipid barrier;

has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect;

actively struggling with various bacteria (inhibits the growth of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria);

has an astringent action, contributes to the healing of damage, wounds, ulcers;

stimulates metabolic processes and prolongs cell life;

Prevents protein glycation (i.e., a bunch of proteins with sugar, due to which the quality of the skin connecting fibers is worse);

Accelerates the processes of removal of toxins from the skin;

retains DNA of fibroblasts (base skin cells) and enhances their division;

increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;

Increases the ability of ascorbic acid to stimulate the production of collagen;

Prevents the destruction of vitamin E under the influence of ultraviolet.

In addition, it stabilizes ascorbic acid solutions (vitamin C) and significantly increases the efficiency of vitamins, A and E (the so-called synergistic effect). Therefore, in cosmetic agents, ferulic acid is most often found in combination with these vitamins.

No free radicals!

Separately, it is worth mentioning the antioxidant properties of ferulic acid. As is known, under the influence of ultraviolet and other negative environmental factors in cells, unwanted chemical reactions arise: molecules are formed, called the name of free radicals. Possessing powerful potential, free radicals can attack healthy cells and destroy almost any biological structures. The victims of the oxidation of the cell, in turn, launch the processes of premature aging. Therefore, cosmetologists and dermatologists around the world pay so much attention to antioxidant protection and creams with the corresponding ingredients. Antioxidants neutralize the effect of free radicals and play an important role in preventing not only aging, but also malignant changes in cells.

"Ferulic acid is a very powerful natural antioxidant," says Tatyana Trotsenko, a derma-tokostologist of Astreya company. - moreover, its properties are significantly enhanced in a tandem with vitamins A, E and C. Symbiosis of these components is killed by free radicals, preventing "subversive" activities.

Ferulic acid effectively neutralizes all the form of free radicals known to date: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen. True, it does not mean that using the means based on it, it is not necessary to further use the sun-protective creams. Probably, the error in this account arose due to the fact that the beneficial properties of this acid are increasing under the influence of ultraviolet, and the developers of cosmetics, naturally, take into account this during production. It makes no sense to introduce ferulic acid into night creams or recommend funds based on the residents of the Far North - the result simply will not justify expectations.

Creams with ferulic acid are especially recommended for the care of mature skin, with signs of photoregments, dry, fading and dehydrated skin, as well as leather with hyperpigmentation. Some firms introduce FC to sunscreen cosmetics, but it is better to use it separately in day creams. It is especially useful to undergo a course with ferulic acid three weeks before the vacation to prepare the skin to highly insolation, remove the dim color of the face, saturate the skin moisture. "

Secret formula

Whatever remarkable properties have a ferulic acid, it still needs to be delivered to skin cells, and after all, the horny (the most upper) layer of the skin does not miss anything through herself (otherwise, our skin would not be a barrier organ).

"Most cosmetic ingredients simply do not penetrate deep into the skin, remaining on the surface of the epidermis, - continues Tatyana Trotsenko, - but scientists have found the way they are convenient transportation - with the help of Liposoma. Spanish Concern Sesderma Laboratories has developed an innovative brand of funds based on the latest achievements in the field of nanotechnology to deliver the necessary components, including ferulovic acid directly to live skin cells. For this, the active ingredient is placed in two-layer capsules of nano-size, according to the structure of the identical human cell membrane. In the first layer of liposomes, fat-soluble components are concluded, and in the cavity inside the capsule - water-soluble. Thus, all necessary substances are delivered to the skin, at the same time high biological compatibility with cells are provided. Masher size and high flexibility Liposoma allow them to be easily advanced on a given depth and selectively affect those or other skin structures. "

In lines based on ferulic acid from Lipoceutical presented several drugs designed to effectively deal with photorestation.

First of all, we are talking about Feerulac Peel Classic / Plus peels, which perfectly cope with problems such as skin fading caused by ultraviolet, age-related changes, hyperpigmentation, reduced skin tone, pedestal. The huge plus of these funds is that they are all-season and are suitable for all skin types. Of course, as after any peeling, you will have to use sunscreen creams, but unlike other fieruline peels can be done even in the summer.

In addition, peeling with ferulic acid protects DNA cells, provides antioxidant "armor", has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens collagen and elastin fibers. The recommended course consists of seven procedures with an interval per week.

As an activating additive to peeling, Mist Ferulac Nano AdDittive, which restores the dermal matrix, prevents the appearance of pigment spots and illuminates the existing ones, minimizes the damage caused by ultraviolet.

To reduce oxidant skin stress, the two-stage rejuvenating Liposomal Ferulac Anti-Aging System is perfect. The first drug is actively struggling with photorestation, strengthens the effect of ferulovy peelings, removes pigmentation and wrinkles. The second preparation due to the combination combination of low-and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid has a deep moisturizing effect, lines the skin structure, stimulates the production of protein (from which new collagen fibers are built). The system is ideal for mature skin after 40-45 years, is applied once or twice a day. The second drug is applied only after full absorption of the first.

For younger skin (from 25 to 40 years), liposomal funds are well suited in Liposomal Ferulac Ampoules ampoules, light Mist Liposomal Ferulac Mist or Liposomal Ferulac Serum serum. What to stop your choice will recommend a beautician based on the individual needs of the skin. All these tools are perfectly taken care of dehydrated and damaged skin, provide antioxidant protection, moisturizes and revitalize, remove pigment stains, smooth wrinkles, protect DNA cells from ultraviolet.

It is possible to apply funds not only on the face, but also on the neck and zone of neckline, where there is particularly thin skin, subject to early aging and excessive exposure to sunlight.

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