Dmitry Koldun showed his garden: "Everything happens under the leadership of the mother-in-law"


For Eurovision Member, Dmitry Koldun, like many performers, has now appeared free time due to the abolition of projects in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. The singer lives in Minsk, and now most of the time tries to spend at home. The artist readers not only told about country life, but also showed his magnificent garden.

Dmitry, we know that you love to be outside the city. How often do you spend time at the cottage?

- Now I, mostly, spend all the time in the country. Here we have the opportunity to stay in the fresh air, ride a bicycle, walking in the forest nearby, go to the lake. Work is now a bit, therefore it is possible to bring the house and plot in order. I have special equipment and tools - something remained from mom, something - from grandmother. But from the old I, of course, has already got rid of, because it is very heavy, inconvenient, short handles. I do not know, before, maybe people were low, because with my height it is inconvenient to hover with them. So I bought everything new, easy. Himself acquired - there was a lot of choice, it was not difficult.

How long have you started to plant something in the garden?

- before the grandmother and grandfather lived here. They always had a big garden, now the main area is redone under the lawn, but this year I decided to take a little bit under the garden - I bought prefabricated beds from stainless steel. While there is only chicory, spinach, arugula and green onions. The salad is already recruited every day for the whole family, only we have time to eat ... Everything happens under the leadership of the mother-in-law, she is watching us for a calendar, and I look at the weather, and we are with my wife shovels and robbles.

Artist at the cottage a lot of trees

Artist at the cottage a lot of trees

Press service materials

And you yourself studied some kind of literature about what and how to do?

- So far only materials on trimming trees. I love to paint the saw and secateurs. In general, I often drink trees. This is due to the fact that no one has done for a long time, so I do this for the second year in a row. Not only that I drink them, I'm still preparing them for the mangala, on firewood - why disappear? That is, first we saw on the pads, and then the ax.

I hope these experiments take place without incident?

- Well, how to say ... Last year he cut off a piece of finger - nail on the big finger of his left hand. With unaccustomed did not hit the log. Thank God, the finger passed on, but it was quite unpleasant. Children frightened great. And this year I saw the old apple tree, which hangs and from which apples fall. And when the branch fell, she hit me on his head, and I was without gloves and reflexively sawing cut myself a fairly deep wound between a ring finger and a maiden. I did not go to the hospital - there is so there is enough problems. Therefore, I just climbed both fingers with scotch, stuck with the plaster, and healed over the week. So I cut periodically, but, thank God, nothing serious.

With such experiments, you can not only cut down, but also to break the back. They say it is a rather popular ailment among summer houses ...

- The back does not hurt me, because I lead a fairly active way of life - I go to do on the bars and stretching in the morning. It happens sometimes, but it is necessary to try to very much - the branch is heavy, for example, drag.

Will the spouse help you in the greenery?

- Yes, she, mostly, is engaged in beds, and I am an improvement. And, of course, she is responsible for being always fed, because physical work in the garden is quite a long time, takes away the power, so she tries to marine meat for kebab and barbecue. In general, it performs a job simple in terms of physics.

The spouse of the artist actively helps her husband in the country

The spouse of the artist actively helps her husband in the country

What else intends to plant Dmitry Koldun this year?

"I'm waiting for a suitable weather to transplant to the soil of tomatoes, the seedlings are already closely on the windowsill. We have a wife usually puts out seedlings, but I water her, because it stands in my music studio. And now it is very soon, she will just go into the ground, because today the last day on the lunar calendar, when it can be planted. The next time it can be done at the end of the month, but already late. So I just now go to plant her. I also planted the zucchini and peas, waiting for the first germs. While everything goes according to plan. Dyshkin calendar does not fail. (Smiles.)

A lot of vegetables and greens grow on a singer's beds

A lot of vegetables and greens grow on a singer's beds

Press service materials

Dmitry, do you continue to be in self-insulation mode?

- Well, we rarely go for meals and try to do it in the mornings when there are fewer people in the store. Do not go to visit and do not invite anyone. Video call helps from boredom.

And the traditional question is now: how is the situation associated with coronavirus, in your family?

- I will not hide that I have familiar who got sick. Without complications, fortunately. But we are fine. The family has everything as always, the seasonal runny nose, colds - nothing unusual. But we ourselves did not hurt coronavirus.

Did you analyze the antibodies? Now it becomes relevant ...

- No, and I do not see the need it.

Dmitry Koldun showed his garden

Ulyana Kalashnikova

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