Breathe. Do not breathe!


From the letter Mom:

"... last fall, my 7-year-old son was diagnosed with" adenoids of the 2-3rd degree ". It is noteworthy that until this point from doctors, we did not hear about adenoids. We spent the summer in Moscow, the smoke was hung over the full program. When I noticed that at night, the child regularly for 15-20 seconds "turns off" breathing, and in the morning he gets broken and unreceived, scored alarm. The ENT doctor said that the output is one: remove the increasing adenoids.

Under local anesthesia, we did not solve the operation. At the end of November, in the direction of the polyclinic came to the Filatovskaya hospital. To get to their medical examination (you need to come there without a child, only documents require), I was registered in the queue, waited another month. And you know, what date they recorded us? End of June 2011 !!! My story, as a child suffocates at night, did not impress the medical examination. A paid operation in the commercial center of Filatovka was also needed to wait, but less - until mid-January. Commercial clinics remained - there agreed to help immediately, but for 45 thousand rubles ... Now we have everything in order. But I ask myself a question all the time: what if we had no money then? ... "

- Last year, many Muscovites were not only abused by heat, but also had smoke, having received a bunch of problems for the whole year.

"I can say that this year it is done, probably one and a half times more operations than in the past. Particularly affect smoke and heat on lymphoid fabric in children who are not yet adapted to this life. We are not born with you in Africa!

- Advise how to protect children in such a situation?

- If there is such an opportunity, you do not need to live in the summer in urban conditions. Gauze bandage, even if you will moisturize it, will not help: all the same smog particles fall into the upper and lower respiratory tract. The heat acts on the whole organism, on the immune system, and for the body it is quite serious stress. How to escape? To be closer to the water, drink more water - only not carbonated, and ordinary.

- Today, many kids are easy to travel with parents to hot countries ...

- For children, especially up to three years, such trips are very dangerous. I do not understand the mothers who export children, let's say to Cyprus or in Spain at the height of the season. The child has not yet formed immunity, and acclimatization for him is still that for us with you flu with a temperature under 40. It is black in white written in pediatric textbooks, and it is stupid to consider these rules outdated.

- How to recognize adenoids with a naked eye? What signs should alert parents?

- The first is a violation of nasal breathing. And not just an ARZ, but those constantly repeating the colds that you - treat, do not treat, - and they are still returning - then in a greater, to a lesser extent. The second is often a child-friendly child: more than 5-6 times a year. The third is a decline in hearing when the child turns the tv or radio or radio, often asks - many parents write down such behavior to inattention. And, of course, snoring during sleep.

- What are dangerous adenoids?

- reduced hearing, formation of persistent, chronic otites and sinusites (sinusitis). A disruption of nasal respiration leads to the fact that the mouth is constantly open and all infection goes into the lungs, causing bright-light diseases. In addition, the formation of an ugly adenoid type of face: the omission of the lower jaw, the smoothness of the nasolabial triangle.

- It is common that adenoids can be "erased." Is it so?

- If the mother constantly monitors the child, he cares for his nose, regularly appears on the clinization of Laura, then it happens. What does "grow out" mean? Adenoids as an immune protection authority of the upper respiratory tract works up to 8-12 years. Then the general immune system of the whole organism is formed, and the adenoids are rose to the adenoids. In adults there are no adenoids, although there are exceptions here.

- Where does this disease come from and what are the risk factors?

- Their million: hereditary factor, allergy children, toxicosis and viral infections in the first half of pregnancy Mom, eating alcoholic beverages and smoking. Even hormonal drugs against miscarriage and the use of analgesics during pregnancy - Analgin and Aspirin are influenced. And the most important factor: so that the child is at least for up to 6-8 months, he has been sick with colds.

- Is there a lower border of age for the operation?

- Sure. Previously, it was faced with frivolous, and then they realized that adenoids are still a protective immune system of the children's body, especially the upper and lower respiratory tract. And if she has not yet formed (up to 3-5 years), there must be absolute indications for its surgical treatment. According to the European standard, there are only two of them: the first is to reduce hearing and otitis, and the second is a night apnea, when the child suddenly interrupts breathing. For mom, this shock: just the child breathed, and suddenly once - and does not breathe. Apnea is dangerous in that it causes oxygen starvation of the brain, against the background of which strokes and microinsults can be formed in childhood.

- How today adenoids are removed: in the old manner - live or there are more gentle ways?

- It is difficult for me to say why in many hospitals these operations are still carried out under local anesthesia. Also do you know where? In Mongolia, sometimes China, Indonesia - in general, in developing countries. And the whole of Europe has long passed for general anesthesia.

In two municipal hospitals - Tushinsky and Filatovskaya - these operations are delivered to the stream under general anesthesia and under the control of vision. What does it look like? The baby is given a mask with a nitrogen mud, he falls asleep. A certain drug is introduced into Vienna - directly anesthesia. Intubation is done: a special physiological tubule is carried out in the ladies, through which the child breathes. A surgeon with an endoscope examines the nasopharynk, adenoids are neatly cut, hearing pipes are cleaned, the nasal cavity. Stop bleeding. Check again. It is impossible to do this with local anesthesia. Then the child wakes up and transplanted into the ward. Everything. Operation time - 15-20 minutes.

There are several more ways to carry out this operation, but the method described above is the main one both in the West and here, one of the fastest and most clear. An important factor: a child should not be under anesthesia for a long time, more than 20-30 minutes, and operations, let's say, with the help of a laser laser.

- Do I need to somehow care for the nose of a healthy child?

- necessarily. Little children to do the nose toilet so that the secret does not accumulate there. The child came from the garden, schools - it is advisable for him to wash his nose. But! In children, due to their anatomical features, in order to avoid otites, it is impossible to create a strong pressure in the nasal cavity using these washes. And the second: it is impossible to wash the nose lying, with a trapped head. On the contrary, it is necessary to do it standing, with tilted down head: first one way, then - to another (there are special sprays).

It is undesirable that parents make a solution for "folk recipes". If my mother is not a chemist, it is difficult for her to create, say, 0.9 percent solution. Someone has a tablespoon of one size, someone has the other. And as a result, all this can cause a burn either swelling. There were many cases when the use of "folk" healthy plants caused strongest burns in children. As an ENT prevention, the use of homeopathy, reduced lymphotok, is safer and more efficient.

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