Getting ready for the summer: why it is worth signing up in the hall right now


The temperature gradually becomes higher - snow melts, people replace winter down jackets on light jackets, the first "snowdrops" appear in the halls ... so experienced athletes call newcomers who begin to play sports exclusively before the beach season. However, do not think to get upset - this is just a kind joke. Believe me, starting now, by the summer you will noticeably transform.

Instant result is impossible

It is a pity, but it is impossible to give up dinner once and the next morning wake up with perfectly flat stomach. The Internet offers many quick slimming options - diets, cosmetology procedures and even operations, however, they have nothing to do with health. The only effective way to help you not only lose weight, but also to save weight for a long time is a gradual relief of weight. Install on the smartphone program to count calories, buy kitchen scales and start counting the calorie content of the diet. In the application you can enter the initial data - parameters, weight. Then set the desired weight and the date to which you want to lose weight - the application itself calculates the calorie content of the diet to achieve the result. You must reduce calorieness gradually, about 100-150 calories per week, but not to fall below the plank of 1200 calories per day.

Sport will help strengthen vessels

Sport will help strengthen vessels


Buy a subscription now

Peak sales of subscriptions in the gym - the beginning of March. By this time, the owners of the halls significantly increase prices for subscriptions - demand gives rise to an offer that everyone is known. While in the yard February, you can purchase it at a regular price or even with a discount. It is better to choose a hall next to the house, so as not to carry with you a huge bag with a sports form. Well, if the price of the subscription will not only include a gym, but also group training - start with them to prepare a heart to load and strengthen the muscles.

If someone from your acquaintances is engaged in sports in the club in your area, ask him if he likes there. Positive feedback is an argument for purchase, you will be given a discount, since you came on the recommendation, and a friend can extend the subscription for a couple of weeks - there will be satisfied both. When you come to an excursion to the Hall, pay attention to the fact that the simulators have been new and did not creak, so that people during classes do not interfere with each other. It is especially important that there is a powerful ventilation system, otherwise it will be hard to breathe during classes, you will quickly get tired.

Regular classes increase the mood

Regular classes increase the mood


Sport will give cheerfulness and strengthen health

Every year, the peak of morbidity falls on the spring - the time when everything is melting, the air becomes warm and favorable for breeding bacteria. Strong immunity will help to fight viruses and not get sick at an inappropriate moment, and also not to infect close. Sport classes contribute to this - breathing in the course of training, the pressure increases - more oxygen comes into the blood, exchange processes are accelerated, which contribute to the removal of infection from the body. If you keep drinking mode, take vitamin supplements, you can be sure that you will not get sick in the cold season. The powerful emission of the endorphine hormone into the blood will cause excellent mood - spring will give you pleasant emotions, and not a vacation on the sofa with a nose handkerchief.

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