How to get rid of smells in the apartment


Surely you familiarize the phrase: my house is my fortress. In a cozy apartment, I want to spend as much time as possible - to get together for a large table with loved ones, cook breakfasts and dinners, experimenting with recipes of different kitchens, watch movies and dance under vigorous music. However, all these delights of a home lifestyle can be "killed" by an unpleasant smell - how to get rid of it? First you need to determine the source of the smell - then you can take advantage of our advice.

Smell of sewage

Perhaps the most common cause of an unpleasant smell in the house - closed sewage. Problems may arise due to improper installation, as a result of which the places of garbage accumulation are formed in the pipes, or the pipes begin to flow. Another reason is the lack of care of the sewer system. Many people think that due to the powerful stream of water, all dirt should be poured into the general system, no matter how much garbage entered the pipes is not so.

Ravering the unpleasant odor will help flushing pipes - unscrew the removable pieces of pipes and pour their contents in the pelvis, then drain the water and throw the garbage into the tank. Either pour a special chemical agent to the wash hole - it will act within 30 minutes. Some hostesses advise to replace it with soda and vinegar - pour soda packaging into a drain hole and pour vinegar.

With the smell of sewage can be struggling in several ways

With the smell of sewage can be struggling in several ways


The smell of dampness

You can feel that there is stuffy in the house, as if there are not enough oxygen, and the air is wet, it smells like dampness. The reason is usually mold or other fungi. Most often it can be seen in the bathroom, but also it appears in the storage places of products - the refrigerator, Chulana. It is difficult to fight it quite difficult - it takes more than one processing.

If the focus of the reproduction of the fungus is large, contact the disinfection service - you will need to handle the potent chemical composition. At the time of processing it is better to temporarily change the place of residence. If the mold is not more square meter, then you can struggle with it yourself. First, mix the processing solution - in the sprayer, pour the chlorine into the pulverizer and fill with water in relation to 1 to 10, instead of chlorine you can use vinegar. Spray the solution on mold, swallowing it. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then a sponge, moistened in the detergent, erase mold from the surface - the sponge must be thrown out. Treat the clean surface with water with water with water - 1 teaspoon on a glass of warm water. Soda will have an antibacterial effect, preventing the re-appearance of mold. For prevention, rinse the fungal focus of soda once a week.

The smell of urea

Those who have pets, sign this smell - it is caustic and quickly absorbed into the floor covering. The best means to combat it is to wash the floor with a vinegar solution with water immediately, as you notice the spot. We advise you to repeat the procedure for several days to finally remove the smell. As soon as you noticed that the smell disappeared, rinse the floor with a special tool with a pleasant aroma.

Vinegar eliminates the smell of urea

Vinegar eliminates the smell of urea


Smell in microwave

The surfaces of the microwave oven quickly absorb the smell of dishes that are heated in it. Get rid of smell will help a simple recipe - take a deep plate, pour water into it and add a few drops of lemon essential oil, orange, bergamot or mint. Put the microwave to warm up for 2-4 minutes depending on the power. Then rinse the furnace with a sponge dipped in a cleaning agent.

Smell in the closet

If you are used to folding underwear in the closet immediately after ironing, then do not be surprised that it smells unpleasant. After ironing, the underwear should cool - for 30-50 minutes, an extra moisture will evaporate from it, which has released an iron in the form of steam. For a pleasant smell in a box with a lobe, put an aromatic sachet or a bag with soda or salt, which can be sprinkled with a favorite perfume - soda and salt are well absorbed by smells, so a pleasant fragrance will continue for a long time.

Put in the closet aromatic sachet

Put in the closet aromatic sachet


The smell of burning

If you accidentally burned the cake or forgot the scrambled eggs in a skillet, then the unpleasant smell of Gary quickly spreads around the apartment. It can be easily overlooked - take a clean pan and fry coffee beans or lemon and oranges on it. These are strong aromas that other smells of the house will "smother". Wait 5-10 minutes and ventilate the apartment by opening all the windows.

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