How to correctly thank: 5 practical advice



We are accustomed to thank you can only a particular person for what he did for you. But actually it is important to be grateful to the whole universe for everything that you have - health, beautiful body, work, family ... and you need to do this more than 10 years, when suddenly there are some serious problems, and every day. It is quite simple. It is enough to think about how wonderful your life, smile and spend the whole day in joy. It will be the best form of gratitude! And due to this, even more positive things will come to your life.

If you think that the trouble happened, ask yourself a question: "What is the opportunity for me? What is a gift from the universe? What can I do here yet? " And then you can wrap your own situation for your favor. For example, if you were fired, perhaps this is the best time in order to think about whether you like what you do. Maybe you have long wanted to show yourself in some other sphere? Want to try something new? Or everyone dreamed of getting out of work and engage in children? Now the best time to realize all your plans.

2. Thank you

We often celebrate the achievements of others, but extremely rarely focus on their victories. But it is very important! To be happy, harmonious and successful, you need to praise yourself and love, be proud of what you have achieved! And in no case do not depreciate its results.

To learn how to do it, get a diary of gratitude and write out every day that you have been good to do what you are well done. It doesn't matter how large-scale it was projects. Maybe you have abandoned the calorie casserole for dinner and ate a salad, remained calm when the child is very capricious, or finally finished the report at work. Record any things! And even if something, in your opinion, did not succeed, do not register yourself, as this you destroy your health and your future. Better wrap it in gratitude. For example, you slept an important meeting. Tell me: "Yes, everything went not according to plan, but it is obvious that my body was sharply needed rest. But now I feel great, I am grateful for the fact that I am full of strength. And now I will decide how best to get out of this situation. Perhaps the meeting was generally not important for me and it is better to make something else instead of her. "

Thank your loved ones and loved ones without any reason.

Thank your loved ones and loved ones without any reason.


3. Do not feel obliged

Some people are afraid when they help them, do something pleasant for them. Because they feel that after that will be "must". And not just to say "Thank you", but to do something significant in response, for which there are often no resources. But this is the wrong approach. The secret of gratitude lies in the Word itself, which consists of two parts: "good" and "give", i.e., sharing something positive and light. If the fan made you an expensive gift, it does not mean that you should start with him intimate relationships or also try to accumulate to the present. It will be nice to see your sincere smile and a good mood. And it will be absolutely equivalent energy exchange. Do not be afraid to show your senses, show your gratitude. If, for example, a gift came to your taste, so tell me that you are delighted. And if he suddenly did not fit something, thank for the fact that a person paid attention to you, spent his time to search the present. But the main thing is - in any case be sincere, speak from the soul.

If you still have to personally tell the person of gratitude to the person in the first time, you still think that this is a sign of weakness, write a letter. Send it or not - you can decide later. But even transferring their senses for grateful to paper will be useful because it will free you from negative emotions and will allow you to throw positive.

4. Thank you even for trifles

If our loved ones do something wrong, we always find time and strength to scold, make a comment, and someone and at all because of the missed households comes out of themselves. At the same time, we extremely rarely draw attention to what they do good. And should be the opposite. Every achievement of your relatives we must happily get marked and thank for it. For example, the husband carried a garbage? He is a real hero! The child removed the toys behind him? What a fine fellow! Colleague sent documents on time? Thank you so much for the promptness. The more surrounding will hear the words of gratitude from you, the more they want to do for you. They will be glad to try and will be ready to turn the mountains for you. At the same time, their strengths will become even more noticeable, and weak will go away from the second or even the tenth plan.

If so far thanks are given to you hard, install the limits. For example, a husband to thank at least 15 times a day, a child - 10, and colleagues - 5. And follow the execution. Every time you say to someone thanks, put yourself in a notebook plus. So after a while it will go into the habit. At the same time, try to say to the person, for what exactly you thank it, what kind of quality and actions you appreciate.

5. Thank you without a certain reason.

In order to tell a person something pleasant, to give him "good", it is not necessary to wait for something to do something for this. In this matter, the reason is not needed. Does the daughter can't solve the example? Praise her for trying. Or just tell me that she is beautiful, clever and you are grateful to the universe for what you have. Moreover, thank without only children, but also adults. Speak your spouse more often as you are happy that he is in your life, as you are grateful to him for love, care, patience. Believe me, even if it seems to you that you are ideal, perhaps your second half has to do a great job on yourself to keep and strengthen your relationship. And even if someone wants to send a negative in your direction, for example, the head criticizes your work, thank it for feedback. After all, the more positive and good you will send to the world, the more you get in response. And you will see the result in your personal life, in your career, and in the financial sector.

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