Tatyana Vedenskaya showed photos from the family album


1. On this photo I am two years old. I stand in a very, very beautiful dress, which brought my grandfather from a foreign business trip. Then the dress in turn wore my daughters Margarita and Anastasia, they have a difference of five years. The dress is alive and now: it grows one of the flooring dolls.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

2. This is a moment of television for some transmission. In life, of course, children are not such "angels." We are sitting in the kitchen of our country house. I remember there were a lot of doubles: since ten we were forced to portray the perfect family. Children are very tired, especially younger, Anton. The head of the family was at work, so happily escaped an execution.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

3. I am with Igor's husband. Once he got me in the form of a twenty-year-old single mother, without education, scored after a severe first marriage. And all these years, you can say, I climbed, brought up. It's one of one day I bought me a computer, I sat for him and said: write. Igor believed in my writer dar.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

4. Two years ago, I decided to go to the US to study at the Cinema Academy on the screenwriter. At the same time he visited a girlfriend and a little born in the country. Here I am on the Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, and next - this is such Marilyn Monroe. You leave the subway - and immediately see this "girl." Cheerful place!

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

5. Entertainment Park Universal Studios, where you can plunge into the fabulous world of filmmaking and feel like a hero of some blockbuster. I am "in the frame" of the film "Apollo-13". In the background - the capsule in which the heroes landed after the catastrophe on the ship.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

6. Beauty and pride of our family - Pirate, dog breed English Beagle. He is already seven years old, quite adult, but character like a teenager. He likes to overeat anything delicious from the table, wakes us all in the morning. Generally believes that this is he is the owner of the house, and we are the service personnel.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

7. In the summer of 2006, we rested the whole family in the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Nebug. Wonderful memories remained! There is an amazing nature: where else in the world the sea beach smoothly goes to freshwater? We photographed near one of the waterfalls, which are also famous for the nebug. They are formed by the river with the same name ...

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

8. My thirteen-year-old daughter Anastasia visited Copenhagen at the festival of the company producing world famous shoes. Here daughter is sitting in the shoe. I remember the holiday (it seems, the birthday of the company) was very cheerful - with the presentation and treats.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

9. Two years ago my eldest daughter Rita married. I got acquainted with the guy on the Internet. He himself from the USA, but was interested in the history of Russia, taught Russian. Very serious. They rewrite for a long time, two years, then they met and as a result got married. This photo is done when I traveled to my daughter and son-in-law. They live in North Carolina. Here we get into the fishing yacht and depicting the moment from the movie "Titanic".

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

10. This photo takes an honorable place in our house. I get a lawyer's diploma. Why is such a specialty? Before that, I worked as a realtor, and the first seven years - no formation. And worked, by the way, successfully. But the dream of higher education did not leave. When I got pregnant for the third time, I understood: now or never. My husband helped me walk to the goal.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

Photo: Personal archive of Tatiana Vedenskaya.

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