Clean silver at home


Each house has silver, and optionally decorations, rather, cutlery. However, behind this capricious metal must carefully care, otherwise it can turn on or be covered with an ugly raid. But do not worry: Silver is easy to clean at home. We will advise how to return your favorite spoons or bracelet the original shine and beauty.

silver very gentle metal

silver very gentle metal


The reasons why silver black can be a lot, for example:

- increased humidity;

- contact with cosmetics;

- chemical reaction after contact with the human body;

- Contact with detergents.

Of course, you can give your favorite decoration in a jewelry salon, where a professional will clean it without damage to the material. Another option is to buy a special tool for cleaning silver and try to clean it yourself. But we will tell you what more budget options you can consider.

What should be done first

First, rinse the product under running water to rinse the contamination, you can even use a small brush.

In some cases, you can rinse the decoration or a cutlery to detergent dishes to prepare for further, more careful processing.

Decorations with stones require a special approach

Decorations with stones require a special approach


Most effective means for cleaning

One of the most popular means is an ordinary dental powder. Surely your parents and grandparents with grandfathers enjoyed this way to make the product to shine. Since silver is a rather soft metal, clean it carefully so that scratches and jar remained on the surface.


The second candidate for the title of the best cleansing agent is the ammonia alcohol. This option is suitable if you decide to clean the expensive decoration with a precious stone. But do not rub your favorite ring with clean alcohol, be sure to dilute it with a small amount of water.

If the decoration is too contaminated, first put it into a solution of water and alcohol for 15 minutes, and then you can start cleaning. At the very end, wipe the decoration with a dry napkin, so that the remnants of the alcohol do not start acting on the metal.


Soda is in every home, do not deny. As in the case of a dental powder, cleaning should be carried out as little as possible. Tell about several effective ways:

Divide the soda in the water, but not completely, but before the formation of a thick cashem, this composition is careful through the surface.

The second way: dissolve in half a glass of water soda and put on fire. Waiting when the water boils, put a piece of foil into the water along with the decoration. You will be surprised how your earrings or bracelet will take.

Store silver in the box

Store silver in the box



It is best not to wait for pollution that is difficult to clean, try to simply prevent it, and for this you need to observe certain measures:

- Coming home, remove the decorations so as not to affect them any cosmetic means;

- rub the products after moisture falls on them;

- Store silver in the boxes.

Follow these simple recommendations, and you do not have to constantly worry because of the bad appearance of your favorite jewelry.

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