Time to reverse: Why do we need collagen


Collagen is considered a real chopstick for those who thought about anti-aging means. It is added to the leaving cosmetics, it offers dietary supplements and make cosmetic procedures. Are the most miraculous funds with collagen, and which of them choose?

To begin with, you will understand what is generally collagen. If briefly, collagen is the main element of the connective tissue. Our skin consists of several types of it. The most important of these are type I (basic) and type III (the so-called "children's"). They are responsible for skin elasticity. After 25 years, the basis of the "Children's" collagen begins to weaken. The base collagen molecules also get less, they, devoid of frame, are chaotic. The skin loses its elasticity, starts to sag, age changes appear.

Help from outside

As we have already found out, our skin consists of several types of it. Conventional anti-aging cosmetics increases only the quantity and quality of collagen I, but this is not enough for a long-term and noticeable result. The answer to the problem tried to find in the walls of the Global Center for Research and Development Avon in American Safferne. Scientists have committed a real breakthrough in the field of skin care products by developing serum for face in ampoules with Protinol technology. Just imagine: this novelty received 18 (!) Patents.


Serum innovation is that it restores not only collagen I type, but also a frame from the "Children's" collagen III. The main active substance is the amino acid Protinol - activates the enzyme that is responsible for "crosslinking", the formation of transverse links in collagen and elastin. In synergies, both types of collagen create a matrix that literally pushes the wrinkles from the inside, returns elasticity, volume and clearhold of faces.

Serum packaging of 7 ampoules is designed for a weekly course - one ampoule per day before day or night cream. Ampoules are made of 100% pure polymer, it is easy to open and conveniently use. It is necessary to break down the ampoule tip with a sharp movement, and then pour the contents into the palm and distribute the skin slightly pressing movements. Already a week, the use of wrinkles, even deep, will become less noticeable, and the skin is elastic and elastic, "like a child". Repeat the course dermatologists are advised once a month.

For those who like an instant result, a real find - filler capsules with collagen Hydro Plumping Filler from Stellary. One capsule is one outdoor application.


Thanks to the collagen, sheli oils, argan oils and avocado, the skin looks moistened and elastic. The content itself is oily, but it lies very smoothly and is ideal as a base for makeup. And the floral fragrance can be safely considered a pleasant bonus.

Do not forget about the neckline and neck - these two zones, unfortunately, one of the first treachers give out age. The Aravia Laboratories brand has just appeared current novika - lifting cream for Decollete Lifting-cream decollete.


The most important ingredient of the novelties is the croton tree extract ("Dragon Blood") - it is he who will ustimulate the process of regeneration of skin cells, contributes to the elimination of stretch marks, healing and tones the skin, eliminates the effects of fatigue and stress. But also our favorite collagen perfectly "plays the team": it eliminates the moisture deficit, restores, nourishes and has a lifting effect on the skin, lines the skin surface.


If you really want to cope with the deficit of rejuvenating substances, you need to reconsider your diet. Here are some products that will help your body to independently produce collagen.

First of all, it is bone beef broth, experts advise drinking it daily at 150-300 ml. Also, at least a couple of times a week, you should have fish fatty varieties on the table (salmon, tuna, fish-sword) - because there is a high content of omega-3 fats, which are responsible for moisturizing the skin from the inside. The side dish prefer green vegetables. They contain chlorophyll, which has an antioxidant effect and premature aging. Miraculous avocado even in forever it will fall in your diet. It is believed that you need to use at least half an avocado daily.

Well, any berries are perfect for dessert. Raspberry, strawberry, strawberries, blackberry, currant, blueberries - all of them contain liquor - useful substances with powerful antioxidant properties.


Active additives will help both collagen. Just need to be borne in mind that just the dietary dietial makes a revolution - they can benefit only if you change the power mode. COLLAGEN + HYALURONIC ACID + VITAMIN complex from BE FIRST, as already understandable from the name, contains not only collagen, but also hyaluronic acid with vitamin C. Incoming components in the additive components in the aggregate have a more powerful action than separately. Collagen helps the restoration of the connective tissue, increases its strength, hyaluronic acid keeps moisture in the joint tissues, leather and other organs, and vitamin C improves the absorption of these components, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, and also supports the body as a powerful antioxidant. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth, and the hair and nails acquire smoothness and shine.

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