I am yours forever: who are such fans


Probably there is no such person whom absolutely nothing interested in this life. Each of us somehow has addiction, no matter what area. Someone is interested in technical innovations, and at the first opportunity runs to the store for the last version of the smartphone, someone soul sports: remember at least sports fans. In general, the attitude towards these people varies from indifferent to extremely negative, but it takes place from the total misunderstanding of what is happening.

Agree, it is difficult to climb another person to the head of another person and strangle the "cockroaches" living there, so ordinary people have to judge the general ideas and stereotypes that have developed over many years. This article is designed to turn your idea of ​​people who devote their free time to his beloved business.

The word "fan" comes from Latin Fānum ("Shrine", "Sanctuary"). And indeed, for many people the environment that understands you and does not push, becomes a refuge, thereby the "sanctuary", if you want. As you probably know, most fans are teenagers. And this is not by chance: it is in this period of time that a person's self-identification occurs, he begins to separate from his parents and is trying to find his place in the world. In this difficult one for the psyche, the person dives in search of himself, tries to find people who will support his hobbies if they are, of course, and thus fan clubs find the points of concentration of people united by common interest.

Artists and fans depend on each other

Artists and fans depend on each other

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

If we are talking about a musical fan club, a teenager visits the concerts of the beloved artist and, as a rule, cannot control their emotions, which is often the hysteries that show you on direct broadcasts of musical events. People distant from this world are crying and switching the channel, but in their memory there remains the image of a hysterical teenage girl who met the idol lived.

Yes, there are a lot of such fans, but nevertheless not the majority. With age, wild love either passes, and a person forgets this period of his life, or the yaraya passion develops into a deep and calm sense of respect for the person you dedicated to your youth. Such people do not like when they are called fans, I prefer less aggressive term - a fan.

What happens in the fan club

Many parents scares the fact that their child became a fan of one or another artist, buys discs and posters, in the supermarket "flies" to the regiments with magazines, having a familiar face on the cover of the magazine, and before the loss of consciousness trades with a discoversion of foreign merchandise, trying to profitable Buy calendar or rare issue of the magazine.

I have a hurry to calm down - if your child reported that he is a member of the fan club, regularly visits "gathering", do not fall into panic, everything is fine. However, in order to calm the nerves, ask your daughter or a son, a fan of what or who he is, and then look for information on the Internet to understand what about you deal with.

Modern teenagers are becoming less and less "victims" of aggressive marketing, which is trying to impose absolutely "empty" performers or actors whose goal is to just earn without worrying about the quality of their creativity. Nowadays, when information comes with an excess, it is difficult to "filter" truly standing artists who can become a good example of your children. However, more and more young people are interested in the work of the proven "Giants" of the industry: Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Elton John and many other great artists. If your child got into one of these fan clubs, consider it a big luck. But than the younger child, the easier it is to convince him of something, so you can hear from the room not ingenious Heroes, but more recognizable and, as a rule, the Russian hit. In this case, you just need to endure: such hobbies are passing.

But there are in fan clubs and adults, you will say. Yes, there are, and these are the people who are engaged in a more serious and in-depth study of the beloved artist by age and opportunities. And there is something to study what! There are also famous Shakespearers, Pushkinists, who respect in society and hardly support cultural organizations. Why does the fan of the same Michael Jackson can not be a person who can enlighten? Moreover, it is about what: Do you know that the artist does not own a good letter, but, thanks to the perfect hearing and incredible hardworking, with a voice reproduced by voice any existing tool, allowing session musicians to choose a tone? This storehouse of any humanitarian. The well-known professors of top institutions from all over the world are written about him, people of various humanitarian disciplines devote their course and thesis receiving high points. These are real stories from life, just think, perhaps such a deep interest in a successful person will help your child take place in life, no need to prevent his hobbies that can grow into something more.

Now, with the development of social networks, the person does not need to leave the house to find like-minded people: there are huge communities, where the person of any age will be happy.

In addition, large fan clubs begin to occupy a serious position in the cultural life of the city: some fan communities manage to carry out major events with the involvement of various cultural and urban structures. For example, the fan club of the same Michael Jackson conducts events in Moscow in cooperation with the cultural center of the United States of the Contractor, it works with its representatives and is highly appreciated by people from the cultural sector - famous artists, directors, musicians, and this is not a complete list. Approximately the same situation consists of another large community in Russia - the fan club of the Queen group. During the Promo Tour, Bayopic on Freddie Mercury a few long-standing fans of the group, which in their environment are called "Oldfagami", asked to grant the film quite a lot of serious TV channels. In general, the administration of serious fan clubs usually cooperates with representatives of cinemas, people from the surroundings of the artist, also conducts events and conquers all new cultural vertices. Of course, for any success, there is a painstaking work of people free of charge for the benefit of the community, people who once themselves were teenagers, squeezing at concerts. Now they are all adults with serious work, which often follows from youthful hobbies. All this is happening because once parents reacted with the idea of ​​still frivolous hobbies of their child, which turned into a matter of life.

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