How do the stars spend the May holidays?


Glitch'oza. Frankly admitted that very grateful to May holidays: "Finally, we can be alone. Thanks to the May holidays for it. "(Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx. Womanhit). True, the singer did not tell exactly where she preferred to retire with her beloved husband, but shared his thoughts that such an ideal rest: "Rest is not only the sun, but also delicious food!"

Gluck'Oza with her husband. Photo:

Gluck'Oza with her husband. Photo:

Alsu I decided to arrange yourself the May holidays in Korea and went to Seoul. The singer shared his impressions with her fans: "Konbokkun Konbecun in Seoul visited the palace of" radiant happiness ". It is beautiful and interesting, one time is worth seeing, and this is my sign of the Chinese horoscope. It turns out "People born in the years of pigs are distinguished by courage and ability to self-sacrifice. They are honest and conscientious, attentive to those who love, respect, appreciate. The nature and temper of the pig really knightly, they know their friends well and relatives well. Haalance and help, the subtlety of the soul and excessive scrupulousness - pronounced features of the nature of the pig "here".

Alsu in Seoul. Photo:

Alsu in Seoul. Photo:

Dana Borisov In advance, thought out his rest. She, together with the beloved and the daughter of Polina, went to swim and sunbathe into Turkey. Before the departure, she considered the clock: "I dream of those soon days when we go to the whole family with the whole family on the May holidays in Turkey." As a result, the whole family is given rejoicing warmth and whole days does not get out of the pool.

Dana Borisov in Turkey. Photo:

Dana Borisov in Turkey. Photo:

Nikolay Baskov I decided to meet May Day with relatives and favorite people. Judging by the fact that on the very first working day, the singer sat on a discharge diet, his houses were injured exclusively with delicious dishes.

Nikolay Baskov with family. Photo:

Nikolay Baskov with family. Photo:

Valeria and Joseph Prigogin Back in late April, they went to China. They watched Shanghai's sights, visited Hainan Island. And on the May holidays, the married couple went to Hong Kong. Valeria and Joseph regularly lays out photo reports about their journey and describe their impressions: "We are at the highest point of Hong Kong. Before us is the whole city like a palm. As a hundred years ago, the message between the mainland and the island parts of Hong Kong occurs on the water. This is the cheapest type of crossing. To date, there are two more ways: in addition to the ferry, you can get to the other side and through the submarine tunnels - on the subway (quite expensive pleasure) and the car (this is a completely incomplete luxury for many residents of the city). 268 steps we overcame to get to the Big Buddha. We stand such proud and very satisfied. I really want to share with you seen by beauty. Standing at the foot of the Buddha, you can see the roofs of monastic temples.

Joseph Prigogin and Valeria in China. Photo:

Joseph Prigogin and Valeria in China. Photo:

Ksenia Sobchak went to the Seychelles. The journalist chose not to spread over his rest and only asked: "I'm in paradise the nearest week. Please do not disturb".

Ksenia Sobchak in the Seychelles. Photo:

Ksenia Sobchak in the Seychelles. Photo:

Anita Tsoi I left enjoying holidays for the cottage, where he took up his garden. And he feels no less happy than the distant tropical islands. "The most beautiful time has come in the year - Spring. Life in nature is born, and I also gain strength and new energy from the Earth. Create beauty with your own hands - happiness that will delight me and my family all summer and part of autumn. A few days later they will come to our edges, and my flowers will begin to gain power. I imagine a house whose balconies will bloom in lush multicolored petunias and geraniums, imagine smiles on the faces of native people, and my heart begins to sing and dance Woshunison with nature, filled with joy and give a re-love. Excellent last day. Works in the garden filled me with oxygen. For health just right. Is it possible in the city? Rose trimming is the responsible business. Proper crown formation - art. I will comprehend him for the third year. I hope I can grow beautiful strong strawab roses. This winter was little snow. Some varieties of roses were poorly overwhelmed. Many jerked branches. Several pink bushes were killed. We'll have to annoy new ones. But I do not worry. I know that after the winter, some of the young landings may not survive. That's life. And perseverance and work will give everything. After working day in the air, the reward was: a sauna with eucalyptus brooms and hot herbal tea. My favorite, and now all the sweet dreams and remember, happiness depends on ourselves. Do your favorite things and smile more often. "

Anita Tsoi in the country. Photo:

Anita Tsoi in the country. Photo:

Anfisa Chekhov Together with the healing spouse Garam Babyšvili flew into German Baden-Baden. And preferred to do this without Solomon's son. As a result, the spouses spend another honeymoon, enjoying local beauties, delicious food and each other's society. "Baden-Baden is a miley, very calm and positive city. Action and Tusse Musa is not there, many old men, but I like it. Action and in Moscow is enough. - It shares the impressions of Anfisa. - Blooming Baden. Fragrances of colors are crazy! They are everywhere, just walk and inhale. We went to the beautiful French city of Strasbourg, which is on the border in Baden-Baden. Strasbourg is very blooming, framed by the beautiful river Ile, and architecture, personally, reminding Florence. "

Anfisa Chekhov and Guramba Babyšvili in Baden-Baden. Photo:

Anfisa Chekhov and Guramba Babyšvili in Baden-Baden. Photo:

Nyusha flew to rest in Turkey. Together with Mom, who, collecting all the will in the fist, refuses the delicious local baking. A few days of the holidays singer spent on the beach, enjoying the sun and silence.

Nyusha in Turkey. Photo:

Nyusha in Turkey. Photo:

Irina Dubtsova He went with friends to the Spanish Marbella. The singer did not apply to the details of his holidays. But the fans of the artist are now asked only one question: Irina flew on what a wedding. The fact is that in the signature to the published photograph of the species of Marbella stood hashtegi: wedding and bitterly. But Dubtsov has not yet revealed this mystery.

Irina Dubtsova in Spain. Photo:

Irina Dubtsova in Spain. Photo:

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