Rule 60 seconds: how advises to wash a popular American dermatologist


How much do you spend on washing - 10 seconds? Wash off the surface skin fat, allocated during sleep, is not enough: the skin particles remain in the pores, the dust, which fall into them from the pillowcases, and the slighted plugs do not have time to dissolve. In foreign space, the method of washing proposed by the Los Angeles cosmetologist Roberts Smith becomes popular. I decided to try this method of washing on myself and tell you about the results.

Why does the method work?

"Makeup, dirt and oil is much more difficult to remove from the skin, as most people understand," says Roberts Smith. "Thus, you not only give the cleansing tool to dissolve cosmetic products and remove dirt, but also in 60 seconds also pay attention to special zones, such as the wings of the nose, under the chin and around the hair growth line." Among the sequence of a simple method in Twitter even appeared hashteg # 60secondrule - on it, girls and young people leave a gratitude to the doctor for making them change the routine for her care.

For whom this way of washing

In the comment magazine Cosmopolitan Dermatologist Mon Gorak, Doctor of Medical Sciences, noted that this way of washing can really make the skin softer, give her radiance by increasing blood circulation, but it will not help to solve the problem acne. "You cannot" wash off "your hormones, DNA or any other thriggers causing acne," she says. But, notes Dr. Guhara, if you, as a rule, wake up with the remains of a carcass under the eyes (a sign that you are clearly not well removing the makeup well), the rule of 60 seconds can benefit your skin. "Left makeup can lead to dryness, irritation, because over time he can destroy the skin barrier," she says. Doctor implies a lipid barrier that protects the skin from the environment.

Choose the right wash

Choose the right wash


How to increase the effect

First of all, select the appropriate means for washing. See not the price of the fund, and whether it matches the needs of the skin? First of all, the high-quality gel for washing will tell you a neutral pH of 5.5 - such a "washbasin" is suitable for tender fine skin, for girls with acne pH should be slightly deflected towards acid due to fruit acids, vitamin C or any other additives. Consult a cosmetologist who will pick you up the tool.

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