Who are you: why you need to fight an impostor syndrome


Does your idea visit that your success is not your merit? Or are you not worthy to be where are you? If you at least once answered "yes", most likely, you encountered the so-called "impostor syndrome", which is currently increasingly poisoning the life of successful people. We decided to figure out what the cause of such insecurity and what to do about it.

What is this syndrome?

The main symptom is confidence, even if a soupeless person is that he is not in his place, the person gradually devalues ​​all his achievements. Have you received a good job offer? So they are just cheating. Have you successfully closed the deal? This is the merit of Tanya Sani Vanya, and in general is an accident. That's what happens in the head of such people every time there comes their "minute of glory."

Gradually, a person is becoming more and big fears, the stress becomes chronic, as a result, it becomes difficult to work because of all experiences, and it may seem to seem that the point is indeed in incompetence, but as soon as you remove the Samozvyvant mask You will return to the usual rhythm again.

Why do you need to get rid of the syndrome?

People prone to constant doubts try to perform work as much as possible, but not because they want, but in order to "deviate" the inner impostor. Naturally, with a diligent work there will be positive results, but the self-plane person will not please it - he will assume that he was lucky again. As a result, even a positive result of work causes stress.

Among some of the "impostors" there is an opinion that it is better not to take a job at all - because it will not work perfectly. This is another extreme that can lead to big challenges both at work and in personal life. In addition, the standard "impostor" will work for wear, hammering all new tasks, how does such a zeal end? That's right, nervous breakdown. In order not to encounter a mass of psychological problems, it is necessary to "expel" the impostor and start living without constant stress and pressure from the same side.

Take responsibility for your own good luck

Take responsibility for your own good luck

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

How to overcome the impostor?

Find the cause

As a rule, adult "impostors" grow out of the unsure of themselves children whose parents constantly assured that those would not succeed and hope not to hope. Not everyone can cope with children's injury independently, and therefore it is best to take on solving the problem along with a psychologist.

Stop comparing yourself with the surrounding

As we have already spoken many times, the only person, with the opposite, you must compare - you are yesterday. A person who is completely absorbed by his uncertainty is difficult to concentrate on something good, but you have to do it, instead of worrying due to the success of others. Every day, write down what you did for today, what could be proud of. We assure you, you will collect at least three points that did not notice before, because they were docked on the study of the lives of other people.

Move the focus to your goals

As soon as you want to take a new difficult project for yourself or perform work for another person, because you are waiting for this in the habit, think that it will give you. Does the end result of the project coincide with your goals? If not, it is best to politely refuse than to burn out and get a new portion of the Disteres.

Believe the facts

Most often, your negative is connected with your feelings, but not with reality. For example, you planned to achieve a much smaller result, in the end exceeded your plan. Block the desire to say to yourself: "Well, as always - an accident." Operate the facts: you set the goal, made a plan and achieved your own, there is no accident site. Gradually, your brain will leave false ideas about yourself and, together with this, the constant voltage will disappear, accompanying each positive completion of the project.

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