"Garage", or night in the museum


He suffered for a long time after that meeting. When Eldar Ryazanov was told from the filming of his film "Service Roman" to the collection of a garage-building cooperative, he was sure: after twenty-thirty-thirty minutes, he will finish again and he will return to work again.

Arriving home almost after a day, Eldar Alexandrovich felt emptied, stunned, ashamed ... those people whom he (and the whole country too!) Knowed the years that he considered deeply decently, suddenly they had absolutely unpredictable. As in the Venetian carnival, they seemed to be laid (or, on the contrary, removed) the masks and were not at all those who were given themselves.

The topic of the meeting was the same as in the filmed film taken later: the land plot allocated for the construction of garages was reduced; Accordingly, it was necessary to reduce the number of shareholders. As a result, from the list of "luckyrs" excluded those who could not stand up for themselves. And those who had a loud voice, they did not stand up for them.

And the most shameful personally for the director became the fact that he himself was shone in another person. He also did not enter anyone, catching himself on a cowardly thought: Thank God, he remained in the cherished lists.

... This story did not give him peace. And then Ryazanov decided to remove the film with a similar plot: as in general, decent people under the influence of circumstances turn into cynics and scoundrels. Moreover, to show this slice of society, where there is a place for everyone.

Eldar Aleksandrovich told his permanent co-auto to Emily Braginsky. And he instantly joined the work. It turned out that he was close and clear to him: the Braginsky was the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Housing Cooperative, so there was a lot of such situations in his century.

Valentin Gaft got into the picture completely accidentally. This role was intended to Alexander Shirvind.

Valentin Gaft got into the picture completely accidentally. This role was intended to Alexander Shirvind.

One day, Georgia Burkovo on the set was very good: Ryazanov learned that the actors in the break drink, and decided to "tear off" just on it.

"Garage" - the film is unique. There is neither verses or shootout. And from the corpses - only drowning the blue chicken carcass.

Who is on new?

Movies to this picture Eldar Ryazanov did not conduct fundamentally. Not because he knew in advance, to whom what role is assigned in his new creation. Just then he understood: the specificity of his "garage" is that the main thing is not the acting type and not exact in the image. First of all, it was necessary to proceed from the one from the actors would be free. After all, the shooting should have been kept every day during a month with the participation of all thirty actors at the same time!

He then personally traveled the directors of the country's main theaters with one request: to allocate him in full use of only one month of the best. It was not easy - because the most popular actors are never free, but as a result of long persuasion and enchanting, Ryazanov managed to get a powerful acting ensemble.

True, a pair of roles directed by the director initially prepared for his pets, believing that without their participation, the film would not take place. So, the role of Elena Malayeva, mother's mother, wrote specially for Lii Ahacedzhakova. Its heroine was intended to be an important mission - to raise the whole bud of the voting injustice.

Another "solo party" of Ryazanov prepared for Alexander Shirvindt - he should have been played by the Chairman of the Board of the Garage Cooperative Sidorina. However, it went to the shooting, and there was no actor: Alexander Anatolyevich detained rehearsals in the theater, but he was sure that he had a role in his pocket, so he was not particularly worried.

But Ryazanov nervous, and even how! Therefore, when Leah Ahacedzhakova timidly noticed that at this time, Vauchka Gaft is removed in the neighboring pavilion, the director climbed behind his candidacy. For the Prooform, however, proclaiming: "He will speak me!" Bearing in mind that Valentin Josephovich always thoroughly discussed every nuance of his role.

Almost the entire film is silent, the hero is silent. It was a kind of revenge of the director.

Almost the entire film is silent, the hero is silent. It was a kind of revenge of the director.

Meanwhile, Shirvindt was not all, and Gaft was very close. In a word, soon the fate of the chairman of the garage cooperative Sidorina was solved: he found the face and voice of Valentina Gafta.

Andrei soft played in this picture one of the most powerful roles. His hero, throughout the almost entire film, absolutely silent, nevertheless was able to transfer the whole palette of feelings. But, according to rumors, Eldar Ryazanov deprived a gentle voice not by chance. True, to trace the entire chain of causal relationships, you need to return to its previous picture - "Service Novel". Then the director walked at leisure by writing poems, brought one of his creations, but from modesty hid the authorship. Like, found one of the early poems of the English poet William Blake, seems to be not bad, maybe you will put it on music?

The work - and this was the cultivated "nature there is no bad weather ..." - liked everyone. And only Andrey softly grunted something like the text that the text could be and very much. "For the lack of intuition, he was punished," writes later Ryazanov in his idea-Arah. - In the next film, "Garage", I suggested a "dumb" role - the role of a person who lost his voice. I hope next time he will go tremendous. "

Magnificent thirty

Finally, the whole cast was staffed. Of course, there was a danger: suddenly such a purely intuitive ensemble collapse on the very first day of filming? But, fortunately, the company really came out excellent. The actors were in every way helped each other: Gaft - Ahacedzhakova, Nevolyaeva - Ostrumova, Burdukov. And let the help this sometimes were peculiar (including in the form of a rather stinging replica to colleagues), but the main goal was achieved.

There was another fear, more serious: the film, according to all the schedules (and film studios, and the actors themselves), it was necessary to remove the month. And this means - not a single day of downtime! That is, if suddenly someone from the film crew fell ill, washed down, etc. - Everything, at work you can put a large bold cross. Because again collecting such a huge company in one place and at one time it is simply unreal. Therefore, before shooting Ryazanov, I went to a small blackmail: I collected the entire acting team and announced in all the way: if someone does not appear on shooting, even for a good reason, his replicas will be immediately given to someone else. Knowing what spirit of rivalry usually reigns among the artists, he got to the point: none of the thirty acts never missed a single shift. Sick, sneeze and cough came, but came. Deadlied all cases, sometimes even important, but on the site were like a bayonet.

Nevertheless, the shooting has become a very serious test for both actors, and for the director himself. Still, constantly being in voltage for a whole month, day after day - the task is not easy. It is not surprising that sometimes they gave the nerves. So, Eldar Ryazanov, who always really treated actors, more than once allowed himself a strange trick. For example, he knew how important for the painting (removable, by the way, in the comedy genre) scene, when the heroine Svetlana Nevolyaye deprived of the reason. Therefore, when, during the rehearsal of this episode, someone from the film creation suddenly began to talk loudly, Eldar Alexandrovich came to a mad rage. Having confused everything in its path, he rushed to the violator of the discipline and put it with a waterfall of incredible curses. And the next day slighted with the highest temperature.

Another time Ryazanov arranged a real scandal, learning that during the break the actors relax through alcohol. Georgia Burkovo then got the same then: they say that the director, demonstrating fantastic power, touched the actor from the ground and shouted for a long time on him, helplessly hanging in the air.

... and stormy applause

No matter how surprisingly, but the film managed to do on time. And he turned out to be truly revolutionary. No special effects, almost complete absence of scenery. From the corpses - the stuffed animals and even the unfortunate blue chicken carcass in Avoska. And the most cruel scene, as the record was noted later, the reviewers were searched by Lei Ahacedzhakaya Heroine. There is no love line, nor even usual for Ryazanov lyric soundtrack (the penetrated solo on trombone does not count).

In addition, there is no protagonist in the picture. There are not even two equal main characters. All thirty characters are weighty and self-sufficient.

When the film "Twelve" Nikita Mikhalkov (wonderful, whatever they say), all became in need to praise the unusual approach to shooting: when every actor plays in a common ensemble, not knowing, the camera is sent at the moment Or removes his neighbor.

So, it was all such tactics for thirty years earlier chosen Eldar Ryazanov. The Soviet "garage" was filmed from three cameras, and from beginning to end. In the sense that all the action begins, develops and ends directly in front of the audience. There are no interruptions, departures in the past or future parallel lines.

And all three cameras shot actors close-ups, and none of them knew exactly who is now in the frame. And the actors were, we recall, thirty people! In fact, an unusual effect was created: on the one hand, everyone understood that each of their movement was recorded on a film, on the other, it was akin to hidden observation. Moreover, Eldar Ryazanov, the director is every day, every day gave different installations to operators. Therefore, those actors who tried to calculate a certain algorithm: they say, at such a moment they will be largely shooting it, - always mistaken in their assumptions. So, as a result, people's and deserved ... relax, stopped working on the camera and began to just live in their roles.

It was even more wonderful that high filmmakers took a picture very benevolently. Yes, some comments arose, but there was simply no serious claims. Well, for example, in the original heroine Olga Ostrumova says: "It is possible to go. It is impossible to walk. " The phrase was advised to change a bit, and it turned out that: "it is possible to go. It is difficult to walk. " In another episode, the Hafe Hero says: "I agree to the draw, provided you regret my native board." So, the word "native" also recommended to remove. And the replica of AI Savvina: "Called from a high organization" Replaced: "Called from a significant organization."

In a word, "shortcomings" were so insignificant that Eldar Ryazanov, a beautifully familiar with the nravami, reigning in the highest echelons of a film, at some point even suspected the catch. Everything explained simply. It turns out that literally a few days before the delivery of the "garage", the next Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee was held. And there, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev made a fiery speech (as far as it was possible with his diction), in which he called for the acute criticism of the shortcomings of the existing system, despite the supervisory authorities.

So the picture came out on the screens almost without bill. And although then the officials, looking at the film more closely, grabbed the head and even tried to ban the "garage" to show, it was too late. The audience was crowded in queues in cinemas, not believing that in the Soviet cinema could show this!

In the film Hero Brondukova, for some reason, everyone is called the bridegroom. However, if you follow logic, then he is no longer a boy, but the husband. After all, he declares to everyone: "I came here directly from the registry office."

... Already the years later, Eldar Ryazanov, he admitted sadly: how would he like the film "Garage" to be a picture of the left era! But no. Unfortunately, we became different, but remained the same ...

Our version of the photo change to the film "Garage"

We presented who could play in the modern version of the picture. Today we have exclusively a male company. But what! So, new images are trying on Mikhail Grebenshchikov, Euclide Curdzidis and Stanislav Sadalsky.

Camera, motor!

Mikhail Grebenshchikov Singer, DJ

Photo: MK Archive

Photo: MK Archive

Direct speech

"Bronislav Brdukov is one of my favorite actors. Although I heard that when he came to the theater institute, someone from teachers right in his face he said: "With such appearance, like you, you need to work as a whole, and not in the actors to go." How well, that we sometimes do not listen to such "good" tips! But I would have broken a person - and there would be no brilliant bridooh in the Soviet cinema. Moreover, despite his "exterior of the Proba", he could be both an English police officer (as in Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson), and the Hero-lover ("a citizen of Nikarkov"). And although the armored houses did not play major roles, the folk love proved: the actor he is just from God. "

Frame from the film

Frame from the film

Private bussiness

And he is brave, this Michael Grebenshchikov. A few years ago, he decided to break the contract with the producer Igor Matvienko, and then, of course, many did not understand him. After all, "breads" yes "Dancing-hugs" were created just with the direct participation of Matvienko. But the Grebenshchikov boldly embedded in solo swimming. And found himself not only as a singer, but also as DJ. Today, he often works as DJ Grebelchikov. Mikhail has already managed to make remixes for Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Irina Saltykova, Hope Babkin, Sergey Zverev. And in the breaks time to engage in other projects. He considers the best opportunity to be the best achievement in the film "Herianino Mount." And let the picture passed somehow quietly and unnoticed, we know: Mikhail's hypocked talent is evident!

Photo: Miguel, Sergey Kozlovsky

Photo: Miguel, Sergey Kozlovsky


Of course, a big temptation was to remove any zoological museum for the night and to arrange a photo session there. However, I had to be content with a studio of one very famous sculptor. Therefore, the bust, which is based on our hero, is somewhat different from the original in the frame. However, it is insignificant. We did not regret the seconds: it turned out "two in one" - and to drop the frame for our "film", and arrange a tour for our entire photo group. Now we (and Mikhail Grebenshchikov, including) I know the entire algorithm for creating sculptures and statues.

Euclide Curadzidis Actor

Photo: Personal archive Euclide Curadezidis

Photo: Personal archive Euclide Curadezidis

Direct speech

Garage is one of my favorite films, however, as many other creations of the director Eldar Ryazanov. What the actors do in this picture is something from the field of fiction. How do they exist in the frame! How they just live in this atmosphere! Personally, I understand that, no matter how talented, never, Alas, will not play. Therefore, it is a great honor for me at least through the project "Film projects" to touch this great cinema. Represent what a Aura reigned there. A little bit, albeit in the photo frame, because there, on the set, a lot was born right during operation. And of course, Valentin Gaft in this picture is simply great. Genius, and only! I hope that the result of our collaboration is worthy of high marks. "

Frame from the film

Frame from the film

Private bussiness

Euclide was born in a big Greek family. He has two brothers and sisters. Curadzidis does not forget their roots. In 1996, he received Greek citizenship. On the historical homeland of Evklida, by the way, very much appreciated. And they call it in Greece exclusively "Russian Al Pacino". In Russia, the role of the actor is much wider. It is he - a loving instructor on the mountain skiing to Zurik in the comedy "from 180 and above" director Alexander Strizhenova. And he is the elderly Chechen Shepherd in the War of Alexey Balabanova. What is surprising, his heroes speak different languages. In the same "war", Kurdezidis plays in Chechen, in the film "My personal enemy" in the role of Philip de Beauvais - already in French. In short, a real orchestra man!

Photo: Miguel, Sergey Kozlovsky

Photo: Miguel, Sergey Kozlovsky


Our photo session took place in the hottest summer days. And it became a great test for our hero. In a warm sweater, and even in a jacket, Euclid had to spend several hours in a row until a decent frame turned out. But our joint work has proven once again: talented people are usually very demanding to themselves. So Euclide continued to insist in the next double, despite the heat reigning in the studio. And only when we all remained satisfied with the result, the team sounded: "Stop, removed!" Agree, the frame really turned out to be convincing.

Stanislav Sadal Actor

Photo: personastars

Photo: personastars

Direct speech

"You can play a hundred roles, but the people will not know you. And Ryazanov from those directorists who littered once - and immediately become famous. I was lucky: at one time I played Ryazanov in the film "Sleep the word about the poor hussar." I remember how I got this role. In the "Contemporary" theater, I shared one dressing room with Valera's crazy, Elena Yakovleva's husband. Somehow, he says to me: "I had samples today in Ryazanov on a major role in the film" On the poor Gusar, silence the word "- with Abdulov." I looked into the script and realized that my role. I call the moth that was filmed, I say: "Vladimir Yakovlevich, recommend me Ryazanov!" He did everything, Ryazanov called me. And I already knew how to behave, was in the image of my hero, especially for this heavily lost it. Seeing me, Ryazanov only said: "Oh! This is a shoulder! " Later, fate divided me with Ryazanov, but I consider it a great director. Therefore, agreed to such an unusual experiment, as participation in the "film".

Frame from the film

Frame from the film

Private bussiness

He made his debut on the theater scene, while still a schoolboy. Signor Tomato became his first role. It seemed that the future was presented, but no metropolitan theater university saw the acting talent of Sadalsky. Well, and then there was the theater "modern-nickname", abandoned by him because of disagreements with Galina Volchek. But the main thing was his filmmakes, thanks to which he loved and knows the whole country. And although the audience adores his bricks (Saprykin's Suite) From the series "The meeting place cannot be changed" and Cornet's Pletnev from the Ryazan film "We will shift the word about the poor hussar," Sadalsky himself most appreciates his role with Larisa Udovichenko in the picture "For whom God will send" Directed by Vladimir Zaikina. Well, we love Sadalsky in any hypostasis.

Photo: Miguel, Sergey Kozlovsky

Photo: Miguel, Sergey Kozlovsky


Photo session Stanislav offered to spend right at his house. Therefore, one frame we shot almost all day. At first, the welcoming owner slept us with strawberries, then we had a long time. Later, a photo archive of the actor was carefully studied, where, by the way, the most bright exhibit we recognized together the joint photo of Sadalsky with Ryazanov (well, alone, agree?). And only then literally minutes for thirty filled the frame we need. After sharing gifts (we handed a fashionable aroma to your favorite actor, he is a piggy bank for memory) we broke up with the promise to meet again in the very near future.

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