Understand and accept: how to avoid conflicts with your teenager


Probably the most difficult period in the life of the child and in the life of parents - the transitional age, which is completed approximately 17 years. At this time, changes and externally occur with the child, the mood may change every hour, and parents simply do not know what to do, often breaking away from despair. However, such a careless behavior of parents can break even the strongest relationships, so any of your contact with the child should be positive and not to leave an unpleasant sediment on both sides. So how to pass the teenage period without serious clashes between generations? We will tell about this today.

What can I do as a parent?

Communication with his child, which turns into an adult person remains the most important rule. You should not just make an interested look, but really take a desire to understand what your child lives, what feelings he is experiencing. The second important rule: no scandals. To do this, try not to use a solid "no" in your speech, replace it with a neutral "probably". A teenager who is experiencing hormonal restructuring will begin to rebel in response to your ban, which will lead to expansion and so big abuse between you.

It is also important to take into account the age of a teenager. Let's talk about each of them a little more.

Try not

Try not to "transmit"

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

12 years

As a rule, it is from 12 years since the most obvious changes in the appearance and behavior of the child occur. Your already baby only becomes on the path of growing, however, now he is closer to childhood than adult, and therefore in this period the child is easy to "pass", how many parents do, who count that now their child "is completely adult "So, in their opinion, you can dramatically change the tactics of behavior - to communicate more hard as with adults. For a child, it will be extremely unexpected, as it is not clear to him why suddenly the behavior of parents has changed so sharply. Instead of solid education, try to enter the child's position: it begins to change outwardly, it cares for the most part girls who do not know how to deal with those or other manifestations, for example, skin-sparing or what to do with the occurring menstruation. Many children are not solved on a conversation with their parents, and often closes in themselves. Do not let it happen and take a step towards your child.

13 years

"Drilling" of hormones reaches his peak. At this age, the child can become completely uncontrollable. The child begins to understand what happens to him and is trying to speed up this process as much as possible, he wants to gain independence rather as possible and seem older in the eyes of peers. From here, all the harmful hobbies of the teenager, who parents need to be controlled, otherwise there is a chance that your teenager will drag into the whirlpool of problems. Carefully follow, who surrounds your child at this age, but do not show an excessive interest in his life, otherwise the child will start annoying your participation and you will know about his life less and less. Do not allow it.

14 years

Teenager in the midst of the inner and external restructuring. During this period, he is looking for new authorities, parental influence no longer applies. Do not think that your child fell in love or ceased to respect, just at this stage he needs self-identification. In his room can "settle" posters with the artists unknown to you, will begin to commemorate the horribly annoying music, but the most wrong thing you can do is to start outraging. Try to talk with your teenager, but do it with respect, after all you can no longer chat with him as a child. You need to achieve trust relationships with an adhent child, so that you are hiding as far as possible, fearing critics.

15-16 years old

The time when the child already has its own company, the first serious feelings arise, he still appears at home and your conversations cease to be limited to school matters. Now the child is formed a final idea of ​​herself, he almost accepted himself new, although there is a lot of work on himself, before the teenager becomes a fully formed personality. A teenager begins to form his environment, which will share his interests, and it may be not only classmates or friends in the sports section. Here, it is important for parents to finally not lose touch with a teenager, however, if you have a contact of all previous years, you should not have big problems, because the most important thing we have already said, listen and hear your child, while not having strong pressure on His new life.

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