Muga Jasmine arrested for 30 days


Moldavian businessman Ilan Shor, for which four years ago, married singer Jasmine was married, arrested. According to Russian news agencies, the investigation suspects that through the company of an entrepreneur was brought to offshore funds in the amount of about 1 billion euros. There were inspections for doubtful loans, 28-year-old Ilan was supposed to be issued. In addition, the police intend to check out the friends of a businessman who can also be involved in this story. Now Shore for 30 days is placed under house arrest.

In social networks, rumors have already crawled out that because of all this history, Jasmine can lose financial stability to which it was accustomed to. After all, except that the spouse of the artist owns themselves in three banks, he is also the general director of the network of duty-free shops, and also has a business in Chisinau airport. Businessman Shor took the 9th place in the ranking of the richest people of Moldova, drawn up in 2010.

Jasmine with children. Photo:

Jasmine with children. Photo:

However, Jasmine family itself does not demonstrate family problems: it continues to upload bright photos in "Instagram", which testify to the beautiful mood of the artist.

Recall that the wedding Jasmine and Shor took place in 2011 in the Maldives. And, although Ilan's younger singer for 10 years, it did not prevent any happy marriage or the birth of his daughter.

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