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Resume at the capital

- Oleg Viktorovich, what problem in the metropolitan labor market do you consider the most acute?

- imbalance of demand and supply of labor. The population in demand is the profession of lawyers and economists. Unfortunately, people in most cases do not associate their future with the real sector of the economy. Although there are many vacancies, they, unfortunately, are not prestigious.

- So, most of the available vacancies are designed for workers, and not on white collar?

- Requires a variety of specialists, but most of all lacks qualified workers. Moreover, the statements are in that spirit that we will open the doors to immigrate and solve this problem, to afford the speculation. All qualified frames from the CIS countries that we could attract have already been attracted. It is necessary to raise your footage, raise the prestige of the working professions. This is very important for young people. Especially since the workers' salaries are now very decent.

Who is looking for? 39041_1

For a young man, success indicators - office, computer, beautiful girls, foreign car. Is it somehow associated, for example, with a machine, driver's launcher? In no way. Although the worker will always be a guaranteed place and salary higher than that of an engineer or in an economist.

- What is done in Moscow to organize new jobs?

- I have a counter question: can the subject of the Russian Federation solve all the issues related to the creation of a large enterprise? Not. Since the main thing is inevitably gets up for any enterprise problem - sales of products. According to this year, about 70 thousand jobs are created in Moscow. And in all spheres of the economy. But Moscow is a kind of region. Create our serial production is economically inappropriate. The same, experienced production is mainly tied to specific industries, for example, for defense. And this is the powers of the federal center. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this problem in conjunction with the federal center.

It is your business!

- How are the problems of employment of people with disabilities, large mothers solve in the capital?

- In 2009, registered unemployed persons with disabilities was 2800, and in the urban bank of data for them - 180 vacancies, of which only 40 with permanent employment. Now in the capital of unemployed disabled less than 2000, vacancies for them are more than 1000. Plus, the city law on the quotation of jobs is valid. If the number of enterprises over a hundred people, then the employer must have 2% of jobs to reserve for young people and as much - for disabled people. The law gives the right all these 4% to fill in disabled.

This year, those who do not fulfill the law, we began to finish. The situation immediately improved. Only since the beginning of the year, more than 3 thousand people with disabilities were adopted. In addition, within the framework of the Moscow Trilateral Agreement, all employers have committed voluntarily for every disabled workplace for the disabled workplace to the budget of the city payments in the amount of the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population. Over the past year, we thus collected more than 1.5 billion rubles. From this money, we finance projects of employers to create jobs for disabled. One workplace costs 600-800 thousand rubles. It is free financing. In return, the employer undertakes to employ a disabled person. Implementation of the obligation We are strictly controlled.

In addition, this year, within the framework of the Program of Additional Employment Measures, we first financed the projects of parents of children with disabilities to create their own business. More than 700 people have already received a subsidy for the costs associated with the registration of their own enterprise, in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. In total, we finance 1118 such projects.

Within the framework of the same program, a new direction was tested - raising the qualifications or retraining of women on maternity leave. In women, however, there was a problem - with whom to leave the child during study. Therefore, we began to apply remote forms of learning. This year, we have already sent more than 500 women for training.

Who is looking for? 39041_2

As for large mothers, they are the same as the disabled, they have a priority to participate in our active public employment facilities. Today, a subsidy of 324 thousand rubles is given to opening their own business from the city budget. If at the end of 2009 the participants of the program were only 8, then last year there were already 80 projects, in this - 250. And our mayor says that there will be no restrictions on the number of projects. The priority here we give just a lot of familiar and lonely mothers, disabled.

No experience - will be surcharge

- Is it easy to find work in Moscow graduates of universities and colleges?

- The main requirements for admission to work - high qualifications and experience. The young man does not have any other. Therefore, the program of internships of young professionals has been adopted in Moscow. The first six months after the device for the work of the employment service to a graduate of a university or college pays some amount to the salary. Over the past two years, payments have increased 7-10 times and now amount to 10 thousand rubles. If you consider still salary, then earnings are obtained more than 20 thousand rubles. People under the age of 30 can participate in this program. There are programs and advanced training, mastering a new profession. If at the beginning of the crisis, 2900 people sent to retraining, then this year is planned 14 thousand.

In addition, at the end of the school year, I interview all graduates of educational institutions, whether they found work. This year, the potentially unemployed among them is less than 3 thousand people. And 2900 people can participate in the internship program. Each problem graduate is necessarily invited to the Employment Center and offer to participate in our programs. District positions of vacancies play a big role. Since September, urban positions of vacancies will begin. So the level of unemployment among graduates at the level, I would say, statistical accounting. This year, 160 graduates of various educational institutions were sent to retraining. This, of course, is alarming. But the period of stay without work is minimal. And if there were 2-3 thousand graduates before without work, now - about 500.

Who is looking for? 39041_3

I want to give advice: do not closure to yourself, if there are problems with employment, come to district employment centers at the place of residence. Let's help. Last year, changes were made to the Law on Employment, directly concerning young people. If earlier the employment service could only help those who had the status of the unemployed, now for the young man this status is not necessary. The urban employment service is ready to help with the employment of anyone who appeal to it.


On August 8, in the city information bank of the data there were about 104 thousand vacancies for Muscovites. 72 thousand (about 70%) - for workers and 32 thousand (about 30%) - for specialists and employees.

The average salary for vacancies of workers is 18.1 thousand rubles, employees - 17.1 thousand rubles, specialists - 20.9 thousand rubles.

Employer Request Rating (Vacancies were taken into account, more than 1000):

Outflash working - 5358, car driver - 4417, janitor - 2387, management specialists - 2886, cook - 2494, waiter - 2235, bus driver - 2035, security guard - 2186, Seller of food products - 1895, nurse - 1743, non-food seller goods - 1650, loader - 1593, painter - 1363, courier - 1348, electric and gas welder - 1224, Advertising agent - 1203, road worker - 1175, Mason - 1172, Cleaner of office and industrial premises - 1134, doctor and doctor - 1079, Concrete - 1077, the cashier of the trading hall - 1033, the reinforcement officer - 1010.

Among the applicants are most in demand: Lawyer, Economist, Administrator, Accountant, Engineer, Familier Inspector, Manager, Seller of non-food products, Car driver, Wardrobe, Lifter, Secretary of the head, Head of the Department, General Director of the enterprise, OPM operator.

Little in demand: Workers' specialties, utility workers, junior medical personnel, seamstress, road workers, bus drivers, trolley buses and tram, kitchen workers, territorial cleaners.

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