Bococamera began to use barocamera to treat patients with COVID-19


The ambulance in Moscow in Moscow first applied the methodology for experimental treatment from COVID-19 using hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). 25 patients already held 108 rebarnesses, reported on the website of the mayor of Moscow.

Using the procedure, the patient's blood is saturated with oxygen - it is much more efficient than the supply of oxygen through the mask.

"Now HBO is also used for patients with coronavirus, which have an indication for this. The task of the procedure is to try to avoid the translation of the patient to the artificial ventilation of the lungs. GBO sessions are held in the complex with different therapy, "explained the director of the Ambulance named after N. V. Sklifosovsky, a member of the Clinical Committee to combat coronavirus infection Sergei Petrikov.

Doctors noted that after carrying out such procedures, patients feel better, they reduce the outflow and the concentration of oxygen in the blood increases.

"In addition, hyperbaric oxygen enhances antiviral and antibacterial therapy, and also reduces its side effects. All this contributes to the recovery of patients, "the report also says.

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