Pot will not pass: why you need to change the antiperspirant every six months


Unlike a deodorant, which slows down the reproduction of bacteria and gives the body a pleasant smell, the antiperspirant blocks the sweat glands, thereby reducing the amount of fluid released. The main ingredient of this agent is salts of aluminum, and the concentration of minimum in 10% aluminum chloride will be effective. For people with increased sweating, individual means are produced - in them the content of salts is 20%. American dermatologist Elizabeth Tanzi told the publication Postcrescent that the antiperspirant needs to be changed every 6 months, paying attention to its composition. According to the doctor, bacteria, as in the case of antibiotics, get used to one medium, so it ceases to work on them.

How does an unpleasant smell occur

The sweat of your apocryan glands, located in the armpits, groin and the area of ​​the nipples, is rich in protein, which feed bacteria. By itself, he does not smell, "souls" gives him a consequence of the vital activity of bacteria, quickly breeding on the wet skin. Cosmetics that you use are affecting bacteria, killing them and slowing down the growth of further.

sweat is produced for cooling the body

sweat is produced for cooling the body

Photo: unsplash.com.

What formula to choose

The antiperspirant is produced in the form of spray, stick, gel and cream. The most comfortable of these formulas is spray and stick, as they instantly dry after applying and are slower. However, for sensitive skin, they are worse: the alcohol contained in sprays is annoying the skin after shaving, so red dots and dry areas appear on it over time. On sticks, the skin reacts better. According to Dr. Tanzi, there are dimethicon, which soothes irritated skin. Also for people prone to allergies and irritation, creams are suitable: they contain moisture-holder components that smooth the effect from the effects on the skin of aluminum salts.

Antiperspirant blocks sweat glands

Antiperspirant blocks sweat glands

Photo: unsplash.com.

Why antiperspirants are safe

There are many rumors in the network that aluminum salts can provoke cancer. Having studied the thematic literature, we can definitely say that at the moment there are no confirmation of these studies, and doctors assess the risk from the use of cosmetics as low - it is precisely to this class that they include antiperspirants. Under the Law of the Russian Federation, cosmetics can only act in the epidermis - the upper layer of the skin, which means that the components of the antiperspirant cannot enter into the blood. The only risk is allergic people - they need to consult with the doctor and choose a suitable means.

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