Why women live their men's life


Fantastic writer Marika - the legislator of the new direction in science fiction is a socio-psychological biofank. Merika wanted an unusual novel, two volumes of which are the "birth of an executor", the "death of the executor" - already published. This book is not only interesting in terms of literature, but also useful in terms of psychology. What meets today very rarely.

It is very unusual that fiction, the more fantasy, is carrying some value to readers. What exactly can you learn from it?

I actually show all the aspects of the "inequality" of men and women. In general, Ji stole a virgin, because the woman is better from all sides, it doesn't just protect, but protects his own, because in itself oppressed does not exist, it is always a way to get what is needed. Everyone lives for its benefit, but the use of another person can be in different ways.

1. Equality of values. I do it for you, because we are equally important for you for the universe and I like what I do for you. Because in the end, I still do it for my happiness.

2. Lichivo-cowardly. When a person is not confident in his value even for himself. Then the bribe, blackmail, manipulate everything can, including different varieties of propaganda and psychological and physical pressure.

Why are women often begin to live the life of their man?

What is this book about

The despotic emperor Ji stole a girl named Hakiss back in childhood, and, having confused her absolute love for himself, made an executor - perfect martial weapons. Khakiss, she is bass, has unique telepathic abilities and is able to reincarnate into any living creature at the cellular level. The life of the crumb is to unquestrine to serve the emperor, to be his thing he can give any or use as a executioner, periodically erase her memory. For any disobedience or manifestation of the character, Tiran brutally punished the girl, and the submission was always emotionally awarded. But one day, the baby learned that she was an ordinary experiment, which Sadist needs to achieve his personal goals.

But with this is already more difficult. Since it is necessary first to understand, balance yourself in your life, between real and fictional conditions and desires. And here each can. Some are so absorbed in their "festiveness" that spread maternal care for everything around, forgetting about themselves. That is, the crumb is a hypertrophic example of a woman. Fully left in his man. And during the trilogy, she is looking for himself.

As long as a woman does not understand her own value for himself, she will be subordinate to someone else's. Here I am in the crumb, here is not in the abuser the problem, but in the crumb. That is, in the justifying principle, "she herself allowed" - there is its own proportion of truth.

And how to understand this very value of the individual, if there is a permanent pressure and suggestion from the beloved person?

That's why I wrote a book that helps to open your eyes to the truth, no matter how tough it is. And deal with who is really loved and why. A person himself should think about his value for himself first. For he lives his life and that he will do in it - this is his merit.

That is, why am I starting? Everything is fine and wonderful: Superisbrance Already the emperor himself, all the universe with a bunch of superconductors live in solid love and pleasures and suddenly - Batz! - It turns out not everything is so good and the farther, the worse. Why?! From the side: everything is amazing. Husband, work, full provision. And you start viewing from the inside - everything is completely bad. Why and for what? And how to establish everything, so that it was good and inside? Here is a crumb to this understanding quietly goes. But at first she should see that it is bad.

Recently there was a scandal with a TV presenter, she stated that the victims of violence themselves are to blame for them that they did nothing that they did not beat them. How much do you think is true this statement?

Any decision for the other and coercion / restriction - should not be, but here it is necessary to have a penetrant system, as people need to be protected from freaks. Who do not have an understanding of the borders of someone else's personality. That is, any criminals must be deprived of the opportunity to bring physical or moral damage to other people.

I take a much broader personality problem in the executor than just a battle with the absurr. The abuser is a private problem, the option of the relationship of an infallible, who has not realized the personality with another negativeness.


It is believed that the sacrifice itself is looking for sadist to partners, is it really so?

In the primitive-gross sense of understanding of psychology - if the victim wanted, she would have gone. Many future victims subconsciously choose despotic abusers to partners. But here you need to consider two things:

1. From the point of view of the monitoring norms of morality - to cohere the other person badly.

If you are a sadist - look for a masochist, and do not make a masochist from the first thing.

2. Steer the others at all is not good.

And how to achieve harmonious relations in general?

In the modern very diverse world, we need to learn to live among different cultures and values. War does not bring happiness to anyone, even the winners bury their losses, and with modern weapons there will be no winners, so it is very important to learn how to live among the diversity of human cultures and their carriers. That is, the main thing is your freedom to take another person as it is, while he does not climb into your soul.

That is, trite - your freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins and this very thin balance is important for the survival of mankind.

Here the main thing to put and abide by these borders. Is it really important to you what your daughter goes - in a skirt or trousers? Was the carpenter on someone else's wife should worry you if she satisfied this woman and her husband? But it is right until you make you wear a barge against your desire. That is, it is necessary to clearly understand where the borders of personal, and you will be happy.


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