Remote work: how to organize the process


Work is becoming increasingly working outside the office - people see in this mass of advantages, starting with saving time on the road, ending with the opportunity to combine workers and domestic responsibilities. However, the paradise picture of the spa with white sand, where you are drinking a cocktail and at the same time working on a laptop, often turns around for "newbies" by the Justice Head - the head is head, and the time is drowned through the fingers. We offer proven tips on organizing remote work:

Decide with the sphere

Unfortunately, not every profession makes it possible to work outside the office. For example, the hairdresser does not trim the client through the Wi-Fi and the laptop, while the journalist from anywhere in the globe will easily write a couple of texts in the presence of these conditions. Also, the ability to work out of the house is not available to the heads of large companies - they must be present at business meetings, denote the task team for the day and follow the effectiveness of employees. If your position and the field of activity allow you to be outside the office without harm to the results, then feel free to go to the remote job - agree with the boss on such an opportunity.

Make a routine of the day

The main problem with which online employees are faced - incorrectly organized schedule. Do not dream that you sleep up to 11 and turn on air-mode on the phone no later than 19 hours, if you are officially officially, and do not work on freelancing. You will have to get up on the alarm clock, like the office plankton, however, instead of a shaking in public transport, you will not rush to wash and breakfast, drinking fragrant coffee.

We advise you to clearly define the working schedule, even if you did not agree on the exact time with the manager, to establish, at what time you start and finish working day, divide the time at 90 minutes session and break 15 minutes between them, add time for lunch and snacks. Do not neglect the rest - it is important to be distracted from the computer, to break the eyes to relax - walk half an hour in the fresh air, make the articular gymnastics or take a break. Do not waste time for messengers and scrolling tapes on social networks - it knocks down from the working mood and does not bring any benefit.

Clear schedule will help to organize a day

Clear schedule will help to organize a day


Consider meetings

One of the few minuses of remote work is the lack of live communication with colleagues. The team will gradually fall from you, which will undoubtedly affect your image in their eyes. In the case of which they can easily choose you, the professional professional, and Katya from the neighboring office, from which you can get interestingly to chat over a cup of coffee. Set the time with the leader to which you will appear in the office, there are always questions that it is better to discuss with an eye on the eye than in the correspondence. During visits, pay attention to both the boss and colleagues - talk to them, find out the latest news and do not forget to ask about how they are doing what is new in family life and so on. You may not be interested in this information, but the pleasant impression of a non-indifferent person you will definitely leave.

Buy a powerful computer

A breakdown of technology can instantly knock you out their gauges. It is unpleasant when the program with a finished document unexpectedly "crashes", the browser does not want to download even mail, and you are sitting on the needles because of the approaching deedlanine. Remember that the technique needs to be periodically changed - computers are obsolete every five years. In addition, behind them, as for pets, constant care is required - delete unnecessary files, disassemble documents on thematic folders, download programs updates and check for viruses. You will quickly copy the files that are necessary for the intermediate stage of the work - we properly put the general cleaning of the computer once a week, freeing the place in it.

The technique needs to be periodically updated

The technique needs to be periodically updated


Organize workplace

Practically determine the place where you can work conveniently. It is better if it is not a bed - so you can not concentrate, and with time you risk stopping careful. The activity behind the equipped work desk disciplines. The table should always be clean - rubbed dust, paper are decomposed by folders, stationery are located in their places. Put the bottle of water and useful snacks on the table - nuts, fruits or wholegrain bread. From time to time, air the room to feel good.

Everything comes with experience, believe us. At first, you will not be unusually heard of the laughter of colleagues and the screams of the head of the neighboring department, but later you can determine the working conditions for you, correctly organize the day and notice that they began to get tired less. We believe that you will succeed!

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