White color in the wardrobe


White clothes are not impractical at all, if you are not a child of preschool age, but an adult woman. On the contrary, white things are very versatile - they can make a beautiful kit with the objects of the wardrobe of any shade and style.

Without a white dress in the summer can not do

Without a white dress in the summer can not do

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

So, for example, white sneakers will suit the sports, everyday, office and even romantic bows. This 2017 - sneakers can be worn with anything. The same can be said about a white T-shirt. Dear choose optional. It is better to take a thing of the average price category, but to change it more often. So your T-shirt will be guaranteed white and not deformed.

White T-shirt - Universal Thing

White T-shirt - Universal Thing

Photo: instagram.com/gap

A white male style shirt is worn not only as part of an office ensemble. Things that the boyfriend removed from the shoulder are easy to complete and with a skirt, together forming a very seductive image.

Suitable white and for office

Suitable white and for office

Photo: instagram.com/zara.

Summer wardrobe is unthinkable as well without white dress and white trousers. Length and Logs choose according to the features of the figure.

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