What scenes cut out of famous films


"King Lion"

The touching cartoon about the adventures of Lion's Simba, who becomes a full-fledged ruler of the jungle after the killing of his father, could be perceived by the audience somewhat differently. In the original version of the film, the opponent of Mufasi Scar wanted to marry the bride of Simba Nalu - a young lioness. However, the directors in time changed his mind to devote the extra time of the rage "villain", leaving only the moment when Simba first meets a panel in the jungle. The story of the love of young lion is to the fore, replacing a sad moment with the death of a real tribal leader.


Imagine how many female tears would shed, leave the director a romantic scene of the film about the crash of the American liner. In the remote passage on the ears in love with each other, Rosa and Jack stand on the deck of the ship and watch the distance - follow the falling star. Young lovers talk to each other about everything in the world. Rosa tells that it does not dream of a reasonable wealth at all - she thinks about painting or architecture. Suddenly, the girl admits that she would passionately wishes his man, but can not agree to this connection. Then the girl runs away, Jack remains on the deck alone.


Photo: Frame from the movie "Titanic"


The heroes of the cult American series Chandler and Monica in one of the episodes are sent to the wedding trip. During the passage of the border control, the man unsuccessfully joked that the bomb was lucky. The airport service did not possess such a sharp sense of humor, so immediately sent newlyweds to the police department. In harmless, at first glance, the episode of the creators of the series had to be cut due to the tragic coincidence - just a couple of days before the release of the series, September 11, a catastrophe occurred in New York - the fall of twin towers. Only a decade later, this episode appeared on video hosting.


Photo: Frame from the series "Friends"


Edward Callen would seem not so cute to you, turn on the director in the final version of the film one scene. In it, the guy in the lesson of biology, when he suddenly wanted to drink blood, would not run away from the class, holding back his instincts, and greedily dug into the neck of the future beloved - Bella. By the way, the creators of the series about vampires and werewolves, and then cut out the scenes from the films. Who knows how fans perceived the story if all episodes were preserved in the original version.


Photo: Frame from the movie "Twilight"

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

There is a legend that, at the end of the filming of the film between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, a stormy novel has failed. It is not surprising, because in the film they not only played spouses, but also starred in bed scenes, the truth was mercilessly cut out from the final version. In one of the scenes, where Mr. and Mrs. Smith swear with each other and in the rustling of passions beat the dishes, the scandal ends with reconciliation in bed. However, the audience did not see this episode - the personal life of the pair remained a mystery for fans.


Photo: Frame from Mr. and Mrs Smith

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