In Russia, revealed 8,984 new cases of coronavirus infection


In Moscow, in the last 24 days, 1,956 new cases of coronavius ​​infection were identified, in the rest of the regions this figure is much lower: in the Moscow region - 754, 340 - in St. Petersburg, 317 - in the Nizhny Novgorod region and 240 - in the Sverdlovsk region. During the same time, 55 people left in the capital, 31 - in St. Petersburg, 10 - in the Moscow region, five - in Dagestan and the Nizhny Novgorod region. Back in 19 regions, marked from one to three deaths. Only, the number of deaths in Russia amounted to 134 people. This increase was minimal, starting from May 25 - then, we will remind, 92 deaths are registered.

During the same time, 8,984 people infected with COVID-19 revealed in Russia. Thus, in the whole country, the number of infected amounted to 467,673 people. However, 3,458 people (and it is 38.5%) no symptoms, the fact that they have replenished the number of new infected, managed to identify only thanks to testing.

And finally, the numbers inspiring optimism: over the past day in Moscow, 2,283 patients were discharged from the clinic, in the Moscow region - 538, in St. Petersburg - 297.

Recall, on this background, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that many restrictions will soon be withdrawn, which at the moment act in the capital. There was information that we are talking about canceled e-pass from June 14.

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