

Berlusconi 38910_1

Morning news showed Berlusconi. Olga once again admired with the way he looks like - tightened, tanned, smiling.

"Lord, seventy seven years old," she sighed. - Our all already in the grave was at this age - and Lenin, and Stalin, and Brezhnev ... That's what it means to leave on time ... "

Olga Meslael, when he saw the elderly people in such an excellent form. For her, it meant only one thing - there is still time ahead. Old age will not catch her house! Sixty - not age in our time. Especially there is everything to look good, money, time, desire.

- Lelia, coffee ready? - Husband looked into the kitchen. - I'm hurried.

He is in a hurry. Could not talk. He always hurries. He has constantly some meeting-meeting meetings. Little to him his garbage business, also to deputies. He says, just the deputy business to help.

Maybe. She didn't interfere in her husband's business, she had enough. House, cottage, dog, a quarter bet on the department, the unsuccessful marriage of the daughter, the smaller granddaughter - her active participation was required everywhere, and what the husband is engaged in the day there is a little interested, it was not much interested, only money earned it. And the garbage or the cemetery, to which he has recently also looked after the subject of investment - without a difference. Money does not smell, but constantly required.

Victor entered the kitchen with wet after the pool with hair, grabbed the sandwich, began to chew.

- Yes, you sit down in humans, - I betrayed Olga Yezhuyrene text.

- Once, Lelia, no time, - the husband already finished coffee.

Olga looked at him with pleasure. Maybe there is no Sharma Berlusconi in it, but Victor looks great. Perhaps even better than in the youth when he was lastive, loose. Now he is engaged in himself, became a fashionista, ababy that will not wear. Stylish glasses, expensive hours - all known firms. So the big businessman should look like, deputy.

Leave. Now you can do not rush to drink coffee, plan the day. Probably, still need to rifle with a realtor. He has long been saying that there are suitable options, and she is no longer. A new home should be bought, this one is already somehow not status, and the area is not the best ...

Olga traveled six houses, tired. Everything was not that. She clearly imagined what she wanted, but until the options were satisfied with her. She decided to dine in a new restaurant who praised girlfriends.

The interior was not in her taste - some benches with high backs, separating from each other very closely standing tables. The people were not very much, she went to the best table, sat back to the hall, deepened in the menu. The menu was more interesting than the interior, she made an order and, without waiting, began to eat a chiabattu, her paint to oil.

Loud female voices were heard from behind, someone sat down for a nearby table. Olga stared displeased, but do not reset. The paste has already brought - she quickly will take and leave.

- Well, what about you? We must, you know, to rush hardware, without departing from the box office. Same will not move - he, you think it is necessary?

- Oh, yes I do not know. Lover he is cool, but I will not break the family ...

- Yes, you don't like me! Not you are the first, you are not the last! You know who rested, he ate! Where to take them, unmarried? So you can stay alone!

Five minutes later, Olga realized that it was about Victor. A female voice, who called her husband, "Pusik," belonged, apparently, his secretary, who joined the snack, and at the same time, and discuss heart topics with a girlfriend.

"Now they pay secretaries, if they allow themselves to have such restaurants," Olga thought.

What Victor is also walker, she knew without secretary. For thirty years, all of their lives experienced everything: jealousy, insult, anger. Successful scenes, kicked him out, threatened to leave myself. Then somehow calmed down both. Olga switched to home, cottage and daughter. He, as she thought, went into business and stopped walking.

It turns out, has not ceased. It turns out that some fools are even built against Victor Matrimonial plans ...

- Didn't you like the pasta? - The waiter consistently arose near the table.

- No, the paste is good. Just appetite disappeared. Chiabatta, probably, was founded.

Olga ordered coffee. Some terrible weakness rolled into it. Lord, when will he hurt already? I am ashamed, it's a shame ... what to do now? Show what knows, or silent? And how to cope with it?

The secretary with a girlfriend was already ran away, and Olga was sitting in some stupor, could not decide anything. She understood that her husband could not change. That she with this new knowledge will not be able to silent, as it usually happened. And that the scandal and the clarification of relations will not affect anything, but also relief will not give ...

Dead end. If she could be in a peak of her husband, too, twist some romance! But her men have not been interested for a long time - except so, Platonically like Berlusconi. To pretend that she changes him, it will not work either: she didn't know how to lie at all, and her husband knew.

Absolutely broken, Olga came out of the restaurant. I did not want to go home. On the contrary there was a church. Olga, not very realizing, why, he went into her quiet, smelling incense cool.

She rarely had in the church - the last time he baptized her granddaughter. She resembled among the strict lists of saints, put candles for health. I saw the priest, came up.

- Battyushka, can you talk to you?

- confess?

- No, just talk ...

"How little it is necessary that everything has fallen into my head," Olga thought, pouring out from the church yard. - Just that someone listened to us ... "

The next morning, when Victor habitually grabbed a sandwich with one hand, and the other is a cup of coffee, she said leisurely:

- And what do you have an affair with a secretary? Well, you are well done, in the form! Directly poured Berlusconi - that in seventy seven girls runs!

And I was pleased to see how the husband was swayed with a sandwiched ...

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