My friend, counter!


Third income - heat

His example is unlikely to become science for others, because for most residents of high-rise buildings to save on the heating of a non-testy dream. But we pay not only heating, but also cold, hot water, electricity, gas. As a result, utilities takes up to a third of general family income. But there are ways to pay for the benefits of civilization much less.

First of all, you need to establish accounting and control. Take water. Regulations of its consumption are simply unreal. Few of us is a clock under the shower or pour water from the crane for every day. Because Tip: Install counters for cold and hot water. Installation of two counters for one riser (in the apartment there may be 1-2 riser - in the bathroom and in the kitchen) will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. They pay for maximum for five months. The list of licensed companies that establish water meters can be found in Mosvodokanal by phone. (499) 763-34-34. Although in any ERC advertising and suggestions of these companies almost all the walls are saved. The design of the counters in ERC and desperate will leave the day or two.

As for psychological factors, which can be cut on the Internet sites for hours, then you can argue. My husband, for example, adored the hour of 2-2.5 at the shower. No appeals to the fact that water should be saved and now we pay across the meter, they did not act on it. And then I showed him the payment. And he poked his finger into the "water" graphs. Spouse painted. He still loves the souls, but he spends under him for no more than an hour.

By installing the gas meter, you will reduce the payments for "Blue Fuel" from 3 to 7 times.

Electric punch

For electricity, we paid on the meter in the king of the pea. But, alas, we have never learned to save electricity. Air conditioning, iron, electric kettle and the most ordinary light bulbs can apply to the family budget irreparable damage. Output? Replace incandescent lamps on modern energy-saving. Thus, it is possible to reduce the consumption of electricity in the apartment twice. Another "Grooming" is an electric kettle. For a minute he "eats" as much kilowatt as the three simultaneously included iron. To save, it is necessary to clean it regularly from scale and heated exactly so much water as needed.

Do not exceed the maximum load of linen in the washing machine. Its incomplete loading also leads to electricity overruns up to 10-15%, and with incorrect washing program, the overrun reaches 30%.

Universal Tip: Buy Household Technology A-Class and Above (A + and A ++ recently appeared). And remove the plugs of the electrical appliances from sockets and chargers. Even if the device is not turned on, but the plug is in the outlet, it still consumes electricity. And so that it does not even pull the wire there, buy extension cords from the offline key.

Those who have an electric stove in the apartment, you can advise to buy a stove with induction electroons. Thanks to them, the dishes begins to heat up as soon as the burner turned on. The heating stops immediately after turning off the burner. Outcome: Kilowatt-hours on the meter rolls two times less. They help to save and pan, in which the diameter of the bottom coincides with the sizes of the electrical stilt. When you cook, close the pans with covers, after boiling, reduce the heating temperature of the burner.

If you use a heater, buy infrared. It does not heat the air in the room, but the items in it are. Therefore, electricity spends less.

Help save and two-three-time counters. At night, energy is 4 times cheaper than during the day (with a two-timing system). In the average apartment, for example, almost a quarter of electricity consumption is not at all to the toaster and not on the TV, but on the round-the-clock, the refrigerator. If you put a two-tie counter, then for 8 nights it "eats" of money 4 times less than usual. If a three-time tariff, then 7 of the preferential night o'clock should be added 7 more, which it will spend in the mode of the average tariff. So from 24 hours only 9 hours will be paid "in full".

Mosenergosbyt is engaged in installing such counters. An application for installation can be submitted personally at the Mosenergosbyt branch, through the site of the organization or by phone: 8-800-555-0-555 or (495) 981-981-9. The costs (3700 rubles) on the installation pay off for two years.

How much is the luxury of communication?

Another expense article is the phone. Consider how long it goes to conversations from the home apparatus. Maybe it is more profitable to switch to timeless payment? In general, the phone will greatly replace the Skype program. For this, it is necessary, naturally, a computer and the Internet. Choosing a provider, pay attention to the suggestions of small firms. As a rule, they have less rates.

It is possible in principle to abandon the radio and collective antenna (45.43 rubles and 125 rubles per month, respectively). To do this, contact Mosteles and to the city radio. It will have to be obeyed, but save about 2 thousand rubles for the year.

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