Nine thousand stars under the dome


Once it was one of the most beloved and visited places of the capital. Thousands of Moscow boys and girls grew under the great star dome planetarium. What is there to say - Hagarin himself as part of the first squad of astronauts, he studied astronavigation here ... But the first thing that visitors of the updated planetarium were faced with, giant queues! Immediately, the Internet boiled angry with angry reviews: "Right Soviet Union of some kind!"; "The dealers are completely stunned - Schridoroga and so notch tickets sell." In addition, some "lucky" purchased from speculators to sessions for sessions that have already passed. "We did not understand what they did not think that everything was so strictly thought with sessions," Muscovite Julia Smirnitskaya says. "As a result, I didn't get with my son to the great star hall of the planetarium, and no one returned the money."

Glory about large queues still hang over the planetarium. And few knows that they are no longer. "The vacation season ended, the school year began, and the flow of visitors decreased sharply," explains the employee of the planetaria Anna. - Although in the summer period, about 3,000 people passed through us through us. And now, in the fall, on weekdays the halls of half empty. "

To fly on Mars ready?

The big star hall is the basis of the Moscow Planetarium. Actually, for the sake of him and was once built on the garden ring this temple of science. Thanks to the reconstruction, the dome raised over the ground by another 6 meters. This made it possible to significantly expand the premises and open the new interactive Museum "Lunarium". But this is not all: now the big star room is equipped with the most modern projector in the world - "Universal M9". This intelligent system allows you to imitate the real kind of star sky with the highest possible accuracy. It shows more than 9,000 thousand stars. And most importantly - allows you to transfer viewers for thousands of years ago (or forward) to see how the starry sky looked at this or that time. "We often remain after work and launch the" universal "," the technical staff of the Big Star Hall is recognized as the "RD" correspondent. "We look at everything and look at the sky in different epochs." But something in this now the super-modern hall left from the old planetarium. "The shooting arrow," pumped "to the celestial bodies, when the lead of the show tells about them, is the same thing that was 20 years ago," says "Cinema". "And many visitors, by the way, will recognize her."

"Universarium M9" - the heart of the Moscow planetarium. Every session for solemn music he floats from the subsoil of the hall, rotating around his axis. The device looks very unusual: a spherical dark gray something, over the entire surface of the sliced ​​holes of different diameters. After such a presentation, each viewer expects to see something truly ambitious. However, from an almost 40-minute show, "Universarium" works in just 10 minutes. The content of his performance one seems philosophical and fascinating, but others are quite ordinary: the sun, the moon, sunrise, sunset, stars and constellations. The remaining 30 minutes viewers demonstrate one of the four American films: "Black holes", "traveling to the stars", "cosmic clashes", "natural selection". And although movies, undoubtedly, high-quality and 3D effect on a dome-shaped screen looks amazing, still content, in my opinion (a person with a diploma engineer of space aircraft), some not quite scientific. Well, yes, it is interesting, impressive - but no more. Just the Hollywood version of science, such as those that are regularly twist along the Culture TV channel. True, schoolchildren, on which the planetarium is most accurate, will probably like the film.

"Our scientific director (she, by the way, from the" old "planetarium), together with a group of employees, has already been made to develop their own full films," says the press secretary of Anastasia Kazantseva. - Naturally, the film released will soon be at the maximum to use the "universal". We understand that before the reconstruction of the planetarium was very popular among visitors in many ways thanks to an excellent lectureth school. We will resume traditions. "

The old projector took an honorable place on the first floor of the museum. "This summer we had a congress of directors of all planetaries of the world," says Anastasia. - And the head of the Australian Planetarium was very surprised, seeing our old projector in the museum. It turns out that they still have this so far. "

Layouts planets remained from

Planet layouts remained from the "old" planetarium.

"Lunarium" for Lunatic

But the Interactive Museum "Lunarium" will definitely cause their visitors to immerse themselves in the study of physics and chemistry. According to parents' reviews, children are ready to run for hours among its exhibits. Still would! After all, here you can run the clouds yourself, do a tornado, measure your weight on different planets of the solar system, blow up a mini-hydrogen bomb, hear sounds from distant planets, jump over the moon and many more interesting things.

Highlight for a visit to the "Lunarium" all day. Especially since it is quite large, takes two floors and consists of several sections: "Astronomy", "Physics" (on the first floor) and "comprehension of space" (on the second). Keep in mind that the services of excursions (and they are in planetarium with special education, or students of specialized universities) are included in the price of tickets. Boldly come to anyone and ask what is incomprehensible.

In addition, there are two observatory in planetaria (where in clear weather it is absolutely free of charge you can watch the celestial luminais), 4D cinema, a small hall, which demonstrates scientific and popular films. Currently, the work of astrors for schoolchildren is starting.

How much science for the people?

It is unpleasant to surprise visitors prices for entrance tickets. To watch a session in the Great Star Hall, having previously passed through the Museum of the Urania and Astrosplease "Park Sky", you need to pay 450 rubles on weekdays (weekends, respectively). The Lunarium Interactive Museum will cost 350 rubles to everyone, except for children under 6 years. That is, to inspect the whole complex family with two schoolchildren, you need to spend about 4,000 rubles (all excursions + a cup of hot chocolate in a local cafe). Muscovites were lucky more - they can stretch the campaign to the planetarium twice. So cheaper, and more productive. But how to come?

"Yes, prices are really not low," there is a rooted Anna. - But after all, the reconstruction of the planetarium also cost no sushnevo: 4 billion 125 million rubles. Now we are developing a system of discounts. School groups can already get a special reduced price. "

In the souvenir shop, which is called "MKS" (Museum of Space Souvenirs), prices are also quite astronomical (apparently, taking into account the delivery to orbit and back). But there you can buy your own meteorite, a telescope, the necessary literature. And even stocking of cosmonauts food.

Where else in Moscow look at the stars

Nine thousand stars under the dome 38877_2

Planetarium of the cultural center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Suvorovskaya PL. 2, p. 32). A small dome-shaped building hid in the old park. Despite the fact that this planetarium is designed for military personnel and students of military universities, it takes and ordinary visitors. Once-two a month on Saturdays in Planetaria lectures leading astronomers and scientists of Moscow. These events are happy to visit the disciples of astronomical circle and adults. On weekdays, evening sessions are held here, including a lecture on astronomy and demonstrating the current starry sky. Ticket price - 200 rubles.

Palace of children's (junior) creativity at the Sparrow Mountains (st. Kosygin, 17). For many years, the department of astronomy and astronautics work, in the arsenal of which there is a planetarium. In the lobby stands the layout of the planets of the solar system. A small domed room with a diameter of 8 meters is designed for 40 people. Lectures are usually held on holidays and the days of school holidays. The price of a ticket - 120 rubles.

Just look at the stars (free) in the scientific observatory of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg MSU. From time to time on the website of this school ( post information about such events. Usually they occur in the days of scientific festivals and conferences.

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