Luxembourg: Going to the most controversial city of Europe


Probably one of the most relaxed and peaceful cities in Europe. He resembles a fabulous city from Tolkina's story: the same tiny houses in the framing of the lush greenery seems to be about to appear Bilbo Baggins along with Gandalf to go on the journey.

As experienced guides say, the Luxembourg usually do not ordered a separate tour: people are here more often passing. The exceptions are businessmen who go here on affairs.

Luxembourg enters the program of many bus tours and is usually the last on the list, and not in vain - a quiet city will be the best completion of a saturated cultural program.

Together with Belgium and the Netherlands, Luxembourg is part of Benilyux, borders on France and Germany. The country affects the variety of landscapes and architectural styles - it is probably her main distinguishing feature. There are almost everything here: from the hills to lowland with dense forests, from the monuments of architecture of the XVII century to modern skyscrapers built according to the latest technologies.

Luxembourg will hit you with his story

Luxembourg will hit you with his story


Here you will not have to worry because of the lack of a car, because it is hardly necessary for you if you are going to inspect the sights: here they are within walking distance. In addition, hiking in the city will give you much more impressions.

The atmosphere of the city is intertwined in itself in the spirit of Germany and France. Avenu de la Gare street, Avenu de La Liberte so resemble Paris! If you go on the Pont Adolphe bridge, then you will get from the lower city to the top, or vice versa. Under the bridge in the overgrown ravine proceeds the River Pereryus.

The bridge itself is very interesting: he was opened in 1903, in those days he was considered the largest arched bridge in the world, and not in vain, because his length is the use of × 153 meters. The length of the span of the largest arch on the bridge is 42 meters. Just imagine what a view from the highest point!

The population of the city is 75,000 inhabitants, but tourists are basically on the streets. Especially in the center. It is understandable: if you are a shopping lover, you need to go to the center, in the place of the accumulation of boutiques for different tastes and wallet. What is noteworthy, due to the modest area of ​​boutique, the luxury cosmetics are adjacent to the mass market almost the "door-in-door".

The city combines rich history and the newest solutions in culture and architecture

The city combines rich history and the newest solutions in culture and architecture


But the majority still goes for history. Thanks to the landscapes, the city was ideally suited for the construction of catacombs. Nowadays, any tourist can easily visit the tunnels and labyrinths of the underworld with an individual guide.

Luxembourg labyrinths appeared back in the 17th century during the Spanish Board. Tunnels passing under the city, go deep into the depth of more than 30 meters. In the 19th century it was decided to disassemble strengthening, but part of the catacomb was preserved, thanks to which we can personally visit the famous labyrinths.

Luxembourg is a major Financial Center of Europe

Luxembourg is a major Financial Center of Europe


Leaving from the city center, you get to the office district. For most tourists, this is the most remarkable part of the city: Vintage locks and military fortifications are adjacent to the skyscrapers worthy of New York. The thing is that Luxembourg is a major international financial center. Here are periodically meeting at the highest level. To strengthen the effect, come to the White Collar District in the evening when the working day ends. You will feel yourself a hero of a computer game that turned out in an empty city.

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