Tatyana Polyakova: "The guards got used to the fact that I walk at two o'clock in the morning"


- This year you have traditionally entered the top five most published authors. This time was between Bradbury and Dostoevsky. How do you like this neighbor?

- Wonderful! Every year they define the ten most published authors. Among them, I have already occupied different places for years, but I did not fall below the 6th. In this ten, almost the same names were always the same, and then Stephen King and Ray Bradbury burst out. It pleased me. Now, no one says that no one says that our readers have a bad taste, here they read "some pole and marinines" there. " Before me in the Ray Bradbury ranking is a wonderful writer. And for me in general Genius - Fedor Dostoevsky! So the taste of our readers is all right.

My detectives on the book market are almost a quarter of a century, and I do not complain about the circulation. And the reader is not a fool for so many years spent on nonsense. When the ruble vote, it is very convincing. Life itself puts everything in its place.

- Pandemic made adjustments to all, including book business. So you have your new book "four riders of discord" first released in the electronic version, and then in paper. There was always the opposite. How do you experiment?

- Yes, we have such an experience for the first time: I just did not have the opportunity to pick up the circulation from the printing house, deliver it to the place of sales. And trade was paused. Conclusion from the experiment while doing early. But whatever it is, we hope that part of the readers will remain true to the traditional book.

- You somehow admitted that you love the usual book ...

- I'm uncomfortable to read from gadgets: in the phone is finely, the tablet weighs more than any book. And I always take with myself a book in case of some pause. For example, in the cafe while you are waiting for the order you can read. In general, it is more convenient for me with an ordinary book. But if someone is a millet reader - for God's sake.

- How do you think the paper book has a future?

- I treat any forecasts with a large fraction of smirk. For example, under the centuries of Nostradamus you can adjust anything ... And the book may become the privilege of people rich, because it becomes more expensive. Maybe it will go to a certain subculture for people who understand it in it.

Book publishing is art, a paper book has its own culture. For example, I love new books, with the smell of typographic paint. I read a lot, so I buy a lot of books. I like the atmosphere of libraries ... Indeed, I am a paper man. And there are a lot of such people! Book publishing all over the world feels good. I think that the usual book will live long.

Tatyana Polyakova:

"I write in notebooks for 48 sheets by gel handle"

- Are you important tactile sensations, smells when it comes to the book?

- I confess, the old books are unpleasant to me. The yellowness of the pages, the smell annoy me. I am very important a feeling of novelty and beauty. I love high-quality paper, so always insist on good and for my books.

- Do you write a handle, on a typewriter or on a computer?

- I write in notebooks for 48 sheets by gel handle. The book is 4.5 notebooks, sometimes 5. Convenient: where the table found, there and you work, you do not need to look for a socket. On trips, it is not necessary to worry that the flight was detained: I always have everything with me. I fly usually business class, there are comfortable tables, it works fine. And some documents, article printed on a laptop or tablet.

"I remember, you told how once a computer did not save your text and he disappeared." Love for "manual work" is not related to the story?

- It was so. I wrote a large article on a computer - almost three A4 sheets. I did not have time to save the text, as the electricity turned off. The article disappeared, and I buried the topic and could not return to it. Then she could not calm down three days, start working. Then I realized that I will write large texts only by hand. The secretary reprints and send where necessary. And the small materials trust the computer.

- Your new book is "four riders of discord" - enters the series of mystical detectives "Mysterious Four." How did you come to this topic?

"I am a big amateur of mysticism and diving from time to time." But she is not heavy, without devils and glory. The first approximation to inexplicable was in my early detective "My little mystery." After severe injury, the heroine opened the gift of telepathy - she began to read other people's thoughts. And it helped her to get out the winner of the gangster disassembly. But I do not like such tough mystics. And in the "Four", everything is softer and mysterious: the heroine reads emotions - fear, excitement, sympathy ... This, by the way, is quite the real thing.

- Where such confidence?

- By yourself judge. I am attentive and often notice what people are trying to hide. "In the four" company, the fallen angel comes the company, as he calls himself. Partners understand that it has some unique abilities who acquired thanks to the events in previous lives. In one of them, they gave an oath to meet to take revenge on their enemy. And they all repeat: a collision with the enemy, defeat, the following life ... And the girl in all of this doubts and proves to them: their dreams about previous lives are just dreams.

Realistic readers can take its position and watch only for intrigue: a detective line with mysticism is not connected. But the relationship of heroes, their trust and distrust to each other in the search for a mysterious enemy - here is mysticism here. But it is so transparent, so on the verge of reality that it is not always clear where this line is whether it is.

"Inspiration does not run out if you are constantly working. That's when you are lazy, you can lose the gift "

"Inspiration does not run out if you are constantly working. That's when you are lazy, you can lose the gift "

People are familiar with reincarnation, with faith in past lives, which can be judged by strange dreams when we see ourselves in other times and countries ... It is very interesting, and many are ready to accept such ideas.

- Do you give yourself an oath?

- Not. This is a sin: the paths of the Lord are non-evortion. True, I do not consider the pioneer oath with a sin, which I gave. (Laughs.) There are some completely understandable oaths: they are taken somewhere, something finishing ... But there is something wrong to go into someone.

Why provoke gentlemen, fate, higher forces - call anything. Do not do this. If a person does not believe you, the oath will not convince him. If he considers you a low person, then the oath is also meaningless. With such a person you just need to part. Do not admit to the environment of people who think about you bad.

- Do you believe in otherworldly?

- I really like it all! It's nice to be like a sideproof, to express ... I myself, for example, have been the prophetic dreams. Long before I started writing detectives, I dreamed that I was standing on stage with actors: to the left of me - Sasha Zakharova, right - Igor Barrel. And I have to say some kind of speech ... Son we strictly discussed with a friend and decided that, probably, these artists will arrive in Vladimir with tour. And a few years later, in Moscow, at the premiere of the film "The thin thing", shot in my scenario, I saw from the scene that the same friend sitting in the hall, makes me some signs. Wrapped, I understood what it was: I stood on the stage exactly with those artists and in that very order, as I once dreamed, and at the same time I was preparing to say an entrance word. Sleep came true one in one.

Although I am a realist and practical look at things. By the horoscope I am Virgo. The sign of the earth is not inclined to transcendental fantasies. But some inexplicable things are fascinated me. By the way, psychics somehow said to me that the addiction to collecting, and I collect Kuznets tea couples and Soviet porcelain figurines, says that a person has already lived a few lives. He wants to hold something from his past reincarnations next to him. So antiques are, as a rule, the old souls.

And I love old houses. I hate new buildings and never live there. All run "from the older", and for me the older house, the better. I just give it an old one, and I am everything very beautiful. I am pleased with all this will be survived. Especially in their novels.

Many Polyakova books were fused

Many Polyakova books were fused

Photo: Frame from the TV series "Baryshnya and Juligan"

- You have almost 100 novels! Is there a secret of creative youth? How not to write how to stay interesting for the reader?

- Up to 100 it is necessary to write 7 more. (Laughs.) This is somewhere 2.5 years. We will be alive, write.

And the secret is simple: always need to look for something new, be attentive to everything. Watch how people live as they react to everything. But the main thing is to catch a buzz from the life itself, from work. Live interesting, tasteful. If you are in touching days you find the abyss of pleasure, then the thoughts will come.

I started writing in the dashing 90s. Then there were some topics, some heroes. Now you can write about them only with humor, somehow parody. Then there were fatty zero: I had businessmen in my detectives who were killed by godlessly. And now there is nothing to share, so they shoot a little. (Laughs.) And if you delve into the crime, it is necessary to invent some cops. I do not want this at all. Now I am fascinated by large family stories, tricklets of destinies in time and space. So everything moves logical.

- How did the plot come up with?

- Easy, if a man is talented. God kissed you in Temechko, it was brought to you, it means that the process will go. And the inspiration does not run out if you are constantly working. That's when you are lazy, you can lose the gift. And if there is an idea and she captured you, everything else is elementary - to sit down and write, just need to spend time, then run several times in the text, correct. And here it is!

It is afraid of people who are simply no topic. They do not have time for life, they do not see it new and interesting. Many of our Soviet authors, unfortunately, live past. And we are sometimes surprised to find out that they are alive: we think that we have long forgiven with them. This is the biggest problem when a person is not interested in life outside the window, and his own. The writer dies, if loses curiosity, the desire to suck his nose everywhere.

- And where is it better to write and what is needed for inspiration?

- I am best written in the country. Silence, peace, you can walk at night. This is safe: in our cottage settlement everything is closed and under guard. At first, the guards reacted violently on me, and now, after 10 years, accustomed. They know that I can hurt at two o'clock in the morning. I look like, I'll think about it, then I can continue to work. I do not interfere with anyone: three floors in the house, so there is a place for everyone. And most of the time we are with my husband in general together.

In Moscow, bustle. As soon as you find out that I am in the city, immediately begins to make a swing: everything needs everything immediately. I have been painted all day: I swamps, nervous due to traffic jams. But even more nervous because of the inability to do what I want - in the morning, still in pajamas, drink coffee and sit for work ... As a result, more than two weeks I can not stand in Moscow, I run away somewhere. But it is during the writing of the book. And when I do not work, I love Moscow very much! And no fuss is disturbing me.

In general, I can work anywhere, if only there was a table and chair.

- You are with my husband 40 years together. Share the secret of long, happy life?

- Universal recipes, I think no. With age you understand that you can build your life in different ways, the main thing is to live happily. Golden rule: who is happy, that's right. Good to you together? So, everything is correct. And you beat the plates or not - it does not matter. It is important not to take adequity in relation to each other. Yes, and to all people. Always remember: do not make another of what I would not want for myself. Do not talk too much. Do not be mean. Goodbye quickly. Better nourish, calm down and do not dumb.

For example, I can not get angry for more than two hours: no one and anything. For a couple of hours, I'm still puffing, but then the most ridiculous becomes: what is I sorry?! Well, did someone do something wrong, what now? He already did it. We must move on.

I have a calm, easy character, it helps me. But like all quiet people, brought to white cation, my anger immediately turns horror. He who saw it remembers long. But when the conversation is a business, I warn at the joke: "People, I'm ready to say everything I think." And immediately the degree of heat is reduced. (Laughs.) Gradually begin to joke, thoroughly think, and everything is settled.

With her husband Tatiana together for 40 years

With her husband Tatiana together for 40 years

Photo: Personal archive

I am not an amateur to arrange hysterics, express discontent: "Ah, the book is stuck, how could you?!" Well, did not have time. Who knew that we would close to quarantine. The trouble is common, let's think about how to go out of it. What is the point of nervous and nerve others? Calm, only calm, as Karlson said. We must take care of yourself and loved ones.

- I agree with you. Life passes too quickly to waste it messfully.

- Grandma tell me that up to 20 life goes slowly, until 30 begins to scatter, to 40 already runs, and after 50 goes a gallop. In your 60 I understand my grandmother: 10 years he wonted, as a month passed. It's incredible! We must take care of your years. To create something positive and in no case can not waste time on quarrels, especially with loved ones. They must be loved.

- Where does your son live today?

- Stlikely - in St. Petersburg. We are now all separated by a pandemic. His children with his wife at the cottage in Ladoga, he tries to come to the weekend. But we are very worried about it: Rodion works in the Investigation Department, they were not dissolved. We hope to survive all this thin time.

And I remember "Decameron". Here, please, we are in isolation. This is a great time for some interesting projects, stories and books. We will use what they give us!

- It doesn't seem to you that now something mysterious happens in the world?

- Yes, I have great suspicions about the pandemic. And as a detector I immediately invent the plot. This is a clever virus - three degrees of protection. And in a very good month began. And he went sharp. Remember Brexit, Yellow vests, Catalonia, Gong Cong? Everywhere Buz, everything is wrong. How suddenly one virus - and nothing is it. Again, suspiciously, everything began with the arrival of Americans to China. And what they scream is that this is a Chinese virus. On the thief hat burns?

If I were Frank Tille, I would now write such a cryptological detective: about the world world, which was all presented to us. But it is impossible to calculate it. I think no one expected such a scenario. But this is my detective mind, but what is really difficult to say. Just all this is very sad.

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