Nikita Tarasov: "I am not from those who will call all the secular journalists to your wedding"


For the star of the series "Kitchen", this summer was extremely saturated. Nikita represents a film in which he played Tsar Nicholas I, and therefore the actor can be seen at different festivals. Caught artist on the shores of the Azov Sea.

- You arrived at the resort, but at the same time imagine a film with our participation. How often do you manage to combine work and rest?

- Most often it happens. My father is a touring musician. Therefore, in our family in the blood to work where you can relax. And on the contrary: rest, where there is a job. The concept of "rest for the sake of rest" appeared only by last summer. My dream came true: I brought my parents to where I myself had been more than once, - in Provence, south of France. And I was pleased to spend a tour of the native places of Pastier Louis ... The next dream is to go all together in Venice. After all, this is the cradle of all creative people of the planet. It is there that the inspiration wakes up. It happened that the age of Christ, 33 years old, I met on the shooting platform in Venice. On the island of San Michele, from the grave of Joseph Brodsky. Last year, taking part in the Full-length film "Ikaria", we perfectly spent time in Malta. But again, the trip with the family to the sea is complicated by the fact that parents live near Jurmala. Wake up - and after fifteen minutes already on the coast. And there is also good. One solid happiness.

- Apparently, Moscow is for you - the city, where do you come only at work?

- In Moscow, I have been for almost twenty years. It is difficult to imagine that somewhere else in another city I could implement so much. In Moscow, I spend, of course, most of the time. If you present the structure of the human body, then Moscow for me is the brain, Petersburg - soul, Provence - stomach, Venice - eyes and ears, Riga - legs, just because there are my roots there. Hands are not yet found, I am in search. (Laughs.)

- I look at you - and I see that, despite the love of the sea rest, you are a very white-skinned man. Doctors do not prohibit sunbathing? ..

- Doctors do not forbid anything. I love to sunbathe, but it does not always work out due to work. I swear when you find yourself under the scorching sun, there is a rigorous voice of some director: "This is not small. Get away from the beach! " I am sure this happens to many actors. It will be strange if in one scene of the film, which was filmed to your trip to the sea, you will be light, and after a second of the screen, they suddenly drink a bronze tan. It is impossible to mount it. Therefore, we will not relax.

Nikita Tarasov:

The role of French-confectioner in the TV series "Kitchen" made Nikita Tarasova not only a popular actor, but also helped him learn how to cook

- Tell me what film projects are you working now?

- On the finish line - the filming of the film "Chernovik". The work is the picture "Ebigeyl". I also really hope that it will be possible to see the opportunity to see his viewer on the theater scene. It is in the theater that the response to your creativity get instantly. In the cinema, as a rule, in a year. (Laughs.) In general, the acting profession makes it possible to be in amazing places. Recently was lucky to shoot in the Big Gatchina Palace. The joy was that there is a fully restoration. You can see "to" and "after". Perhaps coming there tourist, I would not see everything. And when the palace is a location for filming the film, then why not walk and not to absorb the magic of the transformation of a pompous giant ... But the most unforgettable case, perhaps, was on the filming of the film "Day Representative". We were filmed in the Vorontsov Palace, at the foot of Ai-Petri. Once after the working day, the custodian of the museum invited us, actors, tea to their office. "Sit on this sofa," she said. What I answered her: "He is two hundred years old!" The caretaker insisted: "Sit down!" We sat down, and she said: "Well, just that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin sat on this sofa."

- Do not everyone know that at one time the music could be ...

- One of the main Baeks of our family: I was not and years from the family, my mother brought me to the legendary concert hall "Dzintari" to the concert of VIA "Eolika," which was played by my father. And I first saw him on stage. The musicians came out in stylish costumes in the pants of the glue, published the first sound ... And it made me a strong impression that, sorry, the little Nikita could not restrain. There was no diapers then, my mother had to take me. Already in six years I went out with my father on the scene. At the concert was an allchela. And it seemed to me that everyone was looking at me, so I really tried to play on my little guitar that parents bought me in the "Children's World." Since then, music is always with me nearby, but it's rather a hobby.

- And if free time is issued, how do you prefer to dispose?

- Recently, I have become infected by the facilities near Moscow. Serednikovo, Marfino, Abramtsevo, Arkhangelsk, in the end. They have some kind of special magic. In the night clubs no longer pulls. I am inspired by architecture. A miracle when there is a feeling of beautiful in the walls of bricks and boards. When the nose can be captured by the air of the past epochs. This is how to see a good movie.

- I can assume that after the "kitchen" you were fascinated by cooking ...

- The sin does not do this, because we endured the shoulder for five years on the set on the set with professional chefs. They taught us a lot. Today, in any kitchen restaurant in any city I feel at home. I know where the blanks, where the refrigerator, where the spices, where the warehouse ... I love to cook and eat seafood in any of their manifestation. I am still preparing salads, I can put meat meat. And a separate article is breakfast. Oatmeal not everyone perceives unequivocally. But if you add ice cream and cinnamon to it, then the usual dish will become attractive. I love cheesery with raisins! Or Omelet with red fish, avocado and cheese ... Breakfast for me is the most important thing. Because lunch in the cinema sometimes happens "current". That is - when it turns out.

Nikita Tarasov:

Despite the stereotype that they are not friends in the film business, after filming the film "Battle for Sevastopol" Nikita with pleasure communicates with Yulia Peresilde

- They say, in the film business it is difficult to start friendship. Do you communicate with someone from colleagues?

- Of course, I communicate. Where are these stereotypes? Who else will understand you better, how are not colleagues on the workshop? Work flows into friendship. And even better when a creative brainchild is born in friendship. It is difficult to find in the movie people who would not live with their own business. This is akin to healthy fanaticism. For example, in minutes of laziness, the image of Yuli Peresilde mentally comes to me. Like, "I'm doing everything, and you do not sit!". The fact is that, having received an invitation from Yulia to play in the play "Poohovary", I saw my own, which huge wear she responsibly carries on his shoulders. In addition to filming and performances in repertoire theaters, she has been engaged in charity for many years. This example is infectious!

- You are called enviable bachelor. What do you think it's for a long time?

- No, not long. For similar titles do not chase. All the will of God. In fact, I am introvert and sociopath. And this is not the most enviable trait of character.

"And yet I can't not ask a question: Does your heart?

- Busy. Very busy. Seriously tell you. Only here my personal space will remain personal. I am not from those people who will call all secular journalists on her wedding. I consider it an important quality not to protrude that part of life that does not concern public activity. But hiding - not hiding. Those who are worried about what I had a breakfast today, in which estate walked, - Milicia I ask my social accounts on the Internet. In personal life, harmony is important.

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