Medicine will save Russia?


Already two hours before the forum, near the machines, where everyone should have been tested for the blood sugar content and carry out other free preventive examinations, lined up a long queue.

"It's great that here you can examine without money and all sorts of records in the medapate," said one of the pensioners standing in line, Galina Petrovna. - And in general, near the playman, somehow much calmer and more pleasant than in the clinic. And it is necessary to be examined, my neighbor last time I learned that it has high sugar, which should urgently go to the endocrinologist.

According to the Rector of Moscow State University, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Viktor Sadovnichnich, is very important - preventive care for his own health, which should be accepted by the youth. It is necessary to form young people in terms of a healthy lifestyle - this will help people avoid many chronic diseases and improve the quality of life. And, of course, it is necessary to make an emphasis on the fight against drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco.

- According to official statistics, about 1% of Russians suffer from drug addiction, more than 2% - alcoholism. And these are only those who got into our field of view, that is, it is registered in medical institutions, which means that the real number of similar patients are many times more, "the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Narcologist, Director of the State University" Scientific and practical center of narcology "Evgeny Bryn. - About 10% of the somatic diseases that are treated in clinics and hospitals are associated with smoking, alcohol and drugs. Our recent studies suggest that 10-15% of high school students have the experience of drug consumption. These are terrible numbers. But, for example, in those universities and schools where preventive programs are working, the level of drug use is reduced 5-7 times.

And such a positive experience is now especially important, because according to Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nicholas Patrushev, our "country enters the most difficult period from the point of view of the demographic situation" and by 2025 the working-born Russians will be 10 million less.

Therefore, it was the demographic policy that became the main theme of this forum. And the President of the All-Russian Public Organization "League Health of Nation", director of the NCC sch. A. N. Bakuleva Ramne Leo Bocherya presented to the audible specialists VII supplemented publication of the Atlas "Health of Russia". It contains various indicators that describe in detail the health of Russians, as well as the state of health care in all regions of the country. As long as the data is processed only in 2009, but the trends are quite clear. Thus, the ratio of the natural growth of the population in our country remains negative (i.e. mortality exceeds fertility). But there was a positive trend: in 2005 it was equal to 5.9 per 100 thousand population, and in 2009 - 1.8. The incidence of chronic alcoholism in our country is gradually decreasing (95.1 people per 100 thousand population in 2005, 76.9 - in 2009) ... while the incidence of adults ischemic heart disease is constantly growing: in 2004, first applied to doctors There were a little more than 482 people per 100 thousand population, and in 2009 - more than 570. The number of patients with malignant neoplasms (1,685.7 per 100 thousand population in 2005, 1,897 - 2009) is growing.

Perhaps the forum has become the largest exhibition of the country, where the newest government and corporate programs related to medicine, as well as services and goods for a healthy lifestyle were presented. So, on the booth of the Samara region, a clinical center of cellular technologies was told. This is the first public bank of the Pupov Blood in our country. It takes place, storage and, of course, the study of stem cells of this blood. And the participants from Novosibirsk shared the experience of a successfully operating program "City Electronic Registry".

- Strengthening the physical and moral health of the nation, improving the demographic situation - our national priorities, "President Dmitry Medvedev welcomed the participants of the Forum. - It is necessary to more actively introduce advanced medical technologies, modern world experience in preparing and retraining doctors. I am convinced that the initiatives developed by the Forum will contribute to the achievement of these goals.

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